Game settings

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Workers and Resources saves can be customized in many different ways by the player. When the player creates a new game, a game settings window is displayed. In this window the player can create a game with various features turned on or off. There are also preset difficulty settings to choose from.

Game settings for version 0.8.9. Screenshot shows settings for a medium overall difficulty.

Overall difficulty

Presets for difficulties with the values: very easy, easy, medium, hard, realistic, and custom. Selecting a preset will enable or disable corresponding options.


The amount of citizens living in the player's republic. Only applicable for maps where housing is added to the map.

Money amount

The amount of Rubles/Dollars to start a new game with. The options are:

  • Unlimited - unlimited / unlimited
  • Easy - ₽10.000.000 / $2.000.000
  • Medium - ₽4.700.000 / $1.600.000
  • Hard - ₽1.400.000 / $700.000

Realistic mode

Realistic mode[1] can be set to disabled or enabled. When the realistic mode is enabled, it's impossible for the player to instantly construct buildings. The buildings must be built manually or better known as construction with resources. Also the player is not able to purchase resources in the buildings. The resources must be imported and transported to the building from a customs house or produced in the republic and transported to the building.


  • In the first month, when starting a new game, the player is able to terraform with help of the right-mouse button and pay in dollars. By this the player is able to place the first construction office on the map with high differences in height and the player needed to do terraforming first.
  • The first rail tracklayer in the republic is a disassembled rail tracklayer, which can be transported by road to the Rail construction office by truck. The player can find this first rail tracklayer at the customs house in the category 'Disassembled'. As soon as the rail track is established between rail construction office and customs house, the player can purchase other rail tracklayers which are much more powerful and weigh much heavier than the disassembled ones. Trucks can only transport a limited weight of cargo, making it possible to transport this disassembled rail tracklayer.

Unsatisfied citizens reaction

The way citizens react to things happening in the republic, managed by the player. There are three levels of citizens reaction: Small (Easy), Reasonable (Medium), Great (Hard).

Energy management

When this setting is enabled the player has to take care of providing electricity to buildings and/or have to provide fuel to vehicles.

Water management

When enabled the player has to provide water and take care of wastewater. There is a difference between drinking water and the water retrieved from the surface or from a well, the player has to treat that water for it to become drinking water.

Waste management

This option[2] has three settings.

  • Disabled
  • Waste
  • Waste + Demolition


When this setting[2] is enabled the player has to take care of maintenance to buildings and vehicles.


Playing with Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn means that the player can only harvest crops once a year and will have to provide heating in winter. During winter it is usually snowing; so road vehicles can't drive as fast as in summer. When disabling this setting crops will grow all year round, citizens can do outdoor sports all year round and drive the roads as fast as they can the whole year.

Building fires

This setting is all about how often fires happen in the player's republic, so the player needs fire stations to put out the fires. Three settings: None, Normal, Frequent.

Global events

Global events can affect the player's budget. Prices for resources may rise or drop temporarily or can have impact on health due to infections spreading among workers which may put the player's population in danger if the need for healthcare is underestimated.


This setting enables Pollution and Radiation. Both Pollution and Radiation affect the health of the workers, and both can linger in the affected area. Radiation lingers for much longer than pollution and has much more drastic health effects on the population. The player should take care of healthcare.

Education simulation

With the Simple education simulation setting the player doesn't have to worry about the education of the children in the republic, it's automated and workers can go to work. With the Complex setting the player has to take care about Kindergartens and Schools; if there are no Kindergartens, or there are no available spaces at the Kindergarten, the worker can't go to their job at work.

Crime and Justice

With this setting enabled the citizens in the republic can become criminals or be influenced by criminals. The player's police force has to investigate crime and maybe charge the citizen and put him to trial at court to send him off to prison.

Traffic Simulation

The player can leave the traffic simulation automated with the Simple setting and the game will handle crossings and junctions. If the player wants more control over crossings and junctions with 'Priority to the right' or traffic lights then select Complex.


Options enabled or disabled. When disabled all technologies are available for the player to use. If enabled the player has to research technologies in the university before they can use the researched technology in the republic.

Night/Day cycle

This setting has 3 options: Always day, Static sun and Moving sun and is all about the sun, shade and weather and what the player sees on screen. This setting also impacts game play because when it's night, the player can't use solar energy and at night citizens turn on their lights in their homes. When it's raining vehicles drive slower on certain roads etc. With the Always day setting there is no night and there are no rain showers. With the other two settings it will become night and there is a chance of rain showers.

Year of start

Set the starting year of the republic. Select between: 1960, 1970 or 1980.

Vehicles availability

The player can start a game with all vehicles available straight from the start (Setting: All). There are two more settings available: Lock start according year and Lock according year. With the first setting, Lock start according year, vehicles become available over time when the in-game date is equal to the date the vehicle became available in the real world. These vehicles never expire, meaning the player can buy them year in year out, for as long as the republic is being developed. The setting, Lock according year, is almost the same as Lock start according year, but with the difference that vehicles expire as soon the in-game date reaches the date the vehicle was not available in the real world anymore. These vehicles can only bought between the appearance date of the vehicles and the date the production stopped for these vehicles in the real world.

  1. Available from Workers & resources: Soviet Republic patch 0.8.8
  2. 2.0 2.1 Available from Workers & resources: Soviet Republic patch 0.8.9