Report for the community 89

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #89 is a report for the community released in december 17th, 2023.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is about rework of models and announcement of the game trailer.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings, dear comrades of the Soviet Republic and fans of our game worldwide. As the year draws to a close, our thoughts turn to the festive holiday season. It's been a year full of development and progress, inching us ever closer to the final release of our game. We're not there yet, but the strides we've made are undeniable, and we're committed to pushing forward until everything is just right.

This report brings more updates on new variants and graphic enhancements to in-game buildings. First up is our new large train station, modelled after a real-life station in Košice, Slovakia. It features a five-rail layout and embodies the architectural style of the Soviet era—a fine addition to the existing structures in our game.

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Continuing with our model updates, we've given a fresh look to the food factory and distillery. Like our recent gravel processing revamp, these buildings now better represent the Soviet era's architectural style, moving away from their previously outdated appearances.

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We're also excited to introduce two medium-sized shopping centers to the game. These new additions, based on actual buildings in Košice, Slovakia, offer more variety and negate the need for modded structures. Shopping centers are a versatile component in our game, and we're pleased to enhance their range.

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An important aesthetic update we have made is tweaking the connections between distinct types of roads. We focused particularly on panel road connections, which needed some refinement. The attached image displays the improvements.

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Additionally, we are thrilled to present our new gameplay trailer, crafted by our friends at Hooded Horse. This video will also be featured on the game's Store Page, giving players a glimpse of the Soviet Republic experience.

As this is our last report of the year, we are gearing up for the full swing of the holiday season. It's a time for us to slow down a bit, spend time with friends and family, reflect on the past year, and gear up for the next.

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We hope you find joy and relaxation during this holiday period, whether it is spending time with loved ones or diving into your favourite games. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance.

Thank you for your support.

3Divison Team</poem>
