
From Terra Invicta Official Wiki
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Goals and starting relations of all factions

With the nations of Earth unable to reach consensus on how to approach the alien arrival on their own, covert transnational factions of like-minded people have become the dominant players in world affairs. Each is driven by an ideology on how to address alien activities on Earth. These factions will seek to invest in and control the governments of Earth to advance their goals. You are leading one of these factions.

The inner leadership circle of each faction is its council. Councilors will go on missions to help you gain power over Earth's nations and discover the aliens' goals on Earth. Factions also may gain control over armies, and as the story progresses, they may build habitats and fleets in space.

Factions cannot be entirely eliminated in Terra Invicta. They have emerged from the beliefs of the people of Earth. People can be swayed and organizational structures removed, but ideas can't fully die. What matters is how much power the people holding those ideologies possess.

During the campaign, each faction will have one or more objectives to fulfill at any given time. Completing objectives will lead to uncovering information about the aliens and their true purpose in our Solar System. Objectives can also unlock special research projects and orgs for a faction.

By using the Contact mission on a councilor from another faction, a councilor may initiate trade discussions with the leader of that faction. Successful trades can serve to lower hostility between factions.

Trade Negotiations

Factions can begin trade negotiations with each other by using the Contact mission. They may trade resources, orgs, control points or council engineering projects. They can also form non-aggression pacts, which prevents two factions from using hostile missions or the declare war policy against each other's councilors and nations.

Nations that are in conflict or at war with each other will reject trade negotiations.


Atrocities are actions that will permanently lower Public Opinion in every nation for a certain faction, as well as the loyalty of councilors with the Ethical and Pacifist traits. The following actions will create atrocities:

  • Completing a Nuclear Weapons priority for the first time in a nation
  • Using a Strategic Nuclear Barrage
  • Razing a region with an army or fleet
  • Bombarding a mission control facility or launch facility
  • Destroying a hab with civilian modules
  • Critically failing Assassinate missions
  • Critically failing Increase Unrest missions
  • Assassinate mission on a councilor with the Beloved trait
  • Various random events

Human Factions

There are seven human factions in Terra Invicta. Each faction has an ideology that determines how hostile it will be to other factions and how much they will be affected by a nation's population having different beliefs. Factions with ideology supportive to the aliens will eventually be able to transfer territory to the alien nation.

Faction Leader Agenda Ideology Default names Ship color
Humanity Aliens
FAC ResistCouncil 128.png The Resistance F AFR 04 icon.png Commander Fiona Ayouade Protect humanity by resisting the alien invasion Realist Somewhat hostile Small ships after heroes
Medium ships after qualities
Large ships after battles
Habs after commanders
FAC SubmitCouncil 128.png The Servants F EUR 06 icon.png Superior Judith Howell Support the aliens by any means necessary Idealist Very supportive Small ships after mythical beasts
Medium ships after phenomena
Large ships after mythologies
Habs after monuments
FAC ExploitCouncil 128.png The Initiative M EUR 06 icon.png Chairman Soren Van Wyk Exploit the alien arrival to gain power Cynical Neutral Small ships after fish
Medium ships after rivers
Large ships after water bodies
Habs after explorers
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Project Exodus M ASI 11 icon.png Director Khalid Al-Ashgar Escape the aliens by sending humans to other stars Idealist Hostile Small ships after birds
Medium ships after astronomy objects
Large ships after famous ships
Habs after astronauts
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.png The Academy F EAS 06 icon.png Chancellor Li Qingzhao Convince the aliens that we are equal Idealist Somewhat supportive Small ships after land animals
Medium ships after scientists
Large ships after explorations
Habs after exemplars
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.png Humanity First M HIS 03 icon.png Colonel Hanse Castillo Eradicate the aliens and all who support them Somewhat cynical Very hostile Small ships after weapons
Medium ships after warriors
Large ships after scary things
Habs after mountains
FAC AppeaseCouncil 128.png The Protectorate M ASI 12 icon.png Commissioner Kiran Banerjee Protect humanity by appeasing the aliens Somewhat cynical Supportive Small ships after cities
Medium ships after regions
Large ships after landmasses
Habs after leaders

Campaign Objectives

Initial objectives are the same for every faction. However as more objectives are completed the story will start to diverge.

