Headquarters of the Communist Party

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

The Headquarters of the Communist Party is a building in Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic from which the player has influence on the educational level of citizens.


A headquarters of the Communist Party serves as the central administrative and organizational hub for the party's activities and initiatives. These headquarters typically house party leadership offices, meeting spaces, and administrative facilities. They play a pivotal role in coordinating party activities, setting policy agendas, and disseminating ideological messages. Communist Party headquarters often symbolize political power and serve as rallying points for party members and supporters. Additionally, they may host educational programs, ideological training sessions, and political events aimed at promoting party principles and mobilizing grassroots support. These headquarters are integral to the functioning and influence of communist political movements worldwide.


Main article: Education_simulation

The headquarters of the Communist Party is a building that is being used by students to get educated and a place for workers to go to work. At the headquarters of the Communist Party work staff which are ordinary workers and Professors, that are workers with a higher education. The students and workers need to travel to the headquarters of the Communist Party by foot or by public transportation.

The headquarters of the Communist Party has a twofold purpose:

  • Training workers from primary education level to university education level
  • Conducting research

For training workers the player has to take care of providing Staff and Professors to the headquarters of the Communist Party. When there are no professors available the students don't get educated.

To conduct research, the player must select a study to research. After selecting a study, the player can choose how many professors should participate in the study. The maximum number of professors to participate in a study is 25. The more professors chosen by the player the sooner the study is finished and available to the player to use in their republic.

The player must take care of the type of workers who work at a headquarters of the Communist Party. There are two types of workers needed:

  • Workers workers loedu.png Basic education, reached after finishing school
  • Workers workers hiedu.png University education, reached after finishing university



Headquarters of the Communist Party
Workdays 7067 Workdays
Concrete 520 t Concrete
Gravel 165 t Gravel
Asphalt 132 t Asphalt
Steel 201 t Steel
Bricks 166 t Bricks
Boards 55 t Boards
Workdays 2488 Workdays
Concrete 215 t Concrete
Gravel 165 t Gravel
Asphalt 132 t Asphalt
Mechanisms: Excavator
(max. 6)
Needs workers No
(max. 706)
Small Headquarters of the Party
Workdays 1547 Workdays
Concrete 23 t Concrete
Gravel 18 t Gravel
Asphalt 14 t Asphalt
Steel 17 t Steel
Bricks 78 t Bricks
Boards 33 t Boards
Concrete 23 t Concrete
Gravel 18 t Gravel
Asphalt 14 t Asphalt
Mechanisms: Excavator
(max. 2)
Needs workers No
(max. 154)
