List of Buildings

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 22:28, 28 November 2023 by Aeredor (talk | contribs) (→‎Industry Buildings: setting section icon size)

This is a list of all Buildings in the game. See the main article on Buildings for strategies and descriptions of how to use them in the game.

Starting Buildings

Every settlement starts with an Ancient Hearth and Main Warehouse.

Buildings every settlement starts with
Building Purpose Number of Workers Specialization
Small Hearth icon.png Ancient Hearth Heats nearby Housing. Villagers gather here to Rest, eat, and receive Clothing. 1 Icon Spec Fire 64x64.png Warmth
Main Storage icon.png Main Warehouse Stores Resources. Workers deliver and take goods from the Warehouse nearest to them. none none



Camps are starting points for your settlement to go out into the wild to gather Resources from the map in a small area around them. Selecting a Camp from the construction menu will highlight their range and show icons for the resource deposits or trees from which the Camp can gather. All Camps can be moved for free.

Building Place near this Primary resource gathered Workplaces Specialization Prestige 5 and Lower Cost to build Prestige 6+
Forager's Camp icon.png Foragers' Camp DebugNode SwampWheatBig icon.png Swamp Wheat Field (LARGE and SMALL)
DebugNode RootsBig icon.png Root Deposit (LARGE and SMALL)
DebugNode MossBroccoliBig icon.png Moss Broccoli Patch (LARGE and SMALL)
Grain.png Wheat
Roots.png Roots
Vegetables.png Vegetables
2 Icon Spec Farm 64x64.png Farming Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
Wood.png 15 Wood
Parts.png 5 Parts
Small Foragers' Camp icon.png Small Foragers' Camp DebugNode SwampWheatSmall icon.png Swamp Wheat Field (SMALL)
DebugNode RootsSmall icon.png Root Deposit (SMALL)
DebugNode MossBroccoliSmall icon.png Moss Broccoli Patch (SMALL)
Harvester Camp icon.png Harvesters' Camp DebugNode FlaxBig icon.png Flax Field (LARGE)
DebugNode FlaxSmall icon.png Flax Field (SMALL)
PlantFiber.png Plant Fiber
Reeds.png Reed
2 none Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
Wood.png 15 Wood
Parts.png 5 Parts
Herbalist's Camp icon.png Herbalists' Camp DebugNode HerbsBig icon.png Herbs Patch (LARGE)
DebugNode DewberryBushBig icon.png DewBerry Patch (LARGE)
DebugNode MushroomBig icon.png Mushroom Patch (LARGE)
Berries.png Berries
Herbs.png Herbs
Mushrooms.png Mushrooms
2 Icon Spec Alchemy 64x64.png Alchemy Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
Wood.png 15 Wood
Parts.png 5 Parts
Herbalist's Camp icon.png Herbalists' Camp DebugNode HerbsSmall icon.png Herbs Patch (SMALL)
32px DewBerry Patch (SMALL)
DebugNode MushroomSmall icon.png Mushroom Patch (SMALL)
Berries.png Berries
Herbs.png Herbs
Mushrooms.png Mushrooms
Stonecutter's Camp icon.png Stonecutters' Camp DebugNode ClaySmall icon.png Clay Deposit
DebugNode SeaMarrowSmall icon.png Sea Marrow Deposit
DebugNode StoneSmall icon.png Stone Deposit
Clay.png Clay
SeaMarrow.png Sea Marrow
Stone.png Stone
2 none Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
Wood.png 15 Wood
Parts.png 5 Parts
Woodcutters Camp icon.png Woodcutters' Camp Abyssal Trees.png Abyssal Trees
Coppervein Tree.png Coppervein Trees
Crimsonreach Tree.png Crimsonreach Trees
Dying Tree.png Dying Trees
Lush Trees.png Lush Trees
Mushwood Tree.png Mushwood Trees
Musselsprout Tree.png Musselsprout Trees
Giant Abyssal Tree.png Overgrown Abyssal Trees
Plateleaf Tree.png Plateleaf Trees
Wood.png Wood 3 Icon Spec Wood 64x64.png Wood Parts.png 2 Parts Parts.png 3 Parts
Trapper's Camp icon.png Trappers' Camp DebugNode SnakeNestSmall icon.png Snake Nest
DebugNode StormbirdNestSmall icon.png Stormbird Nest
DebugNode SnailBroodmotherSmall icon.png Slickshell Broodmother
Eggs.png Eggs
Meat.png Meat
2 Icon Spec Meat 64x64.png Meat Production Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
Wood.png 15 Wood
Parts.png 5 Parts

Food Production

Food Production

Food production Buildings include Farms and Buildings whose primary purpose is Recipes for food. Many of these buildings also produce non-food items from farming or include non-food Recipes. This may give you more options or less in choosing your Blueprints, depending on how strict your needs are.

