
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 20:46, 16 November 2023 by Alcawen (talk | contribs) (→‎Overview)


The forest recoils at the touch of exploitation and destruction, birthing an innate hostility. During each Storm Season, stackable Negative Forest Mysteries will trigger, each generating different negative effects depending on the Hostility level a Viceroy has generated.

Hostility and the Queen's Impatience is inversely linked, the higher her Impatience , the lower the Forests' Hostility level will be. Each settlement starts with a Hostility Level of 0, unless playing with the Ancient Battleground Map Modifier.

How to Increase Hostility

Viceroys will generate different amounts of Hostility depending on the difficulty* they embark on. Hostility is generated as follows:

  • x* Amount for every year played.
  • x* Amount for each Small Glade opened.
  • x* Amount for each Dangerous / Forbidden Glade opened.
  • x* Amount for each Villager in your settlement.
  • x* Amount for each Woodcutter currently assigned to a Woodcutter Camp
  • x* Amount for any other effect (Negative Cornerstones / Events)

(A difficulty modifier is applied to the amount of Hostility generated, the higher the difficulty, the more hostility will be generated)

Perks & Cornerstones

  • Overexploitation

How to Decrease Hostility

Viceroys always need to seek ways to decrease the Forest's Hostility level, it can be decreased into negative numbers by escpecially crafty Viceroys! There are several ways to do so, including:

Other Ways of Decreasing Hostility

Below is a list of Glade Events, Buildings, Cornerstones and Perks that will decrease Forest Hostility levels:

Glade Events

  • Converted Altar of Decay (Reduces Hostility each time a Villager leaves or dies)
  • Converted Rain Totem (-50 Hostility)
  • Obelisk (-10 Hostility)


  • Hearths (-30 Hostility per Hearth)
  • Monastery (-100 Hostility)

Perks & Cornerstones

  • Airbender
  • Baptism of Fire
  • Calming Water
  • Calming the Forest
  • Firelink Ritual
  • Flame Amulets
  • Frequent Patrols
  • Protected Trade
  • Safe Haven
  • Secure Perimeter
  • Silent Looting
  • Small Altar Box
  • Ways of the Forest

Forest Mysteries

See Also