No Objective
1 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Investigate Alien Crash Have a councilor conduct the Investigate Alien Activity mission at the crash site.
2 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Research Alien Signatures When it becomes available, reseach the Alien Signatures project.
3 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Investigate Alien Abductions Conduct Surveil Location missions in regions near any alien crash sites. If abductions are detected, send a councilor on an Investigate Alien Activity mission to that location.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research Alien Origin Research the Skywatch and Deep System Skywatch global technologies, and then the Alien Origin project when it becomes available.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Salvage Alien Technology Successfully engage one of the following alien assets: facility, landed UFO, habitat, warship, or army.
4 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Research Alien Methods When it becomes available, reseach the Alien Methods project.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research Alien Technology When it becomes available, reseach the Alien Technology project.
5 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Investigate Returned Abductees Conduct Surveil Location missions in areas with a suspected alien presence. If evidence of alien influence on the populate or leaders is detected, send a councilor on an Investigate Alien Activity mission to that location.
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Begin The Search Research the Advanced Neural Networks and Directed Space Research global technologies, and then the Deep Space Telescope project when it becomes available. Construct a Deep Space Telescope module at one of your habs.
6 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Research Alien Operations When it becomes available, reseach the Alien Operations project.
7 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Research Alien Movements When it becomes available, reseach the Alien Movements project.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Set Our Goal Research the faction's unique org project. For The Initiative additional objectives must be completed before the project appears.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Salvage Alien Warship Engage and defeat an alien warship, then research the Salvage Alien Warship project.
8 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Acquire An Alien Corpus Detect an alien operative on Earth and conduct an Assassinate mission against it. It may also be possible to locate an Alien Facility in an Earth region and conduct an Assault Alien Asset mission against it or detect and capture an alien hab out in the Solar System.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research Exotics When it becomes available, reseach the Exotic Materials project.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Contact The Aliens Detect an alien operative on Earth and conduct a Contact mission against it.
9 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research Hydra Biology When it becomes available, reseach the Hydra Biology project.
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Exotic Hybrids Research the Quantum Computing global technology, and then the Exotic Hybrid Systems project when it becomes available.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Learn Their Language When it becomes available, reseach the Hydra Language project. For The Academy additional objectives must be completed before the project appears.
10 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research Hydra Pherocytes When it becomes available, reseach the Pherocytes project.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Conduct Diplomacy With The Aliens When it becomes available, reseach the Hydra Diplomacy project.
11 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research Hydra Containment When it becomes available, reseach the Alien Containment project.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC AppeaseCouncil 128.pngFAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Learn Their Demands When it becomes available, reseach the Their Demands project.
FAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Prepare the Alien Nation When it becomes available, reseach the The Alien Nation project.
12 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Capture A Live Hydra Detect an alien operative on Earth and conduct a Detain mission against it. It may also be possible to locate an Alien Facility in an Earth region and conduct an Assault Alien Asset mission against it or detect and capture an alien hab out in the Solar System.
FAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Research The One True Path When it becomes available, reseach the The One True Path project.
FAC AppeaseCouncil 128.png Develop Coexistence Pact When it becomes available, reseach the Coexistence Pact project.
13 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Communicate With Captured Hydra When it becomes available, reseach the Hydra Language project.
FAC AppeaseCouncil 128.png Build The Sentinels Construct 10 Sentinel Complex modules on stations in Low Earth Orbit.
14 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC EscapeCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Interrogate The Captive Hydra When it becomes available, reseach the Hydra Interrogation project.
15 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research Wormholes When it becomes available, reseach the Wormholes project.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.png Learn Their Weakness When it becomes available, reseach the Their Weakness project.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.png Research Pherocyte Resistance When it becomes available, reseach the Pherocyte Resistance project.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Determine Their Purpose When it becomes available, reseach the Their Purpose project.
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png A New Home When it becomes available, reseach the A New Home project.
16 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.pngFAC CooperateCouncil 128.pngFAC ExploitCouncil 128.pngFAC ResistCouncil 128.png Research The Choke Point When it becomes available, reseach the The Choke Point project.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.png Research Hydra Biowarfare When it becomes available, reseach the Hydra Biowarfare project.
FAC ExploitCouncil 128.png Research Pherocyte Mastery When it becomes available, reseach the Pherocyte Mastery project.
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Plot The Great Journey When it becomes available, reseach the The Great Journey project.
17 FAC DestroyCouncil 128.png Prepare To Kill The Hive When it becomes available, reseach the Kill the Hive project.
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Construct The Bifrost Construct an Interstellar Launch Facility module at one of your habs.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.png Research A Permanent Peace When it becomes available, reseach the A Permanent Peace project.
FAC ResistCouncil 128.png Prepare The Final Assault When it becomes available, reseach the The Final Assault project.
FAC ExploitCouncil 128.png Prepare To Enslave The Masters When it becomes available, reseach the Enslave the Masters project.

