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This article was last updated during version 1.3.4. The game is now in 1.6.2. Some information may be out of date. Help us keep the wiki up to date by comparing this article against the patch notes and updating it.


Food (Complex Food)

"A savory delicacy. Liked by: Humans, Lizards, Frogs. Villagers with a satisfied need for pie have an increased chance of producing double yields. Produced in: Bakery, Pantry, Furnace, Smelter"

Icon Resource Pie.png

Needed by: Frog Lizard Human



0.18AmberValue when sold
0.09AmberValue after P10
0.35AmberTraders' price

ID = `[Food Processed] Pie`


Pie is a Complex Food preferred by Humans Humans, Lizards Lizards, and Frogs Frogs. Each of your Villagers of these Species that fulfills their need for Pie receives a +5 bonus to their Resolve.

Production Chain

Recipes for Pie

1 recipes for Pie.
Building Grade Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Product
Flawless Smelter Flawless Smelter
Smelter Smelter
Pantry Pantry
Furnace Furnace
Bakery Bakery

6 Flour Flour
3 Herbs Herbs
3 Meat Meat
3 Insects Insects
3 Berries Berries
3 Fish Fish
10 Pie

Recipes with Pie as an Ingredient

0 recipes using Pie.
No recipes.

Perks and Cornerstones

7 Perks with selected IDs and named 'Pie' and mentioning 'Pie'
Name Rarity Description Sources Price
Alt Cor Ord Rel Tra
Bigger Ovens Bigger Ovens Uncommon +2 to Pie Pie production. Gain an additional Pie Pie every yield (from gathering, farming, fishing, or production). x x Ord x x 0
Bigger Ovens Bigger Ovens Rare +3 to Pie Pie production. Gain an additional Pie Pie every yield (from gathering, farming, fishing, or production). x x x x Tra 24
Bigger Ovens Bigger Ovens Epic +5 to Pie Pie production. Gain an additional Pie Pie every yield (from gathering, farming, fishing, or production). x x Ord x x 0
Bread Peels Bread Peels Epic Bakery production is 50% quicker. x Cor x x x 0
Reinforced Stoves Reinforced Stoves Epic +50% to amount of goods produced in the Bakery. x x Ord x x 0
Sahilda's Secret Cookbook Sahilda's Secret Cookbook Epic Top 10 tips on how to cook more efficiently - by Sahilda. Gain 10 Jerky Jerky for every 10 Pie Pie produced. x Cor x Rel Tra 26
Unique Ally Unique Ally Rare An exceptionally strong bond has developed between the Harpies and the Stormbird. They look very pleased to be in its presence. (+3 to Harpies Resolve) x x x x x 0


For reference, this is the standard Recipe for Flour in a 3-star (★★★) production Building, like the Rain Mill.

1 recipes for Flour in the Rain Mill.
Building Grade Ingredient Product
Rain Mill

5 Grain Grain
5 Mushrooms Mushrooms
5 Roots Roots
5 Algae Algae
10 Flour

Pie is a typical reward from Orders, including Lost Knowledge which rewards 40 Biscuits, 40 Jerky, 40 Pie, and 1.0 Reputation. Also, there are Orders that require Pie. One Order requires Pie to be delivered from the settlement's inventory. Another Order requires that a certain number of Villagers be satisfied by their need for Pie for 30 seconds. If you don't want the Order to take your Pie, be sure you carefully read the text and tooltip before selecting the Order.

Pie can be acquired from a Trader. They have a value of 0.25 Amber Amber, therefore a stack of 40 is worth 10.0 Amber to the Trader.

Because the recipe for Pie contains Flour, it will generally not be the first Complex Food available to your settlement.