
From Against the Storm Official Wiki

This article was last updated during version 1.4.15. The game is now in 1.6.2. Some information may be out of date. Help us keep the wiki up to date by comparing this article against the patch notes and updating it.


Consumable Items (Service Goods)

"Sturdy and waterproof. Used as clothing by: Lizards, Harpies, Foxes, Frogs. Grants a movement speed bonus to villagers wearing them. Produced in: Cobbler, Leatherworker, Toolshop, Weaver"

Icon Resource Boots 1.png

Needed by: Frog Lizard Fox Harpy



0.07AmberValue when sold
0.04AmberValue after P10
0.12AmberTraders' price

ID = `[Needs] Boots`


Boots Boots are a consumable resource used to satisfy the Boots Need for Foxes Foxes, Frogs Frogs, Harpies Harpies, and Lizards Lizards. Like all other consumables, Boots are consumed when a villager goes to the nearest Hearth for a break. When satisfied, Boots Need grants 5 Resolve and 15% movement speed.

Boots Boots' ★ and ★★ Recipes have the longest production cycle in the game at base 168 seconds.

Production Chain

Recipes for Boots

1 recipes for Boots.
Building Grade Ingredient Product
Weaver Weaver
Toolshop Toolshop
Leatherworker Leatherworker
Cobbler Cobbler
Flawless Leatherworker Flawless Leatherworker

5 Leather Leather
5 Scales Scales
10 Boots

Recipes with Boots as an Ingredient

0 recipes using Boots.
No recipes.

Perks and Cornerstones

1 Perk named 'Boots' and mentioning 'Boots'
Name Rarity Description Sources Price
Alt Cor Ord Rel Tra
Shoe Mold Shoe Mold Uncommon +2 to Boots Boots production. Gain an additional Boots Boots every yield (from gathering, farming, fishing, or production). x x Ord x Tra 14.4
