
From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki
(Redirected from Semaphores)


A rail is a steel bar or continuous line of bars laid on the ground as one of a pair forming a railway track. A railway track (British English) or railroad track (American English), also known as permanent way or simply track, is the structure on a railway or railroad consisting of the rails, fasteners, railroad ties and ballast (or slab track), plus the underlying subgrade. It enables trains to move by providing a dependable surface for their wheels to roll upon. Early tracks were constructed with wooden or cast iron rails, and wooden or stone sleepers; since the 1870s, rails have almost universally been made from steel. Rail bars are used by trains and metros.

A metro, is a type of high-capacity public transport generally found in urban areas. A metro system that primarily or traditionally runs below the surface may be called a subway, tube, or underground. Unlike buses or trams, metro systems are railways (usually electric) that operate on an exclusive right-of-way, which cannot be accessed by pedestrians or other vehicles, and which is often grade-separated in tunnels or on elevated railways.

A train is a series of connected vehicles that run along a railway track and transport people or freight. Trains are typically pulled or pushed by locomotives (often known simply as "engines"), though some are self-propelled, such as multiple units. Passengers and cargo are carried in railroad cars, also known as wagons. Most trains operate on steel tracks with steel wheels, the low friction of which makes them more efficient than other forms of transport.

Not only are trains among the fastest modes of land transport, but they are very safe. They are less vulnerable to disruption due to poor weather conditions, and are less likely to suffer accidents or mishaps than other types of land transport. They have also been great enablers of economic progress.

The difference between the train and metro is that a train is defined as an effective mode of transportation for travelling long distances and runs on laid tracks of rails; a train usually runs outside city limits whereas metro is a train that is specifically designed to run in metropolitan cities and its suburbs covering shorter distances than compared to a train.

When there is an obstacle (such as a body of water, valley, road, or rail) in the way of a rail, a bridge can be used. A bridge is a structure built to span a physical obstacle without blocking the way underneath. On the other hand there are tunnels. Tunnels are civil engineering structures that create an underground passage that may pass through a hill, under buildings or roads, under water or even under entire cities.


In Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic players can build their own railway system or metro railway systems[1] according to their needs. The player has train platforms, metro stations[1], cargo stations, different loading and unloading stations, rails and semaphores available for this.

Bridges are also available in the game for crossing a valley or river. Bridges can be built from concrete or steel. Tunnels can be dug through hills and mountains, with help of a Tunnel Boring Machine(TBM)[1] to speed up construction.

Railway tracks for trains can be connected to other railway tracks, no matter what type of railway track it is, but can't interconnect with railway tracks for metro.

The player should always strive for a two way traffic railway system with double railway tracks. It is possible to play with a single railway track, but this will become very challenging to set up the signaling system, when more than one train is using the railway system.

Railway "block"

Unlike road vehicles, trains have to keep a good distance between them. Signalling block systems enable the safe and efficient operation of railways by preventing collisions between trains. The basic principle is that a track is broken up into a series of sections or "blocks". Only one train may occupy a block at a time, and the blocks are sized to allow a train to stop within them. That ensures that a train always has time to stop before getting dangerously close to another train on the same line.

The principle is like this: When train A is in a block, train B can't enter that same block. The signal limiting the block is coloured red, preventing train B to enter the block, train B will come to a halt and waits until train A leaves the block. When train A has left the block, the signal limiting the block will change to colour green and train B can enter the block.

To create these blocks semaphores are used. A semaphore is a signal that displays the different indications to train drivers by changing the angle of inclination of a pivoted 'arm'. The modern version of a semaphore are coloured light signals.


A semaphore is a signal that displays the different indications to train drivers by coloured light. In Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic the player has to place semaphores on railway tracks to create blocks. When the semaphores are placed the blocks become visible with colours on the railway track. There are different kind of semaphores and colours, each with it's own meaning.

A semaphore is placed after the railway track or a piece of railway track is planned. But it's also possible to place a semaphore when the railway track is finished building. The semaphore is placed by first selecting a semaphore from the menu, then move the cursor to the spot to place the semaphore on the railway track, not beside it, when the cursor turned from white to green the semaphore can be placed by a mouse click, the semaphore is placed. When the player is done placing the semaphore, a green arrow appears on the railway track where the semaphore was placed. The arrow indicates the direction a train will travel to. When placing the semaphore and multiple times clicking to place a semaphore, the player can limit the direction a train will travel to. With every click the green arrow changes into another direction: both directions, to the right, to the left. These arrows appear in a circular way, so with the fourth click the both directions-arrow will appear again.

