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Forest Hostility



The forest recoils at the touch of exploitation and destruction, birthing an innate hostility.

The more your settlement grows, the more hostility you will generate. By default, each settlement starts with Hostility at 0. Each level of Hostility above 0 inherently lowers global Resolve by 2. Additionally, during the Storm stackable negative Forest Mysteries will trigger, each generating different negative effects depending on the current Hostility level.

Hostility and the Queen's Impatience are inversely linked. Higher Impatience results in a reduction to Hostility.

Triggering Forest Mysteries

Looming Darkness is the "base" negative Forest Mystery that will activate during the Storm even at Hostility 0. The rest of the Forest Mysteries differ from settlement to settlement and always require at least Hostility 1 to activate. Higher Hostility levels activate stronger Storm Forest Mysteries. Some of them scale with the Hostility level directly.

In this situation, Hostility is 0, and only the base Looming Darkness has been triggered.
In this situation, Hostility is 3. Additional negative Forest Mysteries have been triggered and stack with Hostility level.

Why Hostility Increases


Viceroys will generate different amounts of Hostility depending on the Difficulty they embark on. Viceroys can see what is currently causing their Hostility level by hovering over the eye icon on the top of their screen. Total Hostility is the sum of each amount, and each amount is the result of multiplication. These numbers scale with Difficulty; more hostility is generated at higher difficulties.

Cause Settler Pioneer Veteran Viceroy
Years Passed 15 22 30 45
Small Glades Opened 5 8 10 15
Dangerous / Forbidden Glades Opened 10 15 20 30
Villagers in Settlement 2 3 4 6
Woodcutters Actively Assigned 8 12 16 24

How to Decrease Hostility

Viceroys always need to seek ways to decrease the Forest's Hostility level. It can be decreased to 0 by especially crafty Viceroys! There are several ways to do so, including:

Other Ways of Decreasing Hostility

Below is a list of Glade Events, Buildings, Cornerstones and Perks that will decrease Forest Hostility levels:

Glade Events

  • Converted Altar of Decay (Reduces Hostility each time a Villager leaves or dies)
  • Converted Rain Totem (-50 Hostility)
  • Obelisk (-10 Hostility)


