
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
A Fox


Foxes Foxes are majestic and mysterious creatures deeply bonded with the forest. They evolved a symbiosis with Blightrot through long exposure to Rainwater, which caused some visible side-effects. Foxes are great at working with the Forest Forest and feel comfortable working in buildings infected with Blightrot.

Their Starting Ability is to reveal the location of the closest Rainwater Geyser. Foxes have a base Resolve of 5, with a Break interval of 02:00 minutes. Their Resilience is listed as Low, and their Demand is at 15. With a Decadence level of 5 and a Hunger Tolerance of 3, Foxes are one of the first to starve and die. They are immune to Forest Hostility and make for a species favored by all Viceroys.

Consumption and Satisfaction

Like all species, Foxes need to fulfill Complex Needs to start generating Reputation. The more Complex Needs you fulfill, the higher their Resolve will go, up to a maximum of 50. With the exception of the Housing Needs, every need fulfilled grants an additional effect, like Porridge Porridge's increased double production chance.

Needs overlap

The table[1] below lists the needs Foxes Foxes share with other species:

Humans Humans Beavers Beavers Lizards Lizards Harpies Harpies Frogs Frogs
Porridge Porridge
Religion Religion
Pickled Goods Pickled Goods Pickled Goods Pickled Goods
Skewers Skewers
Boots Boots
Boots Boots
Treatment Treatment
Porridge Porridge
Boots Boots
Religion Religion

Fox firekeeper ability

Main article: Hearths#Firekeeper_bonus
1 Perk with ID 'Fox Hostility Hearth Bonus'
Name Description
Forest Affinity Forest Affinity Fox firekeepers have an unusual ability to calm the forest. Hostility from opened glades is lowered by 2 each.

Proficiency & Comfort

Foxes' Proficiency specialization is Forest Forest. It grants Foxes +5% Glade Event working speed bonus when working on Glade Events.

Foxes' Comfort specialization is Blightrot. It grants Foxes 5 Resolve when working in the buildings infected with Blightrot.

Fox-specific buildings

These buildings appear as Reputation rewards only when Foxes are on the map. They can still spawn as Ruins.

Cornerstones and Perks

3 Perks mentioning 'Fox'
Name Rarity Description Sources Price
Alt Cor Ord Rel Tra
Forest Affinity Forest Affinity None Fox firekeepers have an unusual ability to calm the forest. Hostility from opened glades is lowered by 2 each. x x x x x 0
Fox Friendship Fox Friendship Rare 2 additional Foxes will come with each group of newcomers. x x Ord x x 0
Fox Pack Support Fox Pack Support Rare Ever since the Great Civil War, all species have been locked in a constant struggle to gain the Queen's favor. The Fox tribe remembers your help. (+3 to Foxes Resolve) x x Ord x x 0



A Group of Foxes
  • There are multiple Fox Traders, named Alune Soulgazer and Ruenhar Brightclaw.
  • Foxes have two skins, with one skin having wide blue pauldrons, pants and a blue tail stripe, and the other skins having narrower green pauldrons, pants and a green tail stripe.
  • They also have two voice pitches, high and low.
  • Foxes were added during Early Access in the Sentinels of the Forest update after a community vote, where they got 11,197 votes or ~57% of total votes[2].
  • Before update 1.4, Foxes' Comfort specialization used to be Rainwater Rainwater.
  • Before update 1.4, Foxes had Brawling Brawling and Luxury Luxury needs instead of Religion Religion and Boots.


  1. Table was made by Discord user @2siders
  2. Favoring update blog post on Steam

See also