On the spot where the semaphore is placed, a node is created on the railway track. A semaphore can not be placed on nodes from a junction or too close to a junction.

Railway semaphores or signals.

There are 4 kind of semaphores:

  1. Semaphore (regular) - used right after a junction or to create a block or multiple blocks on a railway track between two junctions.
  2. Chain semaphore - used to enter a junction.
  3. Mixed semaphore - used in front of platforms and stations.
  4. Double semaphores - used for placing two regular semaphore on a parallel railway track.

The regular semaphore checks only the next block where a train would like to travel to if that block is free. If the block is free, e.g. no train in the block, the signal will turn green. Is there a train in the block, the signal will turn red.

The chain semaphore not only checks the next block, but also the block that follows. This semaphore is used in front of a junction. The first block to check if the junction is free is the junction it self. If the junction is not free, e.g. a train is on the junction, the signal will turn red and the train will come to a halt and stops. Is the junction free, so no train on the junction, the block after the junction where the train will travel to is checked. If that block is also free the signal will turn green and the train will travel to that block.

A mixed semaphore is a regular semaphore and a chain semaphore in one, hence the mixed semaphore. This semaphore is used in front of platforms and stations. The rules for each part of this semaphore are the same as explained previously. The chain part is used in front of a junction and the regular part creates the block.

The player can use the double semaphores when placing semaphores on parallel railway tracks. Placing these semaphores will place two separate semaphores on each track, each in one direction, facing away from each other.

Railway track and signal colours

Railway track colors.
File:Short Rail Signals Guide - QuickTips - Workers & Resources- Soviet Republic
Explanation how to use signals in Workers Resources: Soviet Republic.

A semaphore indicator can have one of these colours:

  • Railway semaphores-Red.png Red - The path the train is going to is blocked, the train comes to a halt and stops.
  • Railway semaphores-Blue.png Blue - At the junction (Junction with more than one exit) there is at least one path open for a train.
  • Railway semaphores-White.png White - The junction is blocked, but trains can pass each other without collision. (If the players doesn't use crossovers within their junctions, the player should see this often.)
  • Railway semaphores-Yellow.png Yellow - On the path in front of the train the track is not clear, a train is driving in the opposite direction.
  • Railway semaphores-Green.png Green - The path in front of the train is clear, the train will continue in that direction.

The player can view these colours when opening the trains section of the editor, and choosing a build item in the signals category.

When semaphores are added to railway tracks, the section of track between two or more signals, called a block, becomes colour coded based on certain parameters:

  • Blue: Blocks that take on the blue colour (two alternating shades; a lighter blue and darker blue) indicate a section of track between two semaphores with no junctions or crossovers.
  • All other colours: All other block colours (mainly orange, purple, light green, teal/very light blue, and white) indicate a block section with junctions or crossovers. Orange and purple can be seen most commonly, whilst the other colours are used in circumstances where the block section shares a semaphore with another junction block section that already uses other colours.

These block colours remain the same in planning mode, although take on a lighter hue.

Signal and block explained

Signal and block explained

1. In above image is a piece of railway track displayed, visible are two signals, recognizable by the green arrows. The green arrows point to the right, so trains will follow that direction and will travel from left to right over the railway track. The space between the two signals is called a block.

Signal and block explained

2. When a train passes the first signal, that signal turns red, stating that the block is occupied by a train. Trains that come behind will stop at the first signal.

Signal and block explained

3. The second train stops at the signal and the first train travels further along the railway track, heading to the second signal. Because the first train is still in the block therefore the first signal is red. The second signal is green so the first train can pass that signal.

Signal and block explained

4. The first train has left the block and therefore the first signal turns to green. The second signals turns red because the first train passed the second signal and occupies the next block. The second train can travel further along the railway track into the block.

Signal and block explained

5. The second train enters the block and the first signal is turned into red, because the second train occupies the block. The second train will stop at the next signal, because the first train occupies the block ahead.

Signal and block explained

6. When the second signal turns into green, the second train will continue its journey and leave the block. The second signal will turn into green when the first train has left the next block.

Signal and block explained

7. The block is free and the first signal is turned into green, other trains may enter the block. The second signal is turned into red, because the second train occupies that block. When the second train leaves the block ahead, both signals turn into green just like the first image.

