
From Norland Official Wiki
Revision as of 11:38, 30 June 2024 by Aether (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There are three types of trade in Norland, all of them extremely important. == Internal trade == thumb|300px|The Finance menu Internal trade takes place between the population and Market, Tavern or Drug Den buildings. Lords do not use internal trade and take any resources they need for free. Internal trade is managed in the Finance menu, where wages and prices for all resources used in internal trade are set. On the left side you can adjust th...")
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There are three types of trade in Norland, all of them extremely important.

Internal trade

The Finance menu

Internal trade takes place between the population and Market, Tavern or Drug Den buildings. Lords do not use internal trade and take any resources they need for free.

Internal trade is managed in the Finance menu, where wages and prices for all resources used in internal trade are set. On the left side you can adjust the maximum amount of a certain resource that can be sold every day, as well as its cost. On the right side you can adjust the wages for the population. Peasants, Warriors and Unemployed are paid with Gold while prisoners are paid with food and alcohol resources.

Every character consumes 1 food per day, so the amount of food produced should be at least equal to the population and the food price per unit should be lower than the workers' salary. Characters who work also need alcohol every 2-3 days and their mood can be regulated with the quantity and price of the sold alcohol. Prisoners receive food (and alcohol if allowed) for free but require a functioning Prisoner Barns building for that. Markets open after 6 PM.

Peasants will buy food from the Holy Caravan if prices are set too high.

Holy Caravan

Market saturation for Flour

The Holy Caravan arrives every 2-3 days and is the primary source of gold, holy rings, books and prisoners. Prisoners sold by the Holy Caravan do not have any Combat.png Combat skill.

Prices at the Holy Caravan depend on the Trade.png Trade skill of the lord trading with the Holy Caravan and can also be increased or decreased by buying or selling a large amount of a certain resource. Prices may also change randomly.

Each resource has a local demand and market saturation value. Market saturation increases each time a resource is sold to the Holy Caravan and goes down over time. If market saturation becomes greater than local demand then prices for the resource will drop at the Holy Caravan. Resources that are easier to produce have a higher Market Saturation that those that are more difficult to produce.

Sometimes free lords will arrive with the Holy Caravan. Free lords can be hired for 10 days for a price of Holy Rings.png Holy Rings that scales with the hiring lord's Persuasion.png Persuasion skill and must only be paid after the contract expires. While hired a free lord will function like any other lord. There is a 50% discount on the first free lord hired.