Farms, food production buildings, and their products
Building Products Workplaces Specialization Cost to build
Farmfield icon.png Farm Field Converts FertileSoil.png Fertile Soil to farmable tiles none none none
Forester's Hut Forester's Hut From nearby Farm Fields:
4Planks Planks
Greenhouse Greenhouse From Farm Fields underneath the building:
2Bricks Bricks
2Fabric Fabric
Herb Garden Herb Garden From nearby Farm Fields:
2 Farming Specialization Farming
2Planks Planks
Hallowed Herb Garden Hallowed Herb Garden From nearby Farm Fields:
2 Farming Specialization Farming Found in Forbidden Glades
Homestead Homestead From nearby Farm Fields:
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
2Fabric Fabric
Plantation Plantation From nearby Farm Fields:
2 Farming Specialization Farming
2Planks Planks
Small Farm Small Farm From nearby Farm Fields:
2 Farming Specialization Farming
2Planks Planks
Hallowed Small Farm Hallowed Small Farm From nearby Farm Fields:
2 Farming Specialization Farming Found in Forbidden Glades
Bakery Bakery 2 Warmth Specialization Warmth
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Beanery Beanery 3
8Planks Planks
4Bricks Bricks
Brick Oven Brick Oven 3 Warmth Specialization Warmth
5Bricks Bricks
Butcher Butcher 3 Meat production Specialization Meat production
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Cellar Cellar 2 Brewing Specialization Brewing
2Bricks Bricks
2Fabric Fabric
Flawless Cellar Flawless Cellar 2 Brewing Specialization Brewing Found in Forbidden Glades
Cookhouse Cookhouse 4 Warmth Specialization Warmth
8Planks Planks
4Bricks Bricks
Field Kitchen Field Kitchen 2 none
2Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Granary Granary 3
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Grill Grill 3
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Ranch Ranch 2 Meat production Specialization Meat production
5Planks Planks
Smokehouse Smokehouse 3 Warmth Specialization Warmth
Meat production Specialization Meat production
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric


Housing Buildings must be constructed within range of a Hearth to work. These Buildings satisfy Villagers' need for Shelter, and some also satisfy their need for their Species-specific Housing. All housing Buildings take 40 seconds to be constructed.

Housing buildings and their benefits
Building Number of places
(before any Perks)
Need Satisfied Specific Species Cost to Build
Shelter icon.png Shelter 3 Sheltered none Wood.png 10 Wood
Big Shelter icon.png Big Shelter 6 Sheltered none Planks.png 4 Planks
Human House icon.png Human House 2 Human Housing Human circle.png Humans Planks.png 4 Planks
Bricks.png 2 Bricks
Beaver House icon.png Beaver House 2 Beaver Housing Beaver circle.png Beavers Planks.png 8 Planks
Lizard House icon.png Lizard House 2 Lizard Housing Lizard circle.png Lizards Fabric.png 2 Fabric
Bricks.png 2 Bricks
Harpy House icon.png Harpy House 2 Harpy Housing Harpy circle.png Harpies Fabric.png 4 Fabric

Industry Buildings


Industry Buildings produce intermediate crafting and building Resources, trade goods, and the finished goods used for Services and other effects. Most of these buildings require you to unlock their Blueprints before you can place them. The four that you start with are listed first in the table.