There is not just one block in a railway system, but every part of a railway track between two signals is actually a block. All these blocks together form the railway system on which trains can safely travel.

Chain signal explained

Chain signal explained

1. In above image is a piece of railway track displayed with five blocks, the first four blocks named A, B, C and D. The blocks are delimited with a signal. The first signal is red because there is a train occupying the block. All other signals are green. The signal between blocks C and D is a chain signal.

Chain signal explained

2. When a train passes the chain signal, the signal turns into red, stating that the block after the chain signal is occupied, just as a regular signal.

Chain signal explained

3. The train passes block C and travels along the track to block B. The signal between block B and C turns into red, because block B is now occupied. When looking at the chain signal between block C and D notice that the signal remains red. This is because the chain signal checks the block immediately after the chain signal and one block more after that. In this case the chain signal checks block B and C. So, block C remains free.

Chain signal explained

4. Trains coming behind will stop for the chain signal

Chain signal explained

5. When both trains ahead continue their journey, the blocks become free and the accompanying signals turn into green. When the train has left block B The (regular) signal in front of the block turns into green and also the chain signal turns into green.

Chain signal explained

6. As long as there is a train in block B or C, the chain signal will remain red.

Chain signal explained

7. When the train has left block B, the chain signal turns into green and also the chain signal turns to green, because in block B and C are no trains.

When should the player use a chain signal? Chain signals are usually used in combination with junctions. The goal of using chain signals is to keep junctions free of trains, so other trains can pass the junction on their way through the railway system.

Mixed signal explained

Mixed signal explained

1. In the above image is a piece of railway track displayed including a passenger platform. It's a kind of endstation because the trains can't drive any further in the direction they came from. Trains swap direction and drive opposite where they came from. Trains drive on the right side of the railway track and do come from the left in the image above, so they drive on the lower railway track. The return direction is the upper railway track. In the image there is one green regular signal, one blue chain signal (meaning that there is at least one free path to go.) and two mixed signals. One mixed signal, in the upper track, is green in both directions and the other mixed signal, in the lower track, is green in one direction and in the other direction it is red.

A mixed signal is a combination of a regular and a chain signal. The regular part of the mixed signal, on the upper track, faces the passenger platform and is green because there is no train in block C. The chain part of the mixed signal faces the blocks in the return direction of the upper track. This signal is green because both blocks (A and B) in the upper track, after the chain part signal, are both free, no train. The mixed signal in the lower track has two colours, the regular part of the mixed signal faces the passenger platform and is red because there is a train in block C. The chain part of the mixed signal is green. This signal points to the left and checks the blocks with signals which face in the same direction. So the blocks A and B of the upper track are checked if there is a train. There is no train in blocks A and B, so therefore the signal is green. The conclusion in this case is that the chain parts of both mixed signals check the same blocks A and B of the upper track.

Mixed signal explained

2. A train has the passenger platform as destination and enters the junction. The chain signal turns red because the train is in the B, the junction. The chain part of both mixed signals also check block B, so they also turn over into red.

Mixed signal explained

3. The train reached the platform and is now in block C, the regular part of the mixed signal has turned into red. The chain part of both mixed signals have turned to green, as there is no train in block B, the junction.

Another train is coming via the lower track, also heading over to the passenger platform. The chain signal ahead is red, because the chain signal checks for trains in block B and C, which there are in both blocks. For block C both tracks are checked, because the chain signal points to the right, and a train can go into two directions because of the regular part of both mixed signals between block B and C also pointing to the right, these regular parts are red because of the trains in block C.

Mixed signal explained

The train on the upper track has left the passenger station and is now in block A, therefore the regular signal between block A and B is turned red. The mixed signal on the upper track, between block B and C, is also red on the chain part, because of the train in block A. The other part of the same mixed signal, the regular part, is green, there is no train in block C, on the upper track. The direction of the regular part is pointing to the right, the passenger platform, so trains coming from the left, via the lower track, can go to that block.

Because of this the chain signal between A and B, lower track, turns blue, there is a free path a train can travel to. The train on the lower track, before the blue chain signal, will travel to block C on the upper track.

Mixed signal explained

All signal are red, no other train can enter the passenger platform if it would come via the lower track.

