Cement plant

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki


A Cement factory, also known as a Cement plant or manufacturing plant, is an industrial facility that produces Cement, a key ingredient in concrete production. Typically, these factories are large-scale operations that utilize various processes including crushing, grinding, heating, and mixing raw materials such as limestone, clay, shale, iron ore, and sand to produce clinker, the intermediate product used to make Cement. Cement factories play a crucial role in construction and infrastructure development, supplying the essential binding agent for buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures worldwide.


In Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic cement is produced in an Cement plant from gravel and coal. The player needs to take care of providing gravel and coal to the Cement plant. The produced cement can be used in a concrete plant for creating concrete.


Cement resource flow chart

The cement plant can have a maximum daily production of 81t of cement per workday, while the larger cement plant can have a maximum daily production of 108t of cement per workday.


Cement can be stored in dry-bulk storages.


Cement must be transported by using dry-bulk tank trucks, train cement tanks and via conveyor belts.


Main article: Cement

Cement is a intermediate resource for concrete.


Cement plant
Workdays 5479 Workdays
Concrete 738t Concrete
Gravel 69t Gravel
Asphalt 55t Asphalt
Steel 248t Steel
Workdays 1048 Workdays
Gravel 69t Gravel
Asphalt 55t Asphalt
Mechanisms: Excavators
(max. 5)
Needs workers No
(max. 547)
Large cement plant
Workdays 9054 Workdays
Concrete 1137t Concrete
Gravel 262t Gravel
Asphalt 209t Asphalt
Steel 233t Steel
Workdays 3933 Workdays
Concrete 340t Concrete
Gravel 262t Gravel
Asphalt 209t Asphalt
Mechanisms: Excavators
(max. 8)
Needs workers No
(max. 905)