
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Different Biomes on the World Map


Biome Conditions

There are 6 different Biomes on the world map. These are:

Each Biome has unique Resources, which can be viewed on the Conditions tab after clicking on a Biome hex tile, as seen on the image on the right. Please see each unique Biome page in this wiki for a more detailed list of Resources , Effects and other information.

Map Modifiers


Modifier Description
Abandoned Settlement Another Viceroy tried to settle this area, but unfortunately failed... You start with a small destroyed settlement in your initial glade.
Fertile Grounds Glades have an increased chance of including fertile soil.
Forsaken Gods Temple Due to a strange curse, villagers with low Resolve can't leave the settlement. None of your villagers will generate Reputation from Resolve
Levitating Monument The power of a nearby monument makes everything feel lighter. You can move most buildings in your settlement.
Overgrown Library A remnant of a bygone era, when royal archivists themselves ventured out into the wilderness in search of knowledge. One of your starting blueprint choices is replaced by a Wildcard (you can choose one blueprint from all unlocked blueprints).
Petrified Necropolis Rocks in this region have a very peculiar shape. And they smell funny... Gain [[rl|Meat}} for every Stone Stone or Clay Clay gathered.
Royal Outpost The proximity of a Royal Outpost makes it easier to communicate with the crown. The pool of order choices will increase by 1.
Ruined Armory An old abandoned armory, left behind after the Great Civil War. No villagers will die when attacking a trader
Ruins This region was settled very frequently in the past. The chance of finding ruins in glades is much higher.
Watchtower The Royal Guard is watching over this region. Discovering glades doesn't increase Hostility



See Also