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Population is divided into 5 categories of people: lords, peasants, warriors, vagabonds and prisoners. When a character dies from any cause their loves ones will get negative thoughts. Dead characters are cremated at an Altar or Temple.

If a peasant has their own home, ate and consumed alcohol within the last days they will gain the "Life is fulfilling" thought, which increases Mood by 10.

Peasants and warriors may leave the city if they become unhappy and unhappy peasants cannot be turned into warriors.

Knights can be obtained by recruiting mercenaries. They can lead armies and have a Command skill of 5 and a Combat skill of at least 15. They can also be given a title. Knights are much more expensive than regular mercenaries.


Characters age at a rate of one year every 2 days, or every day if the game has the "Fast Metabolism" modifier. Until the age 21, lords also gain double experience from lessons. Based on their age they will fall into one of three age categories:

Category Age Need Effects
Child 0-13 Care Sex.png Care
  • Randomly improves skills every day
  • Cannot be targeted by hostile actions
  • Can acquire happy or unhappy childhood traits depending on Mood
  • Does not require housing and sleeps in the same bed as the mother
Adult 14-50 Care Sex.png Sex
Elderly 51+
  • Combat skill is reduced
  • Movement speed is reduced
  • Every day there is a chance the character will lose some knowledge
  • Increased knowledge chance from wise conversations

Needs, thoughts and mood

The Needs tab

Every character has a Mood, which ranges from 0 to 100 and is the sum of all thoughts. Thoughts arise from events, desires and needs. If a need is fulfilled it will give a positive thought, while if it is unfulfilled it will give a negative thought. If Mood falls below 25 the character will become unhappy. The average mood of peasants affects the level of migration.

Needs generally decreases over time and they are fulfilled through specific actions character mostly perform on their own. The need for Rest is automatically replenished when not working. There are 5 needs:

  • Sleep.png Sleep: If it becomes completely empty, the character will collapse and fall asleep regardless of what is happening. It is satisfied by sleeping.
  • Food.png Food: If it becomes low it can lead to starvation and eventually death. It is satisfied by consuming food such as Flour, Meat or Rutabagas.
  • Rest.png Rest: It is replenished slowly by not working and quickly by consuming alcohol or nectar at a Tavern.
  • Piety.png Piety: It is satisfied slowly through praying and quicker at Temples or Altars.
  • Care Sex.png Care: Only available to children. Is it satisfied by actions between parents and their child.
  • Care Sex.png Sex: Only available to adults who aren't elderly. Is it satisfied during dating or sex for payment.

Characters will pray between 8 AM and 9 AM. If there is a Temple they will pray there. If there isn't any but there is an Altar they will pray there. Otherwise they will pray at home but this will be less effective.


Each character has a culture, which determines what they value, which buildings get a production bonus, what culture books lords can read, and what culture they are xenophobic towards. At the beginning all peasants in the city will have the lord's culture but peasants of other cultures can be gained. The Matriarch of the Church of Mother Sophia does not favor kings of Makha culture and the bishop has Tanaya culture.

Culture Values Production bonus Enemy culture Description
Kaiden Strength Armor Forge
Weapon Forge
Archery Workshop
Varn Being former barbarians who lived on the border of the Crimson Empire, which used to guard its borders, the Kaiden value honor and martial valor above all. Their songs extol bravery and heroism, while their material culture is notably austere and ascetic.
Varn Peace Rutabaga Field
Pig Farm
Kaiden The native inhabitants of the central plains of Norland, the Varn were pushed eastward by the expanding empire. Their seclusion and strict social antagonism against outsiders to their culture allowed them not to assimilate into the empire like other native peoples. Possessing ancient knowledge about the nature of Norland, Varns seek their unique path in harmony with the living nature and with neighbors.
Tanaya Intrigues Paper Workshop Makha Once a great culture and the initial founders of the Crimson Empire, the Tanaya culture eventually became too steeped in religious dogma, which was one of the reasons for their downfall. Nevertheless, they still retain many aspects of the old imperial culture, from efficient bureaucracy to special ties with the Loving Family, which supports them in conflicts with their neighbors.
Makha Trade Workshop
Tanaya The oldest civilized people of Norland, who created the first cities, philosophies, and inter-kingdom trade relationships, the Makha have long been overshadowed by the more enterprising Tanaya, and for many hundreds of years have been in demographic decline. Philosophers and skeptics, the Makha are practical and prefer money and earthly comfort above all other values. The Loving Family views the Makha with suspicion, believing that the seed of heresy still lives within this agnostic-leaning culture.


Prisoners are paid directly in resources rather than Gold, work 3 hours longer than peasants and are given jobs first. By default they are only paid in food but they can be given alcohol as well from the Finance menu. They are housed in Prisoner Barn buildings. The building requires a worker to give prisoners their food and alcohol.

Prisoners may or may not yearn for freedom, which is shown when hovering over them. If a prisoner yearning for freedom is unhappy they may attempt to escape. The chances of escape are higher if they are homeless.

Prisoners can be obtained by punishing vagabonds or capturing them after a battle. They can also be bought and sold at the Holy Caravan. Each prisoner has a price of 15 Gold, which can be increased by the following:

  • +15 if the prisoner is 14-15 years old
  • +10 if the prisoner is 16-25 years old
  • +5 if the prisoner is 26-35 years old
  • +40 if the prisoner has combat skills
  • +5 if the prisoner is female and can become pregnant
  • +10 if the prisoner is not yearning for freedom


Peasants who are unemployed and did not receive wages for too long can become vagabonds. Vagabonds will steal Flour, rob peasants on the street, and even break into the homes of peasants. Victims of a crime and to a lesser extent their loved ones will have a negative thought until the guilty vagabond is punished.

After a few days vagabonds may become cutthroats. Cutthroats will steal Gold, Holy Rings and Books and can attack lords as well. They can create daggers, which they will use. Vagabonds allow neighbors to perform Dark Deeds.

Workers at a Scaffold will punish vagabonds that committed crimes and will intimidate vagabonds that did not commit crimes, preventing them from committing crimes for a day.


Peasants migrate to the city, and the