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Cheat sheet how to connect water related items in game.
Cheat sheet how to connect water related items in game.

Water and Sewage are optional features and are only available when Water Management is enabled in game settings.


Drinking water is a crucial resource that is obtained and processed to ensure its safety for consumption. Water is typically sourced from natural reservoirs such as lakes, rivers, and underground aquifers. It is collected using various methods, such as intake systems that prevent debris from entering the supply.

After collection, water goes through a treatment process to remove impurities and make it safe to drink. This process includes filtration, disinfection, and sometimes additional steps like coagulation and flocculation. Filtration removes suspended particles and sediment, while disinfection eliminates harmful microorganisms. The specific treatment methods may vary depending on the source and quality of the water.

Once treated, the drinking water is transported to homes, buildings, and communities through a network of pipes. Water pressure plays a vital role in ensuring a steady flow of water. In many urban areas, water is delivered using pressurized systems, where water is pumped and maintained at a certain pressure to reach higher elevations and distant locations. This enables efficient distribution of water to different areas.

In some cases, gravity-fed water systems are utilized, especially in rural or mountainous regions. Gravity-fed systems rely on the force of gravity to supply water. Water sources located at higher elevations are tapped and channeled through pipes downhill to the communities. The gravitational force ensures a continuous flow of water without the need for pumps or external energy.

Storing drinking water is crucial to meet fluctuating demands and provide a backup during emergencies. Reservoirs, tanks, and water towers are commonly used to store water. These structures not only store a sufficient quantity of water but also provide the necessary pressure for distribution.

Overall, the process of obtaining, processing, and distributing drinking water involves a combination of treatment techniques, infrastructure, and consideration of water pressure to ensure a safe and reliable water supply for communities.


Water management is a setting in the game settings which the player can enable. When enabled the player needs to take care of providing water to the citizens and factories. To achieve this the player needs to build buildings to collect and distribute water and also to take care over the quality of the water when providing it to citizens.


Water retrieval

Water can be retrieved from a lake or river with help of a surface water outflow. If there is no river or lake nearby the player can get water from a water well.

Water for citizens

The water from a surface water outflow or from a water well is drinkable for citizens but the player pays a health penalty depending of the quality of the water. When water is of a bad quality the citizens will become sick and must go see a doctor in a hospital. Water treatment allows the player to control the water quality and this water is more suitable for the citizens in the republic.

Water for factories

Factories need water and drinking water for the workers who work at the factory. The food processing factories must be provided with high quality drinking water.

Water quality

The quality of the water is under influence of the environment. Water quality of a surface water outflow depends on the water quality in the river or lake. When a water well is placed near buildings, the water quality is reduced. The water quality from a water well is 95% at maximum. Because the water well itself will reduce the quality. The player can control the quality of water with help of water treatment. in water treatment the water is treated with chemicals to become water of a higher quality, with a maximum of 99%. Citizens need high quality water as drinking water, if they get water with a quality lower than 97% they will become sick and must go see a doctor.


  • Water imported from a customs house has a quality of 99%.
  • The minimum drinking water quality for citizens is 97%.
  • A water quality of 95% will affect some citizens, 75% a lot more. The water quality consistent at 95% will still be enough to affect overall health.


Water needs to be distributed throughout the republic for buildings to function. This can be done through small, medium, big water pipes or with a water truck. Big water pipes can transport more water over longer distances. Medium water pipes can transport less water. And small water pipes transport the least water over distance. The player can branch off of water pipes using water switches. Contrary to the name, water switches cannot switch on or off water, and are only an interconnection between water pipes.

When using a water truck the player must use a water loading/unloading station, water treatment plant or customs house to be able to load water. The water trucks must be stationed at a technical services building and the source of water must be assigned. A water loading/unloading station has multiple water connections for pipes of any size. A water treatment plant can provide any treated water to trucks. A customs house will sell water on demand. Trucks will automatically deliver to buildings or a water substation, if they are inside the set range of the technical service.