Victory Objectives

Once a faction completes all its campaign objectives it will gain a unique victory org and the Victory Objective will appear. The Victory Objective requires assigning the victory org to a councilor, completing all requirements for its mission and then undertaking the final mission.

Objective Org Mission Requirements
FAC SubmitCouncil 128.png Assert Alien Hegemony Org submit win.png The Sword of the Devoted ICO mission submit on.png Herald Our Masters
  • New York region
  • Aliens control regions containing at least 65% of Earth's population.
  • The combined fleet power of the Aliens and pro-alien factions must be at least 80% of the total fleet power among all factions in the Solar System.
FAC ResistCouncil 128.png Close The Gate Org resist win.png Janus Section ICO mission resist on.png Close the Gate
  • Aliens control 0% of Earth's regions.
  • The combined fleet power of the Aliens and pro-alien factions must be no more than 25% of the total fleet power among all factions in the Solar System.
FAC ExploitCouncil 128.png Earth Is Not Enough Org exploit win.png The Pherocyte Masters ICO mission exploit on.png Tame the Enemy
  • Faction controls regions with 50% of Earth's population.
  • Faction controls 65% of all control point values on Earth.
  • The combined fleet power of all enemy factions must be no more than 25% of the total fleet power among all factions in the Solar System.
FAC DestroyCouncil 128.png Kill Them All Org destroy win.png The Omega Solution ICO mission destroy on.png Trigger the Weapon
  • The aliens must control no more than 0% of Earth's regions.
  • The combined fleet power of the Aliens and pro-alien factions must be no more than 20% of the total fleet power among all factions in the Solar System.
  • Aliens and pro-aliens must control no more than 20% of Earth's regions.
FAC EscapeCouncil 128.png Launch Org escape win.png Bifrost Command Staff ICO mission escape on.png Launch the Bifrost
  • Interstellar Launch Facility module
FAC AppeaseCouncil 128.png Pacify The Earth Org appease win.png The Protectorate Authority ICO mission appease on.png Claim Hegemony
  • 10 Sentinel Complex modules
  • Faction controls regions with 50% of Earth's population.
  • Faction controls 65% of all control point values on Earth.
  • The combined fleet power of the Aliens and pro-alien factions must be at least 70% of the total fleet power among all factions in the Solar System.
FAC CooperateCouncil 128.png Send Out Envoys Through The Wormhole Org cooperate win.png Mission to the Hydra ICO mission cooperate on.png Forge an Alliance
  • Faction controls regions with 75% of the Earth's population.
  • Faction controls 75% of all control point values on Earth.
  • The combined fleet power of all enemy factions must be no more than 25% of the total fleet power among all factions in the Solar System.

Most Threatening Faction

All factions will slowly begin to target the most threatening faction in the game. The most threatening faction is the one that has the highest threat score, calculated with the following formula:

control points + (sum of all armies' Miltech * 0.5) + active hab modules + objectives completed