Red because:

  • The chain signals checks block C, upper and lower track. Chain signal point to the right, every other signal pointing to the right, after the chain signal will be checked.
  • The regular part of both mixed signals checks the same block, each for its own track. They point both to the right.
  • The chain part of both mixed signals check block A on the upper track. They point both to the left, so every other signal pointing to the left, after the mixed signal will be checked.
Mixed signal explained

The train has left block A, so the regular signal turns to green. Also the chain part of both mixed signals turns green. The trains in block C can leave the passenger platform via block B and A via the upper track.

No change for the chain signal because block C is still occupied by trains on the upper and lower track.

Mixed signal explained

The train on the upper track has left the passenger station and is now in block A, therefore the regular signal between block A and B is turned red. The mixed signal on the upper track, between block B and C, is also red on the chain part, because of the train in block A. The other part of the same mixed signal, the regular part, is green, there is no train in block C, on the upper track. The direction of the regular part is pointing to the right, the passenger platform, so trains coming from the left, via the lower track, can go to that block.

Because of this the chain signal between A and B, lower track, turns blue, there is a free path a train can travel to. The train on the lower track, before the blue chain signal, will travel to block C on the upper track.

Mixed signal explained

The trains have left the passenger platform. All signals are green, except for the lower track, because of a train in block C. The regular part of the mixed signal is therefore red. There is a free path for a train to travel to and therefore the chain signal is blue.

The player has to pay attention to what direction the signals are point to and analyse how and where to put which signal.

(more coming soon.)


Just like roads also railway tracks have nodes. Nodes are recognizable by the purple dots on the track. These dots appear at the beginning and ending where the player places railway tracks in the world. So every piece of railway track, a player places in the world, starts and ends with a node. When interconnecting pieces of railway tracks, the railway tracks start sharing nodes.

Remove node

Removing nodes is only possible where railway tracks interconnect to each other, except on junctions. Removing nodes is a two step trick:

  • Place a waypoint on the node
  • Remove the waypoint


Type Cost Max. speed Notes
Wood rail-toolbar.png
Wood based
Workdays Workdays, Gravel Gravel,

Steel Steel, Boards Boards
Usage depends on length.

Concrete rail-toolbar.png
Concrete based
Workdays Workdays, Gravel Gravel,

Steel Steel, Prefab panels Prefab panels
Usage depends on length.

Electrified rail-toolbar.png
Workdays Workdays, Gravel Gravel,

Steel Steel, Prefab panels Prefab panels,
Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length.

Tool rail metro.png[1]
Workdays Workdays, Gravel Gravel,

Steel Steel, Prefab panels Prefab panels,
Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length.


Bridges and tunnels

Type Cost Max. speed Pillar distance Notes
Railway bridge-toolbar.png
Railway bridge
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels
Usage depends on length and height.

121km/h 23m
Electrified railway bridge-toolbar.png
Electrified railway bridge
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels, Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length and height.

121km/h 23m
Truss bridge 1-toolbar.png
Truss bridge
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels
Usage depends on length and height.

135km/h 39m
Electrified truss bridge 1-toolbar.png
Electrified truss bridge
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels, Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length and height.

135km/h 39m
Tool rail bridge metro curved.png[1]
Electrified truss bridge for metro
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels, Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length and height.

135km/h 39m
Truss bridge 2-toolbar.png
Truss bridge
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels
Usage depends on length and height.

140km/h 38m
Electrified truss bridge 2-toolbar.png
Electrified truss bridge
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels, Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length and height.

140km/h 38m
Tool rail bridge metro new1.png[1]
Electrified truss bridge for metro
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels, Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length and height.

140km/h 38m
Steel deck truss bridge-toolbar.png
Steel deck truss
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels
Usage depends on length and height.

135km/h 58m
Electrified steel deck truss bridge-toolbar.png
Electrified steel deck truss
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels
Usage depends on length and height.

135km/h 58m
Tool rail bridge metro new2.png[1]
Electrified steel deck truss for metro
Workdays Workdays, Steel Steel,

Prefab panels Prefab panels, Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length and height.

135km/h 58m
Railway tunnel-toolbar.png
Railway Tunnel
Workdays Workdays, Gravel Gravel,

Bricks Bricks, Boards Boards,
Steel Steel,Prefab panels Prefab panels
Usage depends on length and depth.

Tool rail tunel metro.png[1]
Metro Tunnel
Workdays Workdays, Gravel Gravel,

Bricks Bricks, Boards Boards,
Steel Steel, Prefab panels Prefab panels,
Electro components Electro components
Usage depends on length and depth.



