Services Needs

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Revision as of 03:33, 29 November 2023 by Aeredor (talk | contribs) (Updated tables with some templates)
Diagram connecting Species and the Services they need


In addition to Housing, Clothing, and Complex Food, Villagers need access to Services, which represent comfort and relaxation beyond survival. Villagers who have satisfied their need for these Services receive a larger bonus to their Resolve than they do from satisfying their other needs for shelter and food. To satisfy an entire village and win through gaining Resolve, you will likely have to provide more than one Service.

Consumption and Satisfaction

Satisfying a Service Need requires consumption of a service-related good. These goods are manufactured through multi-step production chains requiring several different Blueprints, or they can be purchased from certain Traders.

Villagers can consume more than one service-related good to satisfy more than one of their required Service needs within one resting period. Like with food, access to services can be disabled through Consumption Control, and denying the service incurs a Resolve penalty.

Villagers satisfy their need for Services at the same time they satisfy their need for food, when they rest at the Hearth. They consume one of the service-related goods if the corresponding Service Building has the good in stock (at the building, not at the Warehouse) and at least one worker. They do not visit the service building itself, and the service building does not need to be fully staffed.

Note that Clothing Need satisfied by Coats is not a Service Need, because there is no service-related building for Coats.

List of Service Needs

Each Service can satisfy more than one Species. Correspondingly, each of the five different Species require different combinations of the possible Services available. The following shows the relationships between Service (and the service-related good) and Species.

The Service Building is also listed for convenience. See the next section on #Service Buildings for a table of Buildings that may help you choose your Blueprints.

Service Corresponding Service Good Species Satisfied Service Building Options
Icon Need Brawling.png Brawling Training Gear Training Gear Foxes Foxes
Icon Need Brawling.png Brawling Training Gear Training Gear Lizards Lizards
Icon Need Education.png Education Scrolls Scrolls Beavers Beavers
Icon Need Education.png Education Scrolls Scrolls Harpies Harpies
Icon Need Leisure.png Leisure Ale Ale Beavers Beavers
Icon Need Leisure.png Leisure Ale Ale Humans Humans
Icon Need Luxury.png Luxury Wine Wine Beavers Beavers
Icon Need Luxury.png Luxury Wine Wine Foxes Foxes
Icon Need Religion.png Religion Incense Incense Humans Humans
Icon Need Religion.png Religion Incense Incense Lizards Lizards
Icon Need Treatment.png Treatment Tea Tea Foxes Foxes
Icon Need Treatment.png Treatment Tea Tea Harpies Harpies

Service Buildings

Most Service Buildings provide more than one Service. Since many Settlements will get only a few choices of Blueprints for Service Buildings, this table can help you anticipate which will be best for the Species in your Settlement, so that you don't pass them up! See the next section on #Strategy and Special Combinations for some key takeaways from this table.

Service Building Service Provided Species Satisfied Consumed Good
Bath House Treatment Fox Tea
Bath House Treatment Harpy Tea
Clan Hall Brawling Fox Training Gear
Clan Hall Brawling Lizard Training Gear
Clan Hall Religion Human Incense
Clan Hall Religion Lizard Incense
Explorers' Lodge Brawling Fox Training Gear
Explorers' Lodge Brawling Lizard Training Gear
Explorers' Lodge Education Beaver Scrolls
Explorers' Lodge Education Harpy Scrolls
Forum Education Beaver Scrolls
Forum Education Harpy Scrolls
Forum Leisure Beaver Ale
Forum Leisure Human Ale
Guild House Luxury Beaver Wine
Guild House Luxury Fox Wine
Market (or Holy Market) Luxury Beaver Wine
Market (or Holy Market) Luxury Fox Wine
Market (or Holy Market) Treatment Fox Tea
Market (or Holy Market) Treatment Harpy Tea
Monastery Leisure Beaver Ale
Monastery Leisure Human Ale
Monastery Religion Human Incense
Monastery Religion Lizard Incense
Tavern Leisure Beaver Ale
Tavern Leisure Human Ale
Tavern Luxury Beaver Wine
Tavern Luxury Fox Wine
Tea Doctor Brawling Fox Training Gear
Tea Doctor Brawling Lizard Training Gear
Tea Doctor Treatment Fox Tea
Tea Doctor Treatment Harpy Tea
Temple (or Holy Temple) Education Beaver Scrolls
Temple (or Holy Temple) Education Harpy Scrolls
Temple (or Holy Temple) Religion Human Incense
Temple (or Holy Temple) Religion Lizard Incense

Strategy and Special Combinations

Based on the Species in your Settlement, there are obvious choices and options to avoid when seeking to provide Services. However, note that if the Building provides an exceptional working bonus for your Settlement's specific needs, then it is always worth considering if you can assign full workers to it.

  • No single Service Building can serve all five Species. This means there is no "always okay" choice.
  • Two Buildings serve all but one of the five Species all by themselves. These two Buildings can be excellent choices to cover the Service Needs of your Settlement if you do not have the respective Species in your Settlement.
  • Beavers and Foxes each have three Service Needs. Combined, Beavers and Foxes have the same number of Service Needs as the other three Species.
    • If you do not have Beavers in your Settlement, the Forum and Tavern are less useful, since they both double-down on Beavers' needed Services.
    • If you do not have Foxes in your Settlement, the Market and Tea Doctor are less useful, since they both double-down on Foxes' needed Services.
    • If your Settlement has both Beavers and Foxes:
      • The Market is an excellent choice if you also have Harpies. (4/8 your Service Needs satisfied by one Building.)
      • The Tavern is an excellent choice if you also have Humans. (4/8 your Service Needs satisfied by one Building.)

There are a few special cases worth mentioning due to these two Buildings that provide only one Service.

  • If your Settlement has Beavers, Humans, and Lizards:
    • You have less need for the Bath House, since it only serves Treatment, and none of your Species needs that Service. (0/7 your Service Needs satisfied.)
    • You have less need for the Market, since only Beavers benefit from only Luxury. (1/7 your Service Needs satisfied.)
    • The Monastery is an excellent choice, since it provides no Services to Foxes or Harpies anyway. (4/7 your Service Needs satisfied.)
  • If your Settlement has Harpies, Humans, and Lizards:
    • You have less need for the Guild House, since it only serves Luxury, and none of your Species needs that Service. (0/6 your Service Needs satisfied.)
    • You have less need for the Market, since only Harpies benefit from Treatment. (1/6 your Service Needs satisfied.)
    • You have less need for the Tavern, since only Humans benefit from Leisure. (1/6 your Service Needs satisfied.))

See Also