Water can be distributed to buildings using a water substation. The player connects one water pipe, of any size, to a water substation. How far away a water substation can be placed from a building depends on the terrain height in the environment. If the water substation is at a higher height than the building, the distance increases. If the water substation is at a lower height the distance is decreased. The larger the difference in height between water substation and building the more the distance is increased or decreased. This rule applies to all 'sources' (Water substation, Water well, etc.) of water and 'consumers'. (Factories, stores, housing, etc.)

With help of a water pumping station the player can pump water from a lower height to a higher height. When pumping water to a higher height, the throughput of the pump is decreased, e.g. less m3/hour water pumped by the pump. When pumping water to a lower height, the throughput of the pump is increased, e.g. more m3/hour water pumped by the pump. Pumps have limited throughput. A small water pump transfers a maximum of approximately 50 m3/hour and a large pump transfers a maximum of approximately 150 m3/hour. The actual numbers can vary depending on height difference.

Water can be stored in a water tower or in a water underground reservoir.

Water Pressure

Pipes can transport more water depending on the water pressure. 1 bar of water pressure will transport about 19% of a pipe's total capacity. Pipes reach maximum throughput (the number displayed on the tooltip) when the pressure is at least 5.3 bar. Pumps will automatically raise the pressure to 5.3 bar, but their throughput is limited as described above. For example, a small pump cannot fully saturate a large pipe; it will only transport 50 m3/hour.

Exact water pressure is affected by the difference in volume between source and destination, and difference in height, and distance traveled. Water cannot flow uphill unless pressurized by a pump. Each meter difference in height increases the water pressure by approximately .06 bar. This means that gravity-fed water can provide significant pressure if the source is placed high enough, especially when using water towers for extra height.

Buildings related to water

Water treatment

The water treatment is a destination where polluted Water can be treated and become drinkable by the citizens of the republic. Water flows to the treatment plant, for processing, through water pipes or delivered with a water truck. chemicals such as chlorine are used to destroy microorganisms in the water.

The desired water quality can be configured from the treatment plant. The default and maximum setting is at 99%, this means that water leaving the water treatment plant is the best water the citizens in the republic can drink. The lowest possible value is 2%.

When there are no workers at the treatment plant, the plant stops processing water, water trucks return to the technical services building and citizens start complaining when they run out of water.

The production numbers on the water treatment plants can be slightly misleading. If a plant is purifying significantly impure water (such as water from a surface water outflow) the maximum production per day may be lower than what is listed. This is because of the maximum amount of wastewater that the plant can remove. This affects anything that is being purified by more than 10 percentage points. To find the actual maximum output, divide wastewater maximum by the amount of impurity removed (expressed as a decimal).

For example, let's say we have a big water treatment plant that is taking in 300 m3 of water from surface outflows with an average quality of 77%. We'd like to improve this to 97%, which is a total of 20% impurity removed. 30/.2 = 150, so the treatment plant will only output half of the expected amount at maximum efficiency.

Name Cost Workers Production Consumption Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water treatment small.png
Water treatment small
See below Workers.png 5 Water 120m3 Water
Wastewater 13m3 Wastewater
Water 0.10m3/h Water, Chemicals 0.25t Chemicals 10 MWh 167 kW 25m3 Water Water(import)
25m3 Water Water(export)
2.1t Chemicals Chemicals
Access 1x road access
2x water pipes(import)
2x water pipes(export)
L/U 2
Tool water treatment big.png
Water treatment big
See below Workers.png 10 Water 300m3 Water
Wastewater 30m3 Wastewater
Chemicals 0.47t Chemicals 13 MWh 232 kW 30m3 Water Water(import)
30m3 Water Water(export)
6.0t Chemicals Chemicals
Access 1x road access
4x water pipes(import)
3x water pipes(export)
L/U 4