  • Tunnels can't be used under a depth of 0m.
  • Upgrading wood based railway to concrete based is very expensive.
  • The length of a train must be less than the length of a block, otherwise the train can block an intersection and block all train traffic coming behind.
  • Train railways can not interconnect with metro railways.[1]

Buildings related to railways

Train depot

Main article: Depot

Read the main article to get to know how to use a railway depot.

Name Cost Lifespan Station length Energy Wattage Structure Notes
Tool rail depo.png
Train depot
Workdays 1327 Workdays, Concrete 40t Concrete,

Gravel 31t Gravel, Asphalt 24t Asphalt,
Bricks 51t Bricks, Boards 32t Boards,
Steel 15t Steel

35 years 150 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x road access
Select this building to buy a metro train/engine.[1]
L/U None
Tool raildepobig.png
Long train depot
Workdays 2640 Workdays, Concrete 80t Concrete,

Gravel 61t Gravel, Asphalt 49t Asphalt,
Bricks 103t Bricks, Boards 64t Boards,
Steel 30t Steel

35 years 450 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x road access
Select this building to buy a metro train/engine.[1]
L/U 1

Railway end stations

Main article: End station

Read the main article to get to know how to use end stations.

Name Cost Lifespan Storage Station length Energy Wattage Structure Notes
Tool rail endstation.png
Railway end station
Workdays 578 Workdays, Concrete 16t Concrete,

Gravel 12t Gravel, Asphalt 10t Asphalt,
Bricks 23t Bricks, Boards 14t Boards,
Steel 6.8t Steel

28 years Fuel 75t Fuel 50 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x road access
L/U None
Tool metro endstation.png[1]
Metro end station
Workdays 578 Workdays, Concrete 80t Concrete,

Gravel 20t Gravel, Asphalt 10t Asphalt,
Steel 13t Steel,
Mechanical components 13t Mechanical components

28 years 60 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x road access
L/U None
Tool metro endstation ground.png[1]
Metro ground level end station
Workdays 578 Workdays, Concrete 16t Concrete,

Gravel 12t Gravel, Asphalt 10t Asphalt,
Bricks 23t Bricks, Boards 14t Boards,
Steel 6.8t Steel,
Mechanical components 13t Mechanical components

28 years 50 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x road access
L/U None

For passengers

Buildings for train and metro which are available for handling passenger traffic.


A railway platform is a section of pathway, alongside rail tracks at a railway station, metro station or tram stop, at which passengers may board or alight from trains or trams. Almost all rail stations have some form of platform, with larger stations having multiple platforms.


These buildings can be placed in the world connected with railway tracks for trains or metro. At these buildings citizens can take the train or metro to their destination or vice versa leave the train or metro to go to work on foot or continue their journey by using a bus, metro or train. Connect buildings with road, footpaths and/or passenger tunnels, so that citizens can reach a platform

Name Cost Lifespan Station length Passenger capacity Energy Wattage Structure Notes
Tool rail station passanger.png
Train platform small
Workdays 224 Workdays, Concrete 27t Concrete,

Gravel 8.4t Gravel, Steel 5.6t Steel

28 years 40 m 600 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x road access
2x footpath access
L/U None
Tool rail station passanger.png
Train platform
Workdays 505 Workdays, Concrete 62t Concrete,

Gravel 19t Gravel, Steel 12t Steel

28 years 83 m 1500 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x road access
4x footpath access
L/U None
Tool metro strasicka.png[1]
Metro station with entrance
Workdays 1318 Workdays, Concrete 179t Concrete,

Gravel 29t Gravel, Steel 53t Steel

28 years 97 m 600 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x road access
4x footpath access
L/U None
Tool metro zelivskeho.png[1]
Metro platform without entrance
Workdays 1044 Workdays, Concrete 129t Concrete,

Gravel 39t Gravel, Steel 23t Steel
Mechanical components 0.17t Mechanical components

28 years 102 m 800 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x road access
4x passenger tunnel
L/U None
Tool railstation aboveground.png[1]
Metro above ground station (small)
Workdays 561 Workdays, Concrete 19t Concrete,

Gravel 14t Gravel, Asphalt 11t Asphalt
Steel 30t Steel

28 years 40 m 400 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 6x footpath access
L/U None
Tool railstation aboveground big.png[1]
Metro above ground station (large)
Workdays 1026 Workdays, Concrete 38t Concrete,

