Quarried stone

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Quarried stone is a raw material usable in the processing of gravel and to exportation in Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic.


Quarried stones are a aggregation of mined rock fragments. In it's original form it has very little utility, needing to be processed at to become more useful materials such as gravel or bricks. Stones can be found in many shapes, forms and compositions all around the world, it has been employed for a multitude of projects since the stone age.


Quarried stone is a very basic product that can only be used to produce gravel. It can be imported from a customs house or be auto-purchased, exporting quarried stone is not very profitable due to it's low trading value - lower than gravel - and structural choke points, as gravel produced needs to be first transported by dumper trucks and cannot be directly moved by conveyor belts.


Main article: Gravel quarry

Quarried stones is produced at a Gravel Quarry eighter by workers or by machinery - removing the necessity for workers. It can have a maximum daily production of 140t per quarry[1].


Quarried stone can be stored in both small and medium open storage buildings.


They can be transported by using dumper trucks or by trains using hopper cargo wagons.


It can only be sold or transformed in to gravel at a gravel processing plant.


  1. The maximum production per worker is 3.5t per worker. The gravel gravel quarry can have a maximum of 40 workers per day. This leaves the equasion in: 3.5t max per worker x 40 max workers = 140t per day