Perks & Cornerstones

25 Perks mentioning 'Hostility'
Name Rarity Description Sources Price
Alt Cor Ord Rel Tra Dec Por Fir Ser Bio
Abyssal Revenge Abyssal Revenge None Are those... faces in the trees? Woodcutters don't increase Hostility, but every 10 felled trees add 2 Hostility points. (Hostility scales based on difficulty) x x x x x x x x x Bio 0
Baptism of Fire Baptism of Fire Legendary Every 3 burnt Blightrot Cysts lowers Hostility by 10. While the Hearth is corrupted, you’re unable to sacrifice resources. x Cor x x x x x x x x 0
Calming Water Calming Water Legendary Rainwater seems to soothe the forest. Hostility is reduced by 10 points every time you use 150 units of water in Rain Engines. x Cor x x x x Por x x x 0
Calming the Forest Calming the Forest Legendary One who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with all. Every Glade Event solved by making a decision marked as Empathy lowers Hostility by 40. This effect is retroactive. x Cor x x x x Por x x x 0
Consecrated Scrolls Consecrated Scrolls None Learning from the consecrated scrolls allows us to better understand the threats we're facing. Every 2 villagers with the need for education fulfilled decreases the forest’s Hostility by ‑10. x x x x x x x x Ser x 0
Converted Altar of Decay Converted Altar of Decay Rare A place for forbidden, necrotic rituals. Hostility is reduced by ‑20 points for every villager that leaves the settlement or dies. This effect is retroactive. x x x x x Dec x x x x 0
Converted Rain Totem Converted Rain Totem Rare Hostility is decreased by 50. x x x x x Dec x x x x 0
Firelink Ritual Firelink Ritual Legendary There is nothing the forest hates more than fire. Every villager with their need for religion fulfilled decreases the forest’s Hostility by 5. x Cor x x x x Por x x x 0
Firelink Ritual (Stormforged) Firelink Ritual (Stormforged) Mythic There is nothing the forest hates more than fire. Every villager with their need for religion fulfilled decreases the forest’s Hostility by 10. Alt x x x x x x x x x 0
Flame Amulets Flame Amulets Epic An artifact infused with the power of the Holy Flame. Hostility from woodcutters is decreased by 4. x Cor x x x x Por x x x 0
Flame Amulets (Stormforged) Flame Amulets (Stormforged) Mythic An artifact infused with the power of the Holy Flame. Hostility from woodcutters is decreased by 8. Woodcutters have a +20% chance of producing twice the normal yield. Alt x x x x x x x x x 0
Forest Affinity Forest Affinity None Fox firekeepers have an unusual ability to calm the forest. Hostility from opened glades is lowered by 2 each. x x x x x x x Fir x x 0
Frequent Patrols Frequent Patrols Epic Every Glade Event solved by making a decision marked as Loyalty lowers Hostility by 10. This effect is retroactive. x Cor x x x x Por x x x 0
Gift of the Depths Gift of the Depths None After using bait 150 times in your fishing huts, you will unlock the ability to sacrifice Algae algae in the Ancient Hearth to reduce Hostility. x x x x x x x x x Bio 0
Inspiring Pressure Inspiring Pressure None The forest is as scary as it is beautiful. Villagers have a 3% higher chance of producing double yields for each Hostility level. x x x x x x x x x Bio 0
Lost in the Wilds (Stormforged) Lost in the Wilds (Stormforged) Mythic Gain one villager every time you discover a new glade. Villagers add less Hostility (-1). Alt x x x x x x x x x 0
Obelisk Obelisk Rare Making the right offering at the Obelisk reduces Hostility by ‑10 and increases the Ancient Hearth's resistance by +100. x x x x x Dec x x x x 0
Protected Trade Protected Trade Legendary The forest recedes, as heavily guarded trade caravans pour into the settlement. Hostility is reduced by 15 points every time you sell goods worth 30 Amber, but Complex Food needs grant 1 less Resolve Point. x Cor x x x x x x x x 0
Sacrament of the Flame Sacrament of the Flame None There can be nothing more sacred than a flame in a world soaked with rain. For every 200 seconds spent sacrificing goods in the Ancient Hearth, Hostility is reduced by 25 (the bonus is added retroactively). Sacrificing multiple resources at the same time will progress this effect's timer faster. Same building effects do not stack. x x x x x x x x Ser x 0
Safe Haven Safe Haven Legendary Hostility is reduced by 40 for every Hearth upgraded to: Neighborhood (Level 2) (or higher). x Cor x x x x x x x x 0
Secure Perimeter Secure Perimeter Legendary Securing the deadliest corners of the forest will make it a lot less terrifying. Completing a Forbidden Glade Event reduces the Hostility gained from Dangerous (?) and Forbidden Glades (?) by 2, and from Small Glades by 1. This effect is retroactive. x Cor x x x x Por x x x 0
Silent Looting Silent Looting Epic Your scouts have learned how to be cautious when looting abandoned caches. Every time you open or send an Abandoned Cache to the Citadel, Hostility is lowered by 15 points. x Cor x x x x Por x x x 0
Small Altar Box Small Altar Box Epic The forest requires sacrifices. Hostility is reduced by 15 every time 2 villagers die. x x x x Tra x Por x x x 28
The Green Brew The Green Brew None Gentle vapors seem to soothe the wilderness. Hostility is decreased by 100. Same building effects do not stack. x x x x x x x x Ser x 0
Ways of the Forest Ways of the Forest Epic A book by the renowned Stormwalker, Pervun Runebeak. Lowers Hostility by 50 points. x x Ord Rel Tra x Por x x x 26

Forest Mysteries

Please see Forest Mysteries for more information.

See Also