Gravel 29t Gravel, Asphalt 23t Asphalt
Steel 51t Steel

28 years 80 m 900 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 4x road access
6x footpath access
Tool railstation groundlevel.png[1]
Metro ground level station (small)
Workdays 321 Workdays, Concrete 17t Concrete,

Gravel 13t Gravel, Asphalt 10t Asphalt
Steel 10t Steel

28 years 40 m 400 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x footpath access
L/U None
Tool railstation groundlevel big.png[1]
Metro ground level station (large)
Workdays 601 Workdays, Concrete 35t Concrete,

Gravel 27t Gravel, Asphalt 21t Asphalt
Steel 16t Steel

28 years 80 m 900 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x footpath access
L/U None

For cargo

Buildings for cargo which are available for handling cargo loading and unloading.

Name Cost Lifespan Station length Energy Wattage Structure Notes
Tool rail station cargo.png
Cargo train station
Workdays 530 Workdays, Concrete 66t Concrete,

Gravel 24t Gravel, Steel 7.9t Steel

28 years 83 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x road access
L/U None
Tool rail station cargo1.png[2]
Cargo train station
Workdays 175 Workdays, Concrete 20t Concrete,

Gravel 8.1t Gravel, Steel 2.9t Steel

28 years 54 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x rail track
2x road access
2x factory connection
L/U None
Tool rail station cargo2.png[2]
Cargo train station
Workdays 641 Workdays, Concrete 83t Concrete,

Gravel 24t Gravel, Steel 15t Steel

28 years 91 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 4x rail track
2x road access
6x factory connection
L/U None
Tool rail station cargo3.png[2]
Cargo train station
Workdays 1013 Workdays, Concrete 113t Concrete,

Gravel 48t Gravel, Steel 16t Steel

28 years 156 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x rail track
2x road access
8x factory connection
L/U None
Cargo train station
Workdays 1013 Workdays, Concrete 113t Concrete,

Gravel 48t Gravel, Steel 16t Steel

28 years 180 m 56 MWh 939 kW Access 2x rail track
1x road access
20x factory connection
L/U None
Cargo train station
Workdays 1013 Workdays, Concrete 113t Concrete,

Gravel 48t Gravel, Steel 16t Steel

28 years 196 m 159 MWh 2.66 MW Access 4x rail track
2x road access
20x factory connection
L/U None
Cargo train station
Workdays 1013 Workdays, Concrete 113t Concrete,

Gravel 48t Gravel, Steel 16t Steel

28 years 208 m 312 MWh 5.2 MW Access 6x rail track
2x road access
22x factory connection
L/U None
Tool rail pumping station.png
Oil/fuel loading & unloading
Workdays 791 Workdays, Concrete 20t Concrete,

Gravel 16t Gravel, Asphalt 19t Asphalt
Steel 19t Steel
Mechanical components 0.17t Mechanical components

28 years 49 m 57 MWh 950 kW Access 2x road access
2x oil/fuel pipes(import)
2x oil/fuel pipes(export)
L/U None
Tool rail station rumble loading.png
Train aggregate loading
Workdays 2343 Workdays, Concrete 258t Concrete,

Gravel 39t Gravel, Asphalt 31t Asphalt
Steel 75t Steel
Mechanical components 5.9t Mechanical components

28 years 100 m 78 MWh 1305 kW Access 2x road access
3x conveyor connections
L/U 2
Train aggregate loading
Workdays 1143 Workdays, Concrete 124t Concrete,

Gravel 13t Gravel, Asphalt 10t Asphalt
Steel 40t Steel
Mechanical components 3.3t Mechanical components

28 years 32 m 63 MWh 1057 kW Access 2x rail track
2x road access
5x conveyor connections
L/U None
Train aggregate loading
Workdays 2824 Workdays, Concrete 310t Concrete,

Gravel 36t Gravel, Asphalt 29t Asphalt
Steel 97t Steel
Mechanical components 7.9t Mechanical components

28 years 123 m 196 MWh 3.27 kW Access 4x rail track
1x road access
9x conveyor connections
L/U None
Train aggregate loading
Workdays 3297 Workdays, Concrete 351t Concrete,

Gravel 44t Gravel, Asphalt 35t Asphalt
Steel 112t Steel
Mechanical components 9.5t Mechanical components

