
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
The Marshlands


A harsh and cold land that has been claimed by many different, and extremely resilient species of fungi. The ground here is extremely hard and rocky, making it difficult to farm. This region is most famous for the giant organisms that can be found in its forests.


Gathering Knowledge
The Marshlands are a gatherer's paradise. Gathering speed is increased by 10% for every 2 workers assigned to gathering camps.
Giant Organisms
The Marshlands are home to enormous lifeforms. Giant resource nodes can be found in Forbidden Glades. Each glade will have a different one.


The Marshlands has an Small amount of FertileSoil.png Fertile Soil and contains the following Resources:


All trees can be harvested by Woodcutters Camp icon.png Woodcutters' Camp buildings to give Wood.png Wood. They may also grant additional resources depending on the biome. These trees have 2 charges each.

Trees Charges Bonus Resources Description
Mushwood Tree.png
Mushwood Trees
2 Mushrooms Mushrooms 15%
Leather Leather 5%
A giant fungal tree covered in a leathery bark.

Natural Resources

Charges → Resource Deposits Bonus Resources Gathering Building Worker
Build Cost
82 → DebugNode SwampWheatBig icon.png Swamp Wheat Field (LARGE) →
PlantFiber.png 20% + PlantFiber.png 100%
Foragers' Camp Foragers' Camp ★★ 2 Icon Spec Farm 64x64.png Farming

Human circle.png Human
Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
24 → DebugNode SwampWheatSmall icon.png Swamp Wheat Field (SMALL)→
PlantFiber.png 20% Small Foragers' Camp Small Foragers' Camp
82 →DebugNode MarshlandsMushroomBig icon.png Grasscap Mushrooms (LARGE) →
Insects.png 40%
Herbalists' Camp Herbalists' Camp ★★ 2 Icon Spec Alchemy 64x64.png Alchemy

Harpy circle.png Harpy
Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
27 →DebugNode MarshlandsMushroomSmall icon.png Grasscap Mushrooms (SMALL) →
Insects.png 20%
Small Herbalists' Camp Small Herbalists' Camp ★★
72 →DebugNode StoneBig icon.png Stone Deposit → (LARGE) Roots.png 30% + Insects.png 30% + CopperOre.png 10% Stonecutters' Camp Stonecutters' Camp ★★ 2 none Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
32 →DebugNode StoneSmall icon.png Stone Deposit (SMALL) → Roots.png 20% + Insects.png 20%

82 →DebugNode LeechBroodmotherBig icon.png Leech Broodmother (LARGE) →

82 →DebugNode SnakeNestBig icon.png Snake Nest (LARGE) →
Leather.png60% + Eggs.png 20% + Leather.png 100%

Leather.png 40% + Meat.png 20%
Trappers' Camp Trappers' Camp ★★ 2 Icon Spec Meat 64x64.png Meat Production

Lizard circle.png Lizard
Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
27 →DebugNode LeechBroodmotherSmall icon.png Leech Broodmother (SMALL) →

27 →DebugNode SnakeNestSmall icon.png Snake Nest (SMALL) →
Leather.png 20%

Leather.png 20%
Small Trappers' Camp Small Trappers' Camp ★★ 2
Icon Resource CopperOre.png
Copper Ore

Icon Resource Coal.png
75 → Icon Resource CopperOre.png Copper Ore

120 → Icon Resource Coal.png Coal
Clay.png 30%

Stone.png 30%
Mine icon.png

Mine ★★
4 Engineering.png Engineering

Beaver circle.png Beaver
Planks.png 2 Planks
Bricks.png 2 Bricks
Parts.png 2 Parts

Unique Forbidden Glades and Resources

The Marshlands only has 3 Forbidden Glades, each with their own unique Giant Resource. Viceroys need to own Advanced Camp Blueprints to take advantage of these resources.

Leviathan Charges → Resource Bonuse Resources Gathering Building Worker
Build Cost
DebugNode Marshlands InfiniteGrain icon.png
Ancient Proto Wheat
999 → Grain.png Reeds.png 40% + Herbs.png 40% + Oil.png 30% + Amber.png 5% Foragers' Camp Foragers' Camp★★ 2 Icon Spec Farm 64x64.png Farming

Human circle.png Human
Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
DebugNode Marshlands InfiniteMeat icon.png
Dead Leviathan
999 → Meat.png Leather.png 40% + SeaMarrow.png 30% + Jerkey.png 30% + CrystalizedDew.png 30% Trappers' Camp Trappers' Camp★★
2 Icon Spec Meat 64x64.png Meat Production

Lizard circle.png Lizard
Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts
DebugNode Marshlands InfiniteMushroom icon.png
Giant Proto Fungus
999 → Mushrooms.png Pigment.png 40% + Waterskins.png 40% + Insects.png 40% + PickledGoods.png 30% Herbalists' Camp Herbalists' Camp ★★ 2 Icon Spec Alchemy 64x64.png Alchemy

Harpy circle.png Harpy
Wood.png 10 Wood
Parts.png 3 Parts


The Marshlands is regarded as one of the harder biomes, due to having a limited selection of resources, with two (copper ore and coal) requiring the mine, and a lack of fertile soil. A good practice on the marshlands is to draft at least one advanced camp (trapper's, herbalist's, or forager's) to make use of resource nodes found in dangerous glades. It is generally not advised to choose a building that requires fertile soil, as it is much less abundant on The Marshlands than on any other biome.

Seeing as the marshlands has both coal and copper as potential resources, it can be a good idea to choose a blueprint with a copper bar recipe to potentially benefit from said resources. Additionally, choosing a caravan option with beavers included can be a good idea, as beavers benefit from +5 resolve when working in a mine.

Other species that work well in the marshlands are lizards and harpies, as their specialities in trapper's and herbalist's camps are great for making use of the available resources. The abundance of meat and especially of mushrooms, makes choosing the "Meat Specialization" and "Fungal Guide" epic cornerstones a powerful pick, especially during the first year, as the player will likely find many nodes of the appropriate types in glades. Keep in mind that choosing these blueprints will hinder the player's ability to make use of the giant nodes' secondary resources, as more time will be taken to deliver the primary resource, rather than actually harvesting from the node.

See Also