Water well

Name Cost Workers Production Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water well small.png
Small water well
See below None Water 70m3 Water 5.1 MWh 84 kW Water 280m3 Water Access 1x footpath access
2x water pipes(export)
A well is a deep hole or shaft dug into the ground to access natural resources, in this specific case: Water.
L/U None
Tool water well big.png
Big water well
See below 7 Water 215m3 Water 8.9 MWh 148 kW Water 500m3 Water Access 1x footpath access
3x water pipes(import)
3x water pipes(export)
See small water well.
L/U None

Surface water outflow

Name Cost Workers Production Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water to water.png
Surface water outflow
Workdays 24 Workdays, Concrete 4.1t Concrete,
Gravel 0.39t Gravel, Asphalt 0.31t Asphalt,
Steel 0.81t Steel
None Water 150m3 Water 0 MWh 0 kW 3.0m3 Water Water(export) Access 1x footpath access
1x Water pipes(export)
Surface water outflow is a structure that takes in water. The surface water outflow needs to be built partially on water and partially on soil.
L/U None

Water loading/unloading station

Name Cost Workers Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water filling station.png
Water loading/unloading station
Workdays 303 Workdays, Concrete 8.2t Concrete,

Gravel 6.3t Gravel, Bricks 8.8t Bricks,
Boards 2.9t Boards, Steel 4.7t Steel,
Mechanical components 0.76t Mechanical components

None 7.5 MWh 124 kW None Access 1x road access
2x water pipes(import)
2x water pipes(export)
Water can be delivered or picked up from the water loading/unloading station with help of water trucks.
L/U 3

Water pumping station

Name Cost Workers Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water pumping station small.png
Small water pumping station
Workdays 43 Workdays, Concrete 0.66t Concrete,

Gravel 0.50t Gravel, Asphalt 0.4t Asphalt,
Bricks 1.8t Bricks, Boards 0.59t Boards,
Steel 0.65t Steel,
Mechanical components 0.090t Mechanical components

None 14 MWh 249 kW None Access 1x footpath access
1x water pipes(import)
1x water pipes(export)
With help of a water pumping station the player can pump water from a lower height to a higher height. When pumping water to a higher height, the throughput of the water pumping station is decreased, e.g. less m3/hour water pumped by the pump. When pumping water to a lower height, the throughput of the water pumping station is increased, e.g. more m3/hour water pumped by the pump.
L/U None
Tool water pumping station big.png
Big water pumping station
Workdays 74 Workdays, Concrete 1.7t Concrete,

Gravel 1.3t Gravel, Asphalt 1.1t Asphalt,
Bricks 2.5t Bricks, Boards 0.83t Boards,
Steel 1.1t Steel,
Mechanical components 0.17t Mechanical components

None 39 MWh 650 kW None Access 1x footpath access
3x water pipes(import)
3x water pipes(export)
See small water pumping station.
L/U None

Water tower

Name Cost Workers Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water reservoir small.png
Small water tower
Workdays 70 Workdays, Concrete 0.94t Concrete,

Gravel 0.72t Gravel, Asphalt 0.58t Asphalt,
Steel 2.1t Steel,
Mechanical components 0.44t Mechanical components

None 0 MWh 0 kW 70m3 Water Water(export) Access 1x footpath access
1x water pipes(import)
1x water pipes(export)
Water can be stored above ground in a water tower. Depending on where the players places the water tower, the water tower can take care of the water pressure in cities.
L/U None
Tool water reservoir big.png
Big water tower
Workdays 511 Workdays, Concrete 6.8t Concrete,

Gravel 5.3t Gravel, Asphalt 4.2t Asphalt,
Steel 15t Steel, Mechanical components 3.2t Mechanical components

None 0 MWh 0 kW 300m3 Water Water(export) Access 1x footpath access
2x water pipes(import)
2x water pipes(export)
See small water tower.
L/U None

Water underground reservoir

Name Cost Workers Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water reservoir ground.png
Water underground reservoir
Workdays 363 Workdays, Concrete 7.7t Concrete,

Gravel 5.9t Gravel, Asphalt 4.7t Asphalt,
Steel 9.7t Steel,
Mechanical components 2.0t Mechanical components

