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Habitats, or habs, are space-based facilities operated by factions. They are composed of modules. All modules have a core module; the size of the core determines the size of the hab. The size of the hab determines both how many modules you can have (4, 12 or 20, plus the core), and the maximum size of each module.

Habs may be founded in three ways. One is to launch the core module from Earth, using boost. This can take a lot of time if the location is far from the homeworld. A second is to develop and build kits that ships can deploy when they arrive in an orbit or land on a space body. A third is to found habs from other habs in the same planetary system that have a construction module.

Habs may be assaulted and captured by Marines from ships, although building barracks modules helps defend it. A councilor with a high command attribute leading an assault mission gives it a much greater chance of success.

Habs, like fleets, belong directly to a faction. Your hab may be nominally operating under NASA or the United Nations, but what matters is that its people are really working for The Academy, The Resistance, Project Exodus, etc.

Habs have a support cost drawn from space resources. If those are insufficient Boost is used. And if you are out of both, or have insufficient mission control, your hab is much more likely to suffer accidents, and be much more willing to switch allegiance to another faction.

Life Support

Each human at a hab requires 0.35 water, 0.35 volatiles, and 0.1 money per year. This is approximately 0.029 water, 0.029 volatiles, and 0.008 money per month. (This cost is normally included in the listed upkeep for each module.)



Stations are built in an orbit. If a station has defenses it can be involved in combat, where the enemy's objective will be to destroy the modules. After the battle, the station can be boarded or destroyed.

When the game starts there are two existing tier 1 stations, each with a unique orbit around Earth: The International Space Station (controlled by the Academy), with two Solar Collectors and one Space Science Lab, and Tiangong Station (controlled by Project Exodus), with no modules beyond the core.

Stations use the following core modules. They require the council engineering project with the same name to be constructed.

Module Tier Crew Module Sites Mass (tons) Build Time (days) Support Costs Build Cost (from Earth) Build Cost (from space)
Platform Core
Station T1 PlatformCore.png
1 3 4 15 30 2 Mission Control
2 Money
0.087 Water
0.087 Volatiles
10 Money 1 Volatiles
1 Base Metals
Orbital Core
Station T2 OrbitalCore.png
2 15 12 120 60 3 Mission Control
10 Money
0.44 Water
0.44 Volatiles
90 Money 4 Volatiles
4 Base Metals
Ring Core
Station T3 RingCore.png
3 75 20 600 90 4 Mission Control
20 Money
2.2 Water
2.2 Volatiles
720 Money 48 Volatiles
48 Base Metals
Automated Platform Core
Station T1 PlatformCore.png
1 0 4 20 30 1 Mission Control 20 Money 1 Volatiles
1 Base Metals

Particle Colliders

Particle Colliders are used to produce antimatter. They also produce Energy Research but once the bonus goes above 50% it suffers diminishing returns.

Colliders can only be built in orbit.

Module Tier Crew Mass (tons) Build Time (days) Required Power Monthly Income Support Costs Build Cost (from Earth) Build Cost (from space)
Station T2 Atomsmasher.png
2 20 1000 180 250 5 Research
0.009 Antimatter
3% Energy Research
20 Money
10 Water
10 Volatiles
5 Base Metals
5 Noble Metals
3 Fissiles
1K Money 2 Water
8 Volatiles
14 Base Metals
14 Noble Metals
2 Fissiles
Station T3 Supercollider.png
3 100 8000 360 750 20 Research
0.1 Antimatter
5% Energy Research
120 Money
32 Water
32 Volatiles
20 Base Metals
20 Noble Metals
10 Fissiles
10K Money 16 Water
48 Volatiles
112 Base Metals
112 Noble Metals
32 Fissiles

Antimatter Capture

Antimatter capture modules can only be constructed in orbits that have antimatter. Only one antimatter capture module can operate in each antimatter orbit, regardless of faction.

Note that antimatter stats in an orbit are given in micrograms per year, whereas the units of production for most other production facilities are given in units of dekatons per month. That means that each point of antimatter in an orbit is 1/120,000,000,000,000 units per month, or 8.3 femto-units, even with the 100% efficient Antimatter Farm doing the harvesting. Since the largest antimatter value in the solar system is Mimas, at 880, this means that the best possible production from an antimatter capture facility is is 7.3 pico-units per month.

