List of Buildings

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
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Starting Buildings

Buildings every settlement starts with
Building Purpose Number of Workers Specialization
Small Hearth icon.png Ancient Hearth Heats nearby Housing. Villagers gather here to Rest, eat, and receive Clothing. 1 Icon Spec Fire 64x64.png Warmth
Main Storage icon.png Main Warehouse Stores Resources. Workers deliver and take goods from the Warehouse nearest to them. none none


Main article: Camps


Camps are starting points for your settlement to go out into the wild to gather Resources from the map in a small area around them with an efficiency of one star (★). Selecting a Camp from the construction menu will highlight this collection range and the Resource nodes or Trees from which the Camp can gather. All camps require Parts and some require Wood and take 14 or 15 seconds to be constructed. All Camps can be moved for free.

Gathering Camps and what they gather
Building Place near this Primary resource gathered Number of workers Specialization Cost to build
Forager's Camp icon.png Foragers' Camp DebugNode WormtongueNestSmall icon.png Wormtongue Nest
DebugNode SwampWheatSmall icon.png Swamp Wheat Field
DebugNode MossBroccoliSmall icon.png Moss Broccoli Patch
Insects.png Insects
Grain.png Grain
Vegetables.png Vegetables
2 Icon Spec Farm 64x64.png Farming 10 Wood.png Wood AND 3 Parts.png Parts
Harvester Camp icon.png Harvesters' Camp DebugNode FlaxSmall icon.png Flax Field
DebugNode ReedSmall icon.png Reed Field
PlantFiber.png Plant Fiber
Reeds.png Reed
2 none 10 Wood.png Wood AND 3 Parts.png Parts
Herbalist's Camp icon.png Herbalists' Camp DebugNode DewberryBushSmall icon.png Dewberry Bush
DebugNode HerbsSmall icon.png Herb Node
DebugNode MushroomSmall icon.png Bleeding Tooth Mushroom
Berries.png Berries
Herbs.png Herbs
Mushrooms.png Mushrooms
2 Icon Spec Alchemy 64x64.png Alchemy 10 Wood.png Wood AND 3 Parts.png Parts
Scavenger Camp icon.png Scavengers' Camp DebugNode StormbirdNestSmall icon.png Stormbird Nest
DebugNode RootsSmall icon.png Roots Deposit
Eggs.png Eggs
Roots.png Roots
2 none 10 Wood.png Wood AND 3 Parts.png Parts
Stonecutter's Camp icon.png Stonecutters' Camp DebugNode ClaySmall icon.png Clay Deposit
DebugNode SeaMarrowSmall icon.png Sea Marrow Deposit
DebugNode StoneSmall icon.png Stone Deposit
Clay.png Clay
SeaMarrow.png Sea Marrow
Stone.png Stone
2 none 10 Wood.png Wood AND 3 Parts.png Parts
Woodcutters Camp icon.png Woodcutters' Camp Trees Wood.png Wood 3 Icon Spec Wood 64x64.png Wood 2 Parts.png Parts
Trapper's Camp icon.png Trappers' Camp DebugNode StormbirdNestSmall icon.png Stormbird Nest
DebugNode SnailBroodmotherSmall icon.png Slickshell Broodmother
Eggs.png Eggs
Meat.png Meat
2 Icon Spec Meat 64x64.png Meat Production 10 Wood.png Wood AND 3 Parts.png Parts