Console Commands
The game's console can be enabled by editing the following file in the game's folder with a text editor: TerraInvicta_Data\StreamingAssets\Templates\TIGlobalConfig.json
In the second half there is the following line: "debug_ConsoleActive": false,. Set it to true and save the file. Note that certain game updates might overwrite the file, requiring another edit.
The console can be opened with the ~ key.
List of commands
Commands are not case-sensitive but the parameters are.
Command | Effect | Parameters | Example |
help | Lists all commands | help | |
absorb | The first nation annexes the second nation | nation internal name,nation internal name | absorb USA,CAN |
addscouncilresources | Adds all faction resources to the player faction | amount | addcouncilresources 100 |
addOfficier | Add an officer to the indicated ship | amount | AddOfficer shipName,officerDataName |
addspaceresources | Adds all space resources to the player faction | amount | addspaceresources 100 |
addresource | Adds a certain resource to a faction | resource,amount,faction internal name | addresource Money,100,SubmitCouncil |
giveresource | Adds a certain resource to a faction | resource,amount,faction internal name | giveresource Money,100,SubmitCouncil |
addtrait | Adds a trait to the selected councilor | trait internal name | addtrait ConspiracyTheorist |
aerosols | Adds excess stratospheric aerosols to Earth | amount | aerosols 0.1 |
armygohome | Teleports the selected army to its home region | armygohome | |
changeunrest | Adds unrest to the selected nation, negative values lower it | amount | changeunrest 3 |
completemodule | Completes the construction of the selected hab module | completemodule | |
completeobjective | Completes the written objective for the player faction | objective internal name | completeobjective ResearchExotics |
completeproject | Completes the current council engineering project for a faction | faction internal name | completeproject EscapeCouncil |
damageship | Damages one ship in the selected fleet, will not fully destroy ships | amount | damageship 100 |
destroymodule | Destroys the selected hab module | destroymodule | |
dumpfleetgoal | Writes the mission of the selected fleet | dumpfleetgoal | |
givealltechs | Completes all global research and gives the faction all council engineering projects Warning: campaign will require using the completeobjective command to proceed unless already at final objective |
faction internal name | givealltechs ResistCouncil |
giveallcps | Gives all unonwned control points in the chosen nation to a faction | nation name,faction internal name | giveallcps Afghanistan,ResistCouncil |
givecp | Gives an unonwned control point in the chosen nation to a faction | nation name,faction internal name | givecp Afghanistan,ResistCouncil |
giveorg | Gives a faction a certain org | faction internal name,org internal name | giveorg ResistCouncil,CentralIntelligenceAgency |
giveproject | Give finished project to council. | giveproject dataName, factionName (optional) | giveproject Project_CommercialResearch, ResistCouncil |
givexp | Gives XP to the selected councilor | amount | givexp 200 |
killasset | Kill the selected army, councilor or fleet | killasset | |
killstate | Kills the selected army, councilor, fleet or habitat | killstate | |
modifygdp | Adds or removes GDP billions to a certain nation | nation name,amount | modifygdp Afghanistan,300 |
nosecrets | Reveals all factions' councilors, objectives and council engineering projects | nosecrets | |
nuke | Launches a strategic nuclear barrage in the selected nation | nuke | |
peaceout | Enda all wars the selected nation is involved in | peaceout | |
propaganda | Completes a Public Opinion mission on every nation for a faction | faction internal name,strength (optional) | propaganda ResistCouncil,10 |
prospect | Prospscts a celestial body | celestial body | prospect Ganymede |
revealsites | Prospects all celestial bodies | revealsites | |
revolution | Triggers a revolution in the selected nation | revolution | |
regimechange | Triggers a regime change for the player faction in the selected nation | regimechange | |
setarmyhealth | Changes the selected army's strength, 1 means 100% | amount | setarmyhealth 0.5 |
setfation | Changes factions, requires a save and reload for full effect and will not work if done during mission assignment phase Warning: can switch to the alien faction but certain actions will crash the game |
faction internal name | setfation ResistCouncil |
setmiltech | Sets the miltech of the selected nation | amount | setmiltech 4 |
sight | Reveals all current alien phenomena sites | sight | |
spawnlanding | Spawns an UFO landing in the selected region | spawnlanding | |
spawnxenofauna | Spawns an alien megafauna army in the selected region | spawnxenofauna | |
startcoup | Triggers a coup in the selected nation | startcoup | |
triggerevent | Triggers an event | event internal name | triggerevent event_OneHumanity |