Module Tier Crew Mass (tons) Required Power Antimatter Extraction Support Costs Build Cost (from Earth) Build Cost (from space)
Antimatter Trap
Station T1 AntimatterTrap.png
1 3 20 30 25% 2 Money
0.39 Water
0.39 Volatiles
32 Money 1 Boost
1 Base Metals
Antimatter Harvester
Station T2 AntimatterHarvester.png
2 15 100 120 50% 5 Money
1 Water
1 Volatiles
160 Money 10 Boost
5 Base Metals
Antimatter Farm
Station T3 AntimatterFarm.png
3 75 800 480 100% 10 Money
7.2 Water
7.2 Volatiles
5 Base Metals
2 Noble Metals
1 Fissibles
815 Money 50 Boost
25 Base Metals

Campaign Modules

Campaign Modules are tier 3 modules that can only be constructed by certain factions once certain campaign objectives have been completed. Constructing it will allow the faction to complete its final objective.

Module Crew Mass (tons) Build Time (days) Required Power Support Costs Build Cost (from Earth) Build Cost (from space) Faction Notes
Sentinel Complex
Station T3 SentinelComplex.png
200 2000 120 150 1 Mission Control
20 Money
2.9 Water
2.9 Volatiles
200K Money 76 Volatiles
80 Base Metals
40 Noble Metals
4 Exotics
FAC AppeaseCouncil 128.png The Protectorate Will defend the station
May only be built in Low Earth Orbit
Interstellar Launch Facility
Station T3 InterstellarLaunchingLaser.png
80 250000 720 5000 20 Mission Control
20 Money
2.3 Water
2.3 Volatiles
25M Money 2.5K Water
5K Volatiles
10K Base Metals
6K Noble Metals
500 Exotics
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Project Exodus



Bases are built at a hab site. Hab sites are discovered by launching a prospector probe after the required technology has been researched.

Bases use the following core modules. They require the council engineering project with the same name to be constructed.

Module Tier Crew Mass (tons) Build Time (days) Support Costs Build Cost (from Earth) Build Cost (from space)
Outpost Core
Base T1 OutpostCore.png
1 5 20 30 1 Mission Control
3 Money
0.15 Water
0.15 Volatiles
15 Money 1 Volatiles
1 Base Metals
Settlement Core
Base T2 SettlementCore.png
2 25 160 60 3 Mission Control
10 Money
0.73 Water
0.73 Volatiles
120 Money 8 Volatiles
8 Base Metals
Colony Core
Base T3 ColonyCore.png
3 125 800 90 5 Mission Control
21 Money
3.6 Water
3.6 Volatiles
960 Money 64 Volatiles
64 Base Metals
Automated Outpost Core
Base T1 OutpostCore.png
1 0 20 30 2 Mission Control 24 Money 1 Volatiles
1 Base Metals

Mining Complexes

Each base will have a Mining Deposit Access Point above the Core Module. Only Mining Complex modules can be constructed on it, which will produce the resources of the hab site. Its construction cost and power consumption scale with the escape velocity of the celestial body and its distance from Earth.

There is a soft limit on the number of mining bases you can have. Starting at 13 mines on different celestial bodies, extra MC is charged for each new one. As far as the mining limit is concerned, every base on e.g., Mars counts as one base only. This makes asteroid mining more expensive in terms of MC than mining on larger objects.

Module Tier Crew Mass (tons) Required Mission Control Extraction Rate
Outpost Mining Complex
Base T1 OutpostMiningComplex.png
1 12 127 0 100%
Settlement Mining Complex
Base T2 SettlementMiningComplex.png
2 60 635 0 150%
Colony Mining Complex
Base T3 ColonyMiningComplex.png
3 200 5077 0 200%
Automated Mining Complex
Base T1 OutpostMiningComplex.png
1 0 89 2 100%


Most hab modules consume power. You must build sufficient power-generating modules to accommodate your other modules. Modules may be turned off to reduce power consumption, although certain modules must remain on if there is power to support them in the hab.

