Report for the community 44

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #44 is a report for the community released in february 7th, 2022.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is about the new traffic control system.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic. You may already notice that last week we finally made another step on our journey towards finishing the game by releasing the Crime & Justice upgrade for all players. We hope you are doing well, and that the tweaks we made during past weeks, made the game more challenging, but still fun to play. And we are coming to you now with something many of you were dreaming about and we want to warn You that it will not be easy and simple, but these features will challenge you even more. We want to reveal to you that Matin a.k.a. Vyvo (member of our development team) took the challenge to create a brand-new traffic control system for roads and we are proud to say, he was successful.
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So, what should you imagine under traffic control system? You may know something about other city builders where you need to take care about how you direct your traffic in your cities. Now we are working on adding new difficulty setting called Traffic Simulation and it will offer two options. The current system will be called “Simple” and the new one will be called “Complex.” The setting will be optional because it will raise difficulty as it will be complex, and it will require months to tweak to 100% effectiveness on our side as part of development process, and also on yours while managing your traffic to perfection.

If the traffic simulation will be set to complex vehicles will use the Rule of Right Hand as default if there will not be any signs or traffic lights. Player will be able to set signs for main and side roads or add the Stop sign if necessary. We prepared a comfortable tool for this, which tries to set signs automatically and it works well in T shape crossings.

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The player will be able to set traffic lights for crossings and these will require power to function with Power difficulty setting enabled. These will not be only automatically generated traffic lights but there will be custom settings available where you will be able to set intervals for each direction and it will be possible to generate them also automatically. You will have options to set green light for one direction or also for opposite direction, but then oncoming vehicles will need to give way for those which go straight if they want to turn left. Additionally, you will be able to connect several crossings into one big single crossing and we did not forget about crossing of one-way roads.

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And of course, this is not all. With this are going to introduce other traffic management signs too. For example, you will have signs limiting the minimum and maximum speed, signs restricting cargo traffic, pedestrians or overtaking other vehicles. We want to mention a special sign restricting entry of cargo vehicles which is called “Supply allowed.” This will offer you a tool to redirect heavy cargo traffic but allow trucks supplying food, clothes etc. to enter the town. The way how it works is that only vehicles which have a destination in area behind the sign can enter but other cargo trucks will use other ways without this restriction.

We want to emphasize that for you to implement traffic control well will require quite a bit of observation and experimentation. It will be a whole new level of difficulty if you decide to use this new feature and it will allow more realistic traffic with these new tools. It will also allow you avoid traffic jams in key areas to lower bus delays and shorten the time your emergency vehicles get to their destinations by carefully planning your traffic. Just imagine what this game will be about when we successfully implement these new features with all the features from our Road map. It will be one of the most complex and challenging games we have ever seen, and it would not be possible without you, your feedback, and your suggestions. As the winter is coming to its end, we want to wish you good health, lot of enjoyment in life and fun while playing. Stay safe and tuned for the next report.

Thank You for Your Support

3Divison Team</poem>
