Lords can undertake various actions. If a lord is unhappy they will refuse to do any tasks unless they have the "Strong will" personality trait. Actions between parents and their children will satisfy the Care need.
Bishop actions can only be performed while the bishop is in the city.
Confess: Costs 3 Holy Rings and is only available if the lord has sins and removes them.
Beg for Forgiveness: Costs 15 Holy Rings and stops the bishop from considering the lord an enemy.
Divorce: Costs 5 Holy Rings and is only available to married lords and ends their marriage.
Blessing: Costs 4900, removes all sins and gives the Mother state for 10 days.
Console: Only available if the bishop requires comforting.
King actions can only be performed by the king on other lords.
Grant a Title: Only available towards free lords or knights, and adds them to the city. Granting a title to a knight costs 100 Gold and 20 relations with all lords but gives them the "Received a title" thought (+23 Mood). Granting a title to a free lord costs even more Gold but does not affect relations.
Revoke Lordship Title: Only available towards the city's lords and makes the selected lord leaves the city. If they have good attitude towards any of the neighbors they will go there, otherwise they will become a free lord.
Appoint as Heir: Makes the targeted lord the heir. The old heir will feel suppressed and develop resentment towards both the king and the new heir.
Pass the Crown: Makes the targeted lord the king and resets all relations with all cities. The previous king will become depressed and hate the new king.
Reward: Costs 5 Holy Rings and gives the targeted lord +25 Loyalty, +8 Relations with the king and the "Rewarded" thought, whose Mood bonus scales with the king's Persuasion skill, for 3 days.
Threaten: Gives the targeted lord "Threatened" thought (-18 Mood) for 2 days and Loyalty that scales with the king's Persuasion skill.
Gift to the King: Takes up to 5 Holy Rings from the targeted lord and gives it -25 Loyalty and the "Rewarded" thought, whose Mood penalty scales with the king's Persuasion skill, for 4 days.
Punish actions are unlocked by constructing a Scaffold. They will remove the thought of impunity from any of their victims. Punishing an innocent character will 3-5 acquaintances of the victim the Terror Victim status and punishing a free lord will reduce relationships with all neighbors.
Execution: The punished character is killed. Some vagabonds who witness the execution might become cutthroats.
Mask of shame: The punished character wears the Mask of Shame for a day and any character in a bad mood can freely beat them. If they are a simple vagabond they will become a peasant after the punishment expires.
Blindness: The punished character gains the Vision Loss status.
Learn actions increase a lord's skill. After choosing the action you must choose another lord as teacher. The effectiveness depends on the teacher's Teaching skill and each skill can only be increased up to the teacher's own skill level. The action will be performed daily as long as it is possible and decreases Rest for both lords. Each lesson provides experience points that scale with the teacher's Teaching skill.
Rhetoric increases
Manners and
Economy increases
Trade and
Philosophy increases
Intellect and
Warfare increases
Combat and
General Training increases first the talent skills and then all remaining skills
Social actions are only available with other lords.
Spend Time: The lords spend time together and have 2 deep conversations, one started by each lord.
Wolf Hunting: Only available to adult lords if there are fleshwolves available for hunting in the forest. Both characters gain the "Hunter together" thought (+21 Moood), improveed relationship, and there will be a deep conversation. There is a risk of injury.
Wise Conversation: Each lord has a 1-3% chance to gain a knowledge the other has but they don't. The chance is doubled if one of the characters has the Enlightener talent and increased by 1.5 if one of the characters is elderly.
Play Dice: Only available to adult lords. Bets 5 Holy Rings. The outcome is random but partially influenced by both lords' Intellect skill.
Challenge to a Duel: Only available to adult lords from the same city if both participants have armor and weapons and are enemies. Removes the desire for the death of the enemy if any exists between the duelists. The duel continues until one of the participants dies or loses consciousness. The more pain the duelist inflicts upon their opponent, the easier the rest of the duel becomes. Hovering over the initiating character will display both characters' equipment.
Seduce: Only available towards lords of opposite gender and requires 75 loyalty and at least 50 Interest from the target and makes the lords have sex. If seducing a lord from another city it gives 7 Holy Rings and decreases the targeted lord's loyalty towards their king depending on the performer's Persuasion skill and if loyalty falls below 25 and the targeted lord is the heir they may raise a rebellion.
Poison: Only available to lords that have the Intellect skill as their talent and skill level is at least 15. If successful nobody will know and if not successful the victim may engage in a fight to the death. The chance of success depends on the difference in Intellect skill between the lord and the victim.
Kill: Only available towards guests and requires 75 loyalty. Attempts to kill the lord when it's sleeping.
Bribe: Only available towards lords in another city except the king from lords who have at least 75 loyalty. It costs 7 Holy Rings and decreases the targeted lord's loyalty towards their king. The amount of loyalty decreased depends on the performer's Persuasion skill. If loyalty falls below 25 and the targeted lord is the heir they may raise a rebellion.
Invite to Your Province: Only available towards lords in another city who are considered friends. The lord will arrive as a guest for a few days.
Provoke Duel: Only available to adult lords from other cities if both participants have armor and weapons and are enemies. Removes the desire for the death of the enemy if any exists between the duelists. The duel continues until one of the participants dies or loses consciousness. The more pain the duelist inflicts upon their opponent, the easier the rest of the duel becomes. Hovering over the initiating character will display both characters' equipment.
Hire a Lord
This action is only available with a freelance lord. The freelance lord will be hired and the cost will scale with the buying lord's Persuasion skill.
This action is only available with a guest and only lords with at least 75 Loyalty can attempt it. When the guest is sleeping the lord will attempt to take it prisoner. There is a 40% chance to succeed, otherwise the guest will have to be defeated before it can escape. Whether successful or not, relations between the king and the victim and neighboring kings will greatly decrease.
This action is only available with a guest. The guest will leave but relations between the king and their king will decrease.
This action is only available with a peasant of opposite gender and costs 1 Holy Rings. The lord will fulfill 50% of their Sex need. The lord will gain the "Shame for sins" thought (-22 Mood) and the peasant will gain the "Was used" thought (-20 Mood) for 2 days. This can result in a pregnancy where the child who will be a bastard. This action is considered a sin.
This action is only available with a prisoner and will turn it into a peasant. If the prisoner was yearning for freedom the action will also give it the "Joy of freedom" thought (+48 Mood) for 10 days.
Visit the Sick
This action is only available with a character who is sick or fell into madness.
Send Home
This action is only available to lords in another city and will make the lord return to their home city.
Declare Yourself Emperor
This action is only available to the king if the kingdom contains at least 12 provinces. An inquisition army head to attack the city. Most peasants will lose 40 Mood. Agonistic peasants will lose 20 Mood. The king will wear a new crown.