28 years 123 m 288 MWh 4.8 kW Access 6x rail track
1x road access
9x conveyor connections
L/U None
Tool rail station rumble unloading.png
Train aggregate unloading
Workdays 1435 Workdays, Concrete 61t Concrete,

Gravel 47t Gravel, Steel 60t Steel
Mechanical components 0.51t Mechanical components

28 years 149 m 27 MWh 450 kW Access 2x road access
4x conveyor connections
L/U 2
Train aggregate unloading
Workdays 396 Workdays, Concrete 12t Concrete,

Gravel 9.5t Gravel, Asphalt 7.6t Asphalt
Steel 20t Steel
Mechanical components 0.30t Mechanical components

28 years 30 m 14 MWh 249 kW Access 1x rail track
1x road access
4x conveyor connections
L/U None
Train aggregate unloading
Workdays 1649 Workdays, Concrete 78t Concrete,

Gravel 60t Gravel, Asphalt 48t Asphalt
Steel 60t Steel
Mechanical components 0.78t Mechanical components

28 years 130 m 14 MWh 249 kW Access 1x rail track
1x road access
4x conveyor connections
L/U None
Train aggregate unloading
Workdays 2802 Workdays, Concrete 142t Concrete,

Gravel 109t Gravel, Asphalt 87t Asphalt
Steel 93t Steel
Mechanical components 1.3t Mechanical components

28 years 130 m 27 MWh 450 kW Access 2x rail track
1x road access
4x conveyor connections
L/U None
Tool bulk rail station.png
Railway dry bulk loading/unloading
Workdays 900 Workdays, Concrete 9.4t Concrete,

Gravel 7.3t Gravel, Steel 48t Steel
Mechanical components 2.9t Mechanical components

28 years 93 m 151 MWh 2.52 MW Access 1x road access
4x dry-bulk conveyor connections(import)
4x dry-bulk conveyor connections(export)
L/U None


Buildings for refuelling or providing power to trains and metros.

Name Cost Lifespan Storage Station length Energy Wattage Structure Notes
Tool rail gas station.png
Train diesel station
Workdays 106 Workdays, Concrete 11t Concrete,

Gravel 3.8t Gravel, Steel 3.0t Steel

28 years Fuel 150t Fuel
26 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 1x road access
1x oil/fuel pipes
L/U None
Rail gas station small.png
Train diesel station[3]
Workdays 291 Workdays, Concrete 30t Concrete,

Gravel 10t Gravel, Steel 8.8t Steel

28 years Fuel 50t Fuel
38 m 3.0 MWh 50 kW Access 2x road access
2x oil/fuel pipes
L/U None
Tool rail trafo.png
Railroad electric connection
Workdays 93 Workdays, Concrete 3.7t Concrete,

Gravel 2.9t Gravel, Asphalt 2.3t Asphalt
Steel 1.7t Steel
Electro components 0.36t Electro components

28 years 24 m Access 1x road access
4x Medium voltage wire connections
L/U None
Tool metro trafo 1.png[1]
Underground railroad connection -12m
Workdays 125 Workdays, Concrete 9.4t Concrete,

Gravel 2.7t Gravel, Asphalt 2.2t Asphalt
Steel 3.3t Steel
Electro components 0.29t Electro components
Mechanical components 0.29t Mechanical components

28 years 12 m Access 1x road access
4x Medium voltage wire connections
L/U None
Tool metro trafo 1.png[1]
Underground railroad connection -18m
Workdays 142 Workdays, Concrete 11t Concrete,

Gravel 2.7t Gravel, Asphalt 2.2t Asphalt
Steel 4.0t Steel
Electro components 0.31t Electro components
Mechanical components 0.15t Mechanical components

28 years 12 m Access 1x road access
4x Medium voltage wire connections
L/U None
Tool metro trafo 1.png[1]
Underground railroad connection -24m
Workdays 162 Workdays, Concrete 13t Concrete,

Gravel 2.7t Gravel, Asphalt 2.2t Asphalt
Steel 4.9t Steel
Electro components 0.33t Electro components
Mechanical components 0.20t Mechanical components

28 years 12 m Access 1x road access
4x Medium voltage wire connections
L/U None
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 Available from Workers & resources: Soviet Republic patch 0.8.8
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 Metro available from Workers & resources: Soviet Republic patch 0.8.9
  3. Available from Workers & resources: Soviet Republic patch 0.9.0