Industry buildings and their products
Building Products Workplaces Specialization Cost to build
Crude Workstation Crude Workstation 2 none 5 Wood Wood
Makeshift Post Makeshift Post 2 none 5 Wood Wood
Rain Collector icon.png Rain Collector Sparkdew.png Sparkdew (★) 2 Icon Spec Gear 64x64.png Engineering
Icon Spec Alchemy 64x64.png Alchemy
Planks.png 2 Planks
Parts.png 1 Parts
Mine icon.png Mine CopperOre.png Copper Ore (★)
Coal.png Coal
4 Icon Spec Gear 64x64.png Engineering Planks.png 2 Planks
Bricks.png 4 Bricks
Parts.png 2 Parts
Alchemist's Hut Alchemist's Hut 2
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Apothecary Apothecary 2
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Artisan Artisan 3 No specialization found with that name: Cloth.
8Planks Planks
4Fabric Fabric
Brewery Brewery 2 Brewing Specialization Brewing
2Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
2Fabric Fabric
Flawless Brewery Flawless Brewery 2 Brewing Specialization Brewing Found in Forbidden Glades
Brickyard Brickyard 2 none
8Planks Planks
Carpenter Carpenter 3 No specialization found with that name: Wood.
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Clothier Clothier 2 No specialization found with that name: Cloth.
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Cooperage Cooperage 2 No specialization found with that name: Wood.
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Flawless Cooperage Flawless Cooperage 2 No specialization found with that name: Wood. Found in Forbidden Glades
Distillery Distillery 2
2Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
2Fabric Fabric
Druid's Hut Druid's Hut 3 Alchemy Specialization Alchemy
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Flawless Druid's Hut Flawless Druid's Hut 3 Alchemy Specialization Alchemy Found in Forbidden Glades
Finesmith Finesmith 3 Found in Forbidden Glades
Furnace Furnace 3 Warmth Specialization Warmth
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Kiln Kiln 3 Warmth Specialization Warmth
4Fabric Fabric
Leatherworker Leatherworker 2 No specialization found with that name: Cloth.
Meat production Specialization Meat production
2Bricks Bricks
2Fabric Fabric
Flawless Leatherworker Flawless Leatherworker 2 No specialization found with that name: Cloth.
Meat production Specialization Meat production
Found in Forbidden Glades
Lumber Mill Lumber Mill 2 No specialization found with that name: Wood.
2Bricks Bricks
2Fabric Fabric
Manufactory Manufactory 3
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Press Press 3 Engineering Specialization Engineering
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Provisioner Provisioner 2 none
8Planks Planks
4Fabric Fabric
Rain Mill Rain Mill 3 Engineering Specialization Engineering
Farming Specialization Farming
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Flawless Rain Mill Flawless Rain Mill 3 Engineering Specialization Engineering
Farming Specialization Farming
Found in Forbidden Glades
Rainpunk Foundry Rainpunk Foundry 3 Found in Forbidden Glades
Scribe Scribe 3 Brewing Specialization Brewing
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Smelter Smelter 3 Warmth Specialization Warmth
4Bricks Bricks
Flawless Smelter Flawless Smelter 3 Warmth Specialization Warmth Found in Forbidden Glades
Smithy Smithy 2
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Stamping Mill Stamping Mill 2
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Supplier Supplier 2
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Teahouse Teahouse 2
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Tinctury Tinctury 2
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Tinkerer Tinkerer 3
5Planks Planks
2Bricks Bricks
Toolshop Toolshop 2
5Planks Planks
2Fabric Fabric
Weaver Weaver 2 No specialization found with that name: Cloth.
8Planks Planks
Workshop Workshop 2 none
4Planks Planks
4Bricks Bricks
4Fabric Fabric

City Buildings

City Buildings

City Buildings include buildings that provide Services and passive effects and the buildings that everyone starts out being able to access that provide essential settlement functions of Hearths, Storage, and Trade. Services Buildings can be quite expensive to build, costing upwards of several dozen building materials. The Blight Post and Forsaken Altar become available at different Difficulty levels: Veteran and Prestige 1, respectively.

City Buildings and their purposes
Building Number of Workers Purpose, service, or effects Cost to build
Temporary Hearth icon.png Small Hearth 1 Hearths expand settlements, and Villagers go there to rest.
Icon Spec Fire 64x64.png Warmth Specialization bonus.
Planks.png 5 Planks
Bricks.png 5 Bricks
Wildfire Essence.png 1 Wildfire Essence
Storage icon.png Warehouse none Workers deliver and take goods from the nearest Warehouse Bricks.png 2 Bricks
Fabric.png 2 Fabric
Parts.png 1 Parts
Trading Post icon.png Trading Post none Purchase Resources and Perks from Traders. Enables Trade Routes. Wood.png 10 Wood
Blight Post icon.png Blight Post 3 PurgingFire.png Purging Fire
Sends out Workers to destroy Blight Cysts.
Icon Spec Alchemy 64x64.png Alchemy and Icon Spec Fire 64x64.png Warmth Specialization bonuses.
Planks.png 4 Planks
Bricks.png 3 Bricks
Parts.png 2 Parts
Hydrant icon.png Hydrant none Lets Workers from the Blight Post access Purging Fire without going all the way back to the Blight Post. Bricks.png 1 Bricks
Planks.png 3 Planks
Altar icon.png Forsaken Altar none During the Storm, spend Citadel Resources or Villagers' lives for powerful Perks. Wood.png 40 Wood
Bricks.png 8 Bricks

Services Buildings

Services Buildings and their effects
Building Workplaces Purpose, service, or effects Cost to build
Bath House Bath House 3
10Planks Planks
8Bricks Bricks
8Fabric Fabric
Clan Hall Clan Hall 3
20Planks Planks
8Bricks Bricks
4Fabric Fabric
Explorers' Lodge Explorers' Lodge 3
20Planks Planks
4Bricks Bricks
8Fabric Fabric
Forum Forum 3
16Bricks Bricks
4Fabric Fabric
Guild House Guild House 3
40Planks Planks
4Fabric Fabric
Market Market 2
20Planks Planks
12Fabric Fabric
Holy Market Holy Market 2 Found in Forbidden Glades
Monastery Monastery 3
20Bricks Bricks
Tavern Tavern 3
20Planks Planks
4Bricks Bricks
8Fabric Fabric
Tea Doctor Tea Doctor 3
10Planks Planks
8Bricks Bricks
8Fabric Fabric
Temple Temple 3
10Planks Planks
8Bricks Bricks
8Fabric Fabric
Holy Temple Holy Temple 3 Found in Forbidden Glades