Hab modules are added to habs either by shipping them from Earth using boost or building them out of space materials. Some modules have upgrade paths to larger versions; upgrading a module in this way is done at a discount.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Module Effects Module Effects Module Effects
Supply Depot
Station T1 SupplyDepot.png
Allows ships to resupply
+3 Crew
-5 Power
cannot be upgraded
Space Dock
Station T1 ConstructionModule.png
Allows ships to resupply
Shortens prospecting time
Enables ship construction
+40 Crew
-10 Power
Station T2 Shipyard.png
Allows ships to resupply
Shortens prospecting time
Enables ship construction (x1.5 speed)
+120 Crew
-40 Power
Station T3 Spaceworks.png
Allows ships to resupply
Shortens prospecting time
Enables ship construction (x2 speed)
+400 Crew
-120 Power
Construction Module
Station T1 SpaceDock.png
Allows founding tier 1 habs
+6 Crew
+10% Construction Speed
-10 Power
Station T2 Nanofactory.png
Allows founding tier 1-2 habs
+30 Crew
+25% Construction Speed
+1% Materials Research
-40 Power
+80 Money if hab isn't constructing modules
+2% Economy priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Nanofacturing Complex
Station T3 NanofacturingComplex.png
Allows founding tier 1-3 habs
+150 Crew
+40% Construction Speed
+2% Materials Research
-120 Power
+300 Money if hab isn't constructing modules
+5% Economy priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Station T1 Quarters.png
+3 Control Space Asset Defense
+3 Money
+2 Influence
+30 Crew
-3 Power
Residential Module
Station T2 ResidentialModule.png
+6 Control Space Asset Defense
+12 Money
+6 Influence
+500 Crew
-15 Power
-1 Boost
Civilian Complex
Station T3 CivilianComplex.png
+12 Control Space Asset Defense
+40 Money
+12 Influence
+2500 Crew
-120 Power
-3 Boost
Hydroponics Bay
Station T1 HydroponicsBay.png
-1.5 Water and Volatiles Upkeep
+1 Crew
-10 Power
Station T2 Farm.png
-8.8 Water and Volatiles Upkeep
+5 Crew
-40 Power
Agriculture Complex
Station T3 AgricultureComplex.png
-87.5 Water and Volatiles Upkeep
+25 Crew
-120 Power
Marine Platoon Barracks
Station T1 MarinePlatoonBarracks.png
Enables Assault Enemy Space Asset missions (strength 2)
Protects against Assault Enemy Space Asset missions
+30 Crew
+5 Ops
-5 Power
Marine Company Barracks
Station T2 MarineCompanyBarracks.png
Enables Assault Enemy Space Asset missions (strength 6)
Protects against Assault Enemy Space Asset missions (x4)
+150 Crew
+12 Ops
-20 Power
Marine Battalion Barracks
Station T3 MarineBattalionBarracks.png
Enables Assault Enemy Space Asset missions (strength 15)
Protects against Assault Enemy Space Asset missions (x14)
+750 Crew
+30 Ops
built from tier 2 Skunkworks
Station T2 SkunkWorks.png
+20 Crew
+1 Council Engineering Project Slots
-30 Power
Station T3 Foundry.png
+100 Crew
+2 Council Engineering Project Slots
-90 Power
built from tier 2 Research Campus
Station T2 ResearchCampus.png
+200 Crew
+80 Research
-30 Power
-1 Mission Control
Research University
Station T3 ResearchUniversity.png
+1000 Crew
+200 Research
-90 Power
-1 Mission Control
built from tier 2 Operations Center
Station T2 OperationsCenter.png
+50 Crew
+1 Mission Control
-40 Power
Command Center
Station T3 CommandCenter.png
+250 Crew
+2 Mission Control
-120 Power

