Purging Fire

From Against the Storm Official Wiki

Purging Fire

A unique resource used by Blight Fighters to burn down Blightrot Cysts. Produced by: Blight Post.

Icon Resource PurgingFire.png
PurposeCombatting Blightrot and Corruption
CategoryFuel & Exploration Fuel & Exploration
Burn time0
Sell value0.31 Amber
Buy price0.52 Amber
ID'Blight Fuel'


Production Chain

Recipes for Purging Fire

No recipes found for product: Purging Fire.

Recipes with Purging Fire as an Ingredient

No recipes found for ingredient: Purging Fire.

Perks and Cornerstones

2 Perks with ID 'Coal for Cysts' and named 'Purging Fire' and mentioning 'Purging Fire'
Name Rarity Description Sources Price
Alt Cor Ord Rel Tra
Burnt to a Crisp Burnt to a Crisp Legendary Gain 20 Coal Coal for every 3 burned Blightrot Cysts. x Cor x Rel x 0
Fuel Mix Fuel Mix Rare +1 to Purging Fire Purging Fire production. Gain additional Purging Fire Purging Fire every yield (from gathering, farming, or production). x x Ord Rel x 0
