Report for the community 73

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #73 is a report for the community released in april 30th, 2023.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is about the changes in farming and explaining about fertiliser.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic, and all the fans of the game. As the seasonal cycle turns and our virtual lands teem with life, we toast to the astonishing progress in farming. In the real world and our game alike, the prosperity of our republics hinges on effective farming management. Bearing this in mind, we are thrilled to unveil revolutionary changes to the farming mechanics in our game. These enhancements will not only infuse greater realism but also ensure enjoyment for players of all levels, while maintaining the spirit of our uplifting Soviet-style game.

Revolution in Farming: Tractor Attachments The first visible change in our glorious farming revolution will be the addition of new tractor attachments. Tractors will no longer march into action empty-handed but will automatically equip the necessary attachments for their tasks, mirroring the tireless spirit of our Soviet workers.

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Nutrient Level and Field Fertility To bolster the farming experience, we have introduced a new "Nutrient Level" bar for each field, which directly influences fertility rates. Higher fertility means higher yields, making nutrient management an essential part of the game, as crucial as managing our republic's resources. In the farm window, players will find a new setting for minimal field fertility. Fertility will diminish each year when something grows in the field, and players may need to let fields rest to recover, just as our comrades rest to regain their strength. Fertility management will be a key aspect of efficient farming, reflecting our Soviet Republic's dedication to productivity.

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You can also see that there will be new storage added to farms for liquid and bio fertilizers. Here, comrades, is where we must tackle the issue that we and all players will face. Currently buildings that already exist in your republics cannot automatically receive the storage. You currently need to rebuild all farms to make them work with fertilizers. We are striving to find a solution for vanilla buildings, but then there are modded farms which also need to be updated. What we will try to do, is that when a building type will have the new storages, those will be automatically added while loading an older save. In that case when modders will update their buildings, players would receive those storages.

Another aspect that may affect mods is the introduction of tractor attachments. We are aware that there are some modded vehicles that already have deep plough attachments in their models. To ensure visual compatibility with the new update, these attachments will have to be adjusted by removing them from the existing models. We understand that this may require additional effort, but it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the game.

Liquid Fertilizer Now we want to introduce the two types of fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer, produced from chemicals in a specialized plant, can be transported by oil tank vehicles to farms in a true display of our republic's industrial prowess. Tractors will distribute it to fields during the growth process using a fertilizer attachment.

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By applying liquid fertilizer, players can raise the nutrient level and fertility of a field up to 200%, allowing for increased crop yields and contributing to the prosperity of our republics.

Bio Fertilizer Bio fertilizer will be available with waste management turned on. The waste can be stored and slowly transformed into bio fertilizer there, or players can use composting plants and chemicals to speed up the process, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable development.

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Bio fertilizer, or solid fertilizer, has an advantage over liquid fertilizer as it lasts longer in the soil. Tractors will distribute it to fields before sowing (or after harvesting) using a different type of equipment.

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By applying bio fertilizer, players can raise field fertility up to 170%. When combined with liquid fertilizer, this can result in up to 250% fertility, exemplifying the power of our Soviet Republic's advancements.

Maximizing Field Fertility This update will revolutionize in-game farming, enabling players to reap more crops from the same area. However, crop yields may fluctuate year to year, requiring careful planning and storage management, much like managing our republics during times of change.

Recent Rotem Hecht YouTube Copyright Claims Some YouTubers recently encountered copyright claims on their videos due to the game's soundtrack. Rest assured; this was merely a test. The author of the soundtrack, Rotem Hecht, is managing digital albums online and setting up copyright protection to prevent unauthorized use of the music in non-game-related content. The outcome was more strict than anticipated and now the issue should be resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience and recommend applying proper settings to clarify that videos are game-related. Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated, as it supports the hard work of our creators and ensures that the spirit of the game remains authentic.

As you can see, these updates are amassing into something far more significant than anticipated, and we are far from done, comrades. We acknowledge that adapting to these changes may be challenging, but we have unwavering faith in our comrades' abilities. After all, the ultimate objective is to have fun while playing this game, exploring our virtual Soviet Republics, and forging ahead in the spirit of progress.

Stay safe, and until next time, happy gaming!

Thank you for your support,

3Divison Team</poem>
