There are 3 different types of Glades.
Small Glades (no icon)
Dangerous Glades (a skull with no red glow)
Forbidden Glades (a skull with red background glow)
Glade Contents
Small Glades
These Glades contain some combination of the following:
- Small Encampments
- Rainwater Geysers
- Camp Ruins
- Small Resources
- Small Abandoned Caches
- Obelisks
- Stags
- Drills
- Wandering Traders
- Fertile Soil plots are not uncommon
Dangerous Glades
These Glades contain some combination of the following:
- A Dangerous Glade Event - always
- Large Encampments
- Rainwater Geysers
- Ruins
- Small or Large Resources
- Medium or Large Abandoned Caches
- 1 Fertile Soil plot is common, depending on the Biome
Forbidden Glades
These Glades contain some combination of the following:
- A Forbidden Glade Event - always
- Large Encampments
- Rainwater Geysers
- Ruins
- Small or Large Resources
- Large or Medium Abandoned Caches
- 1-2 Fertile Soil plots are common, depending on the Biome
Glade Events
Glade Events are objects found in the forest, like abandoned caches, survivor camps, ruins, wild beasts, etc. Some of them are positive, offering goods or new villagers in exchange for a small amount of resources. Others are dangerous, forcing you to act quickly to avoid negative consequences (while also giving you generous rewards should you complete them).
Once you select a Glade Event, the Event Panel will appear. There you'll be able to find a few different sections: effects, worker slots, requirements, and rewards. The effect section shows you the possible negative consequences of the event, and how much time you have left before they occur. To complete an event, you need to assign workers to it, choose one of two options (if the event has more than one solution), and select “investigate”. Very often, events have more than one way of being solved.
Most events offer two different approaches, with each approach having its own requirements, rewards, and so called "working effects". Working effects are special conditions that activate once you give the order to investigate an event (like a Resolve penalty, a slow debuff, etc.).
Your goal is to survive these conditions for a set amount of time. After an event has been completed, your workers will deliver the rewards to your Warehouse, and no negative effects will trigger.
Please see Glade Events for a complete list of Events found in Glades.
- The first trader arrives at the start of Year 2 at the earliest on their own, you can time finish building Trading Post and opening the first Dangerous Glade at the same time to buy what you need from the trader.