Report for the community 23

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #23 is a report for the community released in april 16th, 2021.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is about fixes, Steam reviews up to 97% and release video creation.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic. You can hear news about markets making all-time highs these days quite often as greed and hunger for power drives them in our capitalistic world higher and higher. But we are proud of something else, and that is our own all-time high with Steam reviews. We received 97% of positive reviews there and that is overwhelmingly positive. We want to thank to all of You comrades, because You are part of our success and without You, Your support, and Your feedback, we would not be able to get here. But there is lot of work ahead of us until we finish this game and exit the early access stage. And we have some good news for you in regards of the release of upcoming update for public testing. If everything goes well, we will be able to release that next week and all of You, who are willing to take the risk and participate in testing will have access to that on Steam if You have the game.

We are making good progress in fixing issues our internal testers found. We successfully fixed the issue we had with fuelling of vehicles at farms, quarries, and woodcutting posts. We removed some unnecessary notifications about electricity from distribution offices, farms etc. We also adjusted the time for notifications about electricity to avoid too much spam for short blackouts. In upcoming update, vehicles will be able to pass by a vehicle without fuel. We also fixed the issue with trees placeable into fields. Then we adjusted the requirement for TV and Radio broadcasting. Now, it will be at least 30% overall rating and more than 70% culture preference required to force people to stay at home instead of visiting a cinema or a theatre. And we fixed one crash issue, when the cable way station burned down

We are now working on FPS camera for tunnels. There are some tweaks required for that to work properly. Then we added wet effect for roads, buildings, and terrain while it is raining. Peter also finished works on the video for the upcoming update. It usually take day or two for him because he needs to build up a map where he uses all the new features and then catches some breath-taking footage. Just as curiosity - the regular trailer (such as announcement or EA release) can take week or two to make because he really wants it to look great and he is very strict when come to quality of shoots. So you can see it is not only about coding, there is other work to do in managing stuff regarding the game or the studio which requires our attention and worktime.

We hope everything goes well and there will be no problems which could delay the release of the update.

Thank You for Your Support

3Divison Team</poem>
