Report for the community 90

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #90 is a report for the community released in january 14th, 2024.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is about the addition of new airplanes.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings, dear comrades of the Soviet Republic and all fans of our game. We hope the holiday season brought you joy and relaxation with family and friends, and that you found time for your favourite games. For our team, it was a valuable period to rest and recharge as we make our final push towards the complete release of our game.

As the day of declaring our game "ready" draws near, our focus shifts from new features to refining gameplay and resolving any issues that arise. Our roadmap is now more about adding those final touches that enhance the overall experience.

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In this slightly delayed report, we're excited to introduce a few new airplanes compatible with field aerodromes. Our first addition is the L410, a testament to Czechoslovak engineering and a familiar sight throughout the Soviet Union.

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Then, we have the An14, a classic from the Soviet Union's own aviation heritage.

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And not to forget, the famous C172, a well-known western plane that needs little introduction.

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Looking ahead, we plan to add two or three more planes, including a large western aircraft. Once these are in place, our graphic designer will shift focus to other content.

Our recent changelog reflects the time spent addressing issues reported by players. Some problems were more complex than others, but there's still much to do. Additionally, we're working on the third campaign, designed for those who relish a challenge. This will be the most difficult yet, played exclusively on realistic difficulty.

This year marks five years since our game's early access release—a journey full of learning and growth, made possible by your unwavering support and feedback. Our goal is to reach the final release this year, an event we anticipate will be thrilling, especially for new players. Beyond that, we have plans for more exciting developments that many of you will surely appreciate.

Wishing everyone great success and good health in 2024. Until next time, stay safe, enjoy life, and have fun gaming.

Thank you for your support.

3Divison Team</poem>