unify | Unifies two nations | nation internal name,nation internal name | unify USA,CAN |
unlockallshipparts | Unlocks all human and alien ship components for ship design | unlockallshipparts | |
watchfactions | Reveals all factions' objectives and council engineering projects | watchfactions | |
alieninfo | Writes all resources and the next purchase of the aliens | alieninfo | |
autopilot | Plays game automatically Warning: requires restarting the game to disable |
autopilot | |
musicinfo | Writes music info | musicinfo | |
setmusicvolume | Sets the music volume | amount | setmusicvolume 2 |
setmusicintensity | Sets the music intensity | amount | setmusicintensity 2 |
SetDV | Set all ships in the currently selected fleet Delta V to the specified fraction of their max | 1-100 (Percentage based) | SetDv 50- Sets the ship's DV to 50% of its max. |
TransferRegion | Transfer selected region to nationTemplateName | TransferRegion (While region is selected) | |
killasset | Destroys the selected player ship | killasset |
There are a couple of other console commands but they currently either do not work or crash the game (version 0.3.98):
- forcemissions
- detainme
Faction internal names
Factions have the following internal names:
Faction | Internal name |
Humanity First | DestroyCouncil |
Project Exodus | EscapeCouncil |
The Academy | CooperateCouncil |
The Initiative | ExploitCouncil |
The Protectorate | AppeaseCouncil |
The Resistance | ResistCouncil |
The Servants | SubmitCouncil |
Aliens | AlienCouncil |
Nation internal names
A complete list of all faction internal names may be found in \TerraInvicta_Data\StreamingAssets\Localization\en\TINationTemplate.en. You're smart enough to figure the rest out from there. Unifying a non-existant nation with an existing one (ie, typing "unify RUS,EUA" instead of "unify EUA,RUS" when you've already incorporated the eurasian union into the EU) will create a new unified state with no occupied control points. That is, you will lose the nation. Additonally, per the regular union mechanic, any nations with cohesion less than 5 have a chance to split up on unification if they have absorbed any nations outside the primary unifying nation's claims: ie, if you tell the EU to absorb china, and china has absorbed laos, you may lose laos if china has cohesion less than 5. Using the regimechange command after doing this will give command of the nation to a random faction instead of you. (bug?)
Nations have the following internal names:
Nation | Internal name |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Algeria | DZA |
Alpine States | ALP |
Angola | AGO |
Argentina | ARG |
Armenia | ARM |
Australia | AUS |
Azerbaijan | AZE |
Baltic States | BAS |
Bangladesh | BGD |
Belarus | BLR |
Belize | BEL |
Benelux | NET |
Bolivia | BOL |
Botswana | BWA |
Brazil | BRA |
Bulgaria | BUL |
Burkina Faso | BKF |
Cambodia | KHM |
Cameroon | CMR |
Canada | CAN |
Caribbean States | CAB |
Central African Republic | CAF |
Chad | TCD |
Chile | CHL |
China | CHN |
Nation | Internal name |
Colombia | COL |
Congo | COD |
Costa Rica | COS |
Cuba | CUB |
Czech Republic | CZE |
Denmark | DEN |
Ecuador | ECU |
Egypt | EGY |
El Salvador | ELS |
Eritrea | ERI |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Finland | FIN |
France | EUA |
Georgia | GEO |
Germany | DEU |
Great Lakes States | UGA |
Greece | GRE |
Guatemala | GTM |
Gulf States | GUS |
Guyana | GUY |
Himalayan States | HYS |
Honduras | HON |
Hungary | HUN |
Iceland | ISL |
India | IND |
Indonesia | IDN |
Nation | Internal name |
Iran | IRN |
Iraq | IRQ |
Ireland | IRL |
Israel | ISR |
Italy | ITA |
Ivory Coast | IVO |
Japan | JPN |
Jordan | JOR |
Kazakhstan | KAZ |
Kenya | KEN |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ |
Laos | LAO |
Libya | LBY |
Lower Guinea | LWG |
Madagascar | MDG |
Malaysia | MYS |
Mali | MLI |
Mauritania | MRT |
Mexico | MEX |
Middle Guinea | MLG |
Mongolia | MNG |
Morocco | MAR |
Mozambique | MOZ |
Myanmar | MMR |
Namibia | SWA |
New Zealand | NZL |
Nation | Internal name |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Niger | NER |
Nigeria | NGA |
North Korea | PRK |
Northern Balkan States | NBK |
Norway | NOR |
Oman | OMN |
Pacific States | PCS |
Pakistan | PAK |
Panama | PAN |
Paraguay | PRY |
Peru | PER |
Philippines | PHL |
Poland | POL |
Portugal | PRT |
Ratnakaran States | RTK |
Romania | ROM |
Russia | RUS |
Saudi Arabia | SEN |
Senegamnia | SEG |
Singapore | SGP |
Slovakia | SLO |
Somalia | SOM |
South Africa | ZAF |
South Korea | KOR |
South Sudan | SSD |
Nation | Internal name |
Southern Balkan States | SBK |
Spain | ESP |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Sudan | SDN |
Suriname | SUR |
Sweden | SCA |
Syria | SYR |
Taiwan | TWN |
Tajikistan | TJK |
Tanzania | TZA |
Thailand | THA |
Tunisia | TUN |
Turkey | TUR |
Turkmenistan | TKM |
Ukraine | UKR |
United Kingdom | GBR |
United States of America | USA |
Upper Guinea | UPG |
Uruguay | URY |
Uzbekistan | UZB |
Venezuela | VEN |
Vietnam | VNM |
Yemen | YEM |
Zambia-Malawi | ZMB |
Zimbabwe | ZWE |