Power Modules

Power Modules produce Power to the hab. Solar power modules are inefficient if the hab is built in the L-2 Lagrage Point as it will lie in the planet's shadow.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 3 upgraded
Module Effects Module Effects Module Effects Module Effects
Solar Collector
Station T1 SolarCollector.png
+1 Crew
Power depending on proximity to the Sun (Mercury 67, Venus 19, Earth 10, Mars 3)
Solar Array
Station T2 SolarArray.png
+5 Crew
Power depending on proximity to the Sun (x4) (Mercury 280, Venus 80, Earth 42, Mars 14)
Solar Farm
Station T3 SolarFarm.png
+25 Crew
Power depending on proximity to the Sun (x12) (Mercury 834, Venus 239, Earth 125, Mars 40)
Fission Pile
Station T1 FissionPile.png
+4 Crew
+10 Power
Fission Reactor Array
Station T2 FissionReactorArray.png
+20 Crew
+42 Power
Fission Reactor Farm
Station T3 FissionReactorFarm.png
+100 Crew
+125 Power
Heavy Fission Pile
Station T1 HeavyFissionPile.png
+4 Crew
+15 Power
Heavy Fission Reactor Array
Station T2 HeavyFissionReactorArray.png
+20 Crew
+64 Power
Heavy Fission Reactor Farm
Station T3 HeavyFissionReactorFarm.png
+100 Crew
+187 Power
Fusion Pile
Station T1 FusionPile.png
+5 Crew
+20 Power
Fusion Reactor Array
Station T2 FusionReactorArray.png
+25 Crew
+85 Power
Fusion Reactor Farm
Station T3 FusionReactorFarm.png
+125 Crew
+250 Power
Heavy Fusion Reactor Farm
Station T3 TerawattFusionReactor.png
+250 Crew
+450 Power

Defense Modules

Defense modules house weapons to defend habs and prevent enemy Assault Hab fleet operations.

When built on bases they house 2 surface-to-orbit laser cannons (laser / arc laser / phaser) and will fire at fleets that begin bombardment. They upgrade automatically when new global techs are researched.

When built on stations they house 2 anti-ship weapons: 1 laser battery (laser / arc laser / phaser) and 1 projectile battery (gun / rail / coil / plasma). In addition, they also house 1 point defense turret (laser / arc laser / phaser). Stations with defense modules will take part in space battles. They upgrade automatically when new faction projects that unlock weapons are researched.

Module Tier Weapon Size Crew Mass (tons) Required Power Support Costs Build Cost (from Earth) Build Cost (from space)
Point Defense Array
Station T1 PointDefenseArray.png
1 Small 3 150 10 2 Money
0.1 Base Metals
145 Money 3.3 Volatiles
11.4 Base Metals
0.3 Noble Metals
Layered Defense Array
Station T2 LayeredDefenseArray.png
2 Medium 15 750 40 10 Money
1 Base Metals
0.5 Noble Metals
725 Money 16.5 Volatiles
57 Base Metals
1.5 Noble Metals
Station T3 Battlestations.png
3 Large 75 6000 240 30 Money
3 Base Metals
1 Noble Metals
5.8K Money 132 Volatiles
456 Base Metals
12 Noble Metals

Administration Modules

Administration modules help with faction management. Each hab may only have one administration module.

Module Tier Mission Control Control Point Cap Crew Mass (tons) Required Power Support Costs Build Cost (from Earth) Build Cost (from space)
Administration Tower
Station T2 AdministrationTower.png
2 1 10 200 150 30 1 Boost
21.5 Money
0.1 Base Metals
120 1.2 Water
6 Volatiles
7.5 Base Metals
0.3 Noble Metals
Administration Complex
Station T3 AdministrationComplex.png
3 2 30 1000 750 120 3 Boost
100 Money
1 Base Metals
600 6 Water
30 Volatiles
37.5 Base Metals
1.5 Noble Metals