None 0 MWh 0 kW 500m3 Water Water(export) Access 1x footpath access
2x Water pipes(import)
2x Water pipes(export)
For storing Water underground the player can use the water underground reservoir. Be aware that there is a height difference between the input and output connections.
L/U None

Water switch

Name Cost Workers Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water switch.png
Water switch
Workdays 12 Workdays, Concrete 1.9t Concrete,
Gravel 0.21t Gravel, Steel 0.37t Steel
None 0 MWh 0 kW 1.0m3 Water Water(export) Access 1x footpath access
1x Water pipes(import)
3x Water pipes(export)
The player can branch off of water pipes using a water switch. Contrary to the name, water switches cannot switch on or off water, and are only an interconnection between water pipes.
L/U None

Water substation

Name Cost Workers Energy Wattage Storage Structure Notes
Tool water substation.png
Water substation
Workdays 46 Workdays, Concrete 0.90t Concrete,

Gravel 0.69t Gravel, Asphalt 0.55t Asphalt,
Bricks 2.0t Bricks, Boards 0.67t Boards,
Steel 0.59t Steel,
Mechanical components 0.071t Mechanical components

None 0 MWh 0 kW 20m3 Water Water(export) Access 1x footpath access
1x water pipes(import)
A water substation is placed for the local distribution of water to the surrounding buildings. How far away a water substation can be placed from a building depends on the terrain height in the environment. If the water substation is at a higher height than the building, the distance increases. If the water substation is at a lower height the distance is decreased. The larger the difference in height between water substation and building the more the distance is increased or decreased.
L/U None

Water pipes

Name Cost Throughput Notes
Water pipe small-toolbar.png
Water pipe small
Workdays Workdays, Concrete Concrete,

Gravel Gravel, Steel Steel,
Boards Boards
Usage depends on length and depth.

26,15m3 Water is transported through water pipes to consumers. These pipes can transport drinking water or water for production. Drinking water is water of a water quality of 97% or above. Food producing factories need drinking water while other factories operate with water of a lower quality of 97% or less. These factories do need some drinking water for the workers in the factory.
Water pipe medium-toolbar.png
Water pipe medium
Workdays Workdays, Concrete Concrete,

Gravel Gravel, Steel Steel,
Boards Boards
Usage depends on length and depth.

56,55m3 See water pipe small.
Water pipe big-toolbar.png
Water pipe big
Workdays Workdays, Concrete Concrete,

Gravel Gravel, Steel Steel,
Boards Boards
Usage depends on length and depth.

127,23m3 See water pipe small.


Small water well
Asphalt 2.2t Asphalt
Bricks 14t Bricks
Boards 4.8t Boards
Concrete 3.6t Concrete
Gravel 2.7t Gravel
Steel 8.3t Steel
Asphalt 2.2t Asphalt
Concrete 3.6t Concrete
Gravel 2.7t Gravel
Mechanisms: Excavators
(max. 2)
Needs workers No
(max. 50)
Big water well
Asphalt 4.6t Asphalt
Bricks 25t Bricks
Boards 8.4t Boards
Concrete 7.5t Concrete
Gravel 5.8t Gravel
Steel 16t Steel
Asphalt 4.6t Asphalt
Concrete 7.5t Concrete
Gravel 5.8t Gravel
Mechanisms: Excavators
(max. 2)
Needs workers No
(max. 74)
Water treatment small
Asphalt 6.7t Asphalt
Bricks 23t Bricks
Boards 7.8t Boards
Gravel 8.3t Gravel
Steel 10t Steel
Asphalt 6.7t Asphalt
Gravel 8.3t Gravel
Mechanisms: Excavators
(max. 3)
Needs workers No
(max. 60)
Water treatment big
Workdays 1851 Workdays
Asphalt 16t Asphalt
Bricks 45t Bricks
Boards 15t Boards
Gravel 20t Gravel
Steel 41t Steel
Asphalt 16t Asphalt
Gravel 20t Gravel
Mechanisms: Excavators
(max. 3)
Needs workers No
(max. 182)
