Report for the community 20

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

Report for the community #20 is a report for the community released in march 26th, 2021.[1][2]


The report informs about the development of the game. It's main focus is about changes and new additions.


<poem class="va-transcript-text" style="">Greetings Comrades of the Soviet Republic, we passed through another week and now we can report you more good news regarding our favorite game. Lot of progress was made in past weeks and we are almost ready to make the latest version available for internal testers. If everything goes well, they will be able to start their testing during this weekend, but even if it will be delayed, next week we will have more people testing new features.

Changes We made some adjustments for GUI to allow you copying links more comfortably. Then we implemented one useful and broadly desired change for mines. Until now you were not able to see how high quality the source of mine is before you built it. In new version the quality of source will be displayed before you place your blueprint, allowing you to make the perfect placement. This should help color blind people too. We are also making line spacing available for your lines. You will not need to turn on C+H+E menu to make it available anymore but you will be able to manage that for your lines separately.

Another massive change which will be implemented is connected to fuel distribution. We are adding fuel storages to Construction Offices, Distribution Offices, Technical Services, Gravel Quarries, Agro-farms, Hospitals and Fire Stations. On one hand, it may make your life a bit more complicated regarding the number of facilities you will have to supply with fuel, but on the other hand all the equipment stored in those facilities will be able to be refueled without the need to leave their home, but if in the vehicle's workplace fuel will be not available vehicles will go to refuel on regular gas station. Additionally, you will be able to restrict delivery of mechanisms from Construction Offices to Construction sites to transportation using trucks.

New Additions From new things we want to mention addition of a new helicopter for construction purposes, new bulldozer, new heavy flatbed truck and a bunch of Yugoslavian vehicles. Then we have a new Fuel Power plant for you. It has a bit lower output than the coal power plant but for beginning it will use oil as its fuel to produce electricity. Our plan is to add natural gas later and that will be the main fuel then. The initial idea is to have natural gas as a side product from oil rigs in future. We will see how that will be realized in the future, as it will affect heating too and there is a need for additional content to be created.

Thank You for Your Support

3Divison Team</poem>