Science Modules

Science Modules produce Research in a certain field and have additinal effects if built in Earth interface orbit. Once the research bonus goes above 50% it suffers diminishing returns.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Module Effects Module Effects Module Effects
Energy Lab
Station T1 EnergyLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+3% Energy Research
-8 Power
+3% Boost priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Energy Research Center
Station T2 EnergyResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+10% Energy Research
-32 Power
+6% Boost priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Energy Institute
Station T3 EnergyInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+25% Energy Research
-96 Power
+10% Boost priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Information Science Lab
Station T1 InformationScienceLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+3% Information Science Research
-6 Power
+3% Knowledge priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Information Science Research Center
Station T2 InformationScienceResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+10% Information Science Research
-24 Power
+6% Knowledge priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Information Science Institute
Station T3 InformationScienceInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+25% Information Science Research
-72 Power
+10% Knowledge priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Life Science Lab
Station T1 LifeScienceLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+3% Life Science Research
-5 Power
+3% Welfare priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Life Science Research Center
Station T2 LifeScienceResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+10% Life Science Research
-20 Power
+6% Welfare priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Life Science Institute
Station T3 LifeScienceInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+25% Life Science Research
-60 Power
+10% Welfare priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Materials Lab
Station T1 MaterialsLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+3% Materials Research
-5 Power
+3% Military priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Materials Research Center
Station T2 MaterialsResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+10% Materials Research
-20 Power
+6% Military priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Materials Institute
Station T3 MaterialsInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+25% Materials Research
-60 Power
+10% Military priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Military Science Lab
Station T1 MilitaryScienceLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+3% Military Science Research
-5 Power
+0.03 Miltech if in Earth orbit (max +0.3)
Military Science Research Center
Station T2 MilitaryScienceResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+10% Military Science Research
-20 Power
+0.06 Miltech if in Earth orbit (max +0.3)
Military Science Institute
Station T3 MilitaryScienceInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+25% Military Science Research
-60 Power
+0.1 Miltech if in Earth orbit (max +0.3)
Space Science Lab
Station T1 SpaceScienceLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+3% Space Science Research
-5 Power
+3% Mission Control priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Space Science Research Center
Station T2 SpaceScienceResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+10% Space Science Research
-20 Power
+6% Mission Control priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Space Science Institute
Station T3 SpaceScienceInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+25% Space Science Research
-60 Power
+10% Mission Control priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Xenology Lab
Station T1 XenologyLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+10% Xenology Science Research
-5 Power
+1 Alien Detection if in Earth orbit (max +9)
Xenoscience Research Center
Station T2 XenoscienceResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+25% Xenology Science Research
-20 Power
+2 Alien Detection if in Earth orbit (max +9)
Xenoscience Institute
Station T3 XenoscienceInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+50% Xenology Science Research
-60 Power
+3 Alien Detection if in Earth orbit (max +9)

Civilian Modules

Civilian Modules must be constructed either in stations in Earth or Luna orbit or on bases on celestial bodies with at least 50000 population. They cannot be build in irradiated locations.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Module Effects Module Effects Module Effects
Tourist Berth
Station T1 TouristBerth.png
+1 Crew
+12 Money
+1 Influence
-3 Power
-0.1 Boost
can only be built in orbit
Space Hotel
Station T2 SpaceHotel.png
+100 Crew
+80 Money
+2 Influence
-30 Power
-3 Boost
can only be built in orbit
Space Resort
Station T3 SpaceResort.png
+500 Crew
+250 Money
+5 Influence
-90 Power
-6 Boost
can only be built in orbit
Social Science Lab
Station T1 SocialScienceLab.png
+3 Crew
+5 Research
+3% Social Science Research
-3 Power
+1 Public Campaign strength if in Earth orbit (max +9)
Social Science Research Center
Station T2 SocialScienceResearchCenter.png
+25 Crew
+10 Research
+10% Social Science Research
-12 Power
+2 Public Campaign strength if in Earth orbit (max +9)
Social Science Institute
Station T3 SocialScienceInstitute.png
+125 Crew
+20 Research
+25% Social Science Research
-36 Power
+3 Public Campaign strength if in Earth orbit (max +9)
Broadcast Outlet
Station T1 BroadcastOutlet.png
+5 Crew
+5 Influence
-8 Power
Communications Hub
Station T2 CommunicationsHub.png
+25 Crew
+12 Influence
-32 Power
+1% Unity priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
Media Center
Station T3 MediaCenter.png
+125 Crew
+30 Influence
-96 Power
+2% Unity priority effect if in Earth orbit (max +30%)
built from tier 2 Space Hospital
Station T2 OrbitalHospital.png
+120 Crew
+60 Money
+3% Life Science Research
-30 Power
-1.5 Boost
Geriatrics Facility
Station T3 GeriatricsFacility.png
+300 Crew
+250 Money
+3% Life Science Research
-90 Power
-3 Boost

Deep Space Telesope

The Deep Space Telesope is a tier 2 module only available to the FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Project Exodus faction for its objectives. Its stats are comparable to the Space Science Research Center module.

Finding the UI

Once you have the prerequisites of a Hab space station, deselect (click x) on any agents. Zoom out until the boarders and icons on Earth aren't shown. Then click on Earth, it will zoom in a bit and a small icon of a space station with a + will appear at the bottom where commands normally are.