Report for the community 69

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #69 is a report for the community released in march 5th, 2023.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is the progress for the waste management update.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic. March is here and our glorious sowing machines have left their farms to do their job as it is each year. You do not need to be afraid of snow for at least half a year despite it is not the same in real life. But as it is in the game, even in real life things may happen according to schedule, and if certain period passes, then you can expect things to be done even without any special intervention despite ongoing efforts to resolve issues. Because of this we have calendars and we are so aware of the dates in them and often we are happy that certain period of time is over.

So as the time is going, our efforts are focused mainly on Waste management update, but we are working on other things beside them which will bring you extraordinary challenges and change the way how you play, especially when you will have to rely on your construction, technical and distribution offices to do their jobs. From recent things we were working on we have to mention, that we still needed to add couple of things to waste management. One of them was the visualization or animation of waste loading/unloading.

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But we were also working on GUI to allow you to see how the Container stands are filling up. You will also be able for some container stands, after doing some research, select container types for separation.

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And be aware that container stands can be overfilled and then you will have waste lying everywhere. This situation will cause a pollution in the area. You can see on the images the visualization of the default container, which every building has. You don't need to build container stands as every building will have own container, but in most cases it is useful to sacrifice some space and use container stands.

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Another thing we were focusing was the visualization of differences in waste composition. The waste can have up to 10 different components, so we want to show the player roughly what the main components of the waste may be to allow them to differentiate in between different compositions and help them decide what they want to do with that type of waste.

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On this screen for example you can see graphics representation of different ratio of mixed waste containing plastic waste and metal scrap.

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Also, we made some changes for graphics of road with sidewalk (now more realistic asphalt sidewalk) and we removed the white outlines for asphalted areas under buildings. White line was replaced by curb. We are also planning to add asphalt panel footpaths.

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That is some of the things we are working on, and we can also mention couple of things we are developing about which we will inform you about in upcoming reports. You may get much more in the next big update than you expected because we are working on couple of interesting features from which we want to mention: maintenance, building demolition, mods incorporation , research programs for universities and fertilizing for the fields.

We hope you are interested in these game features we are working on. They may become a major complication for some of you as they can bring you additional challenges and limitations. More about that in future. Until then enjoy life, have fun, stay tuned for the next report.

Thank You for Your Support

3Divison Team</poem>


  • The report for the community #69 was released on the Steam platform only following legal issues with 3Divison's website.[verification required]
