Report for the community 12

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #12 is a report for the community released in january 29th, 2021.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is about „Quality of life“ improvements.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings Comrades, we have prepared a new report for you. The development continues and we are focusing on more „Quality of life“ improvements. Until now you were not able to change the size of windows inside the game. Soon you will be able to scale their height.
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Another thing will be an option to mark vehicles or buildings as favourites. This may help you to navigate faster and it will be possible to do so for workshop buildings.

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Another cool thing will be able to select the workshop building, those you will select as favorites, you will able then select from classic menu clicking on the same building type. This function should be smart, and it should detect the building capabilities like road, railway connection etc and storage type (if needed) and display only relevant favorite buildings

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Then we are going to improve settings of time frame for stats. Currently you can use +/- only to set different dates, but there will be option to do it differently too.

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There were several fixes issued to public test branch. One dealt with citizens not always using the shortest pathway when there were several options for them to get to their destination. In case you have such a broken area, you need to build a piece of road or sidewalk to fix that. Then we fixed the issue with forklifts being sent to ship harbour while ship was not fully in the harbour. We also fixed the display of resource’s prices tab where no cents were displayed. Another issue which was fixed was with trains being sent to gas station without power or fuel and thus getting stuck there. The version should hit stable branch next week.

Of course, we are working on some new stuff too. Stay tuned and we will inform you about that in our future reports.

Thank You for Your Support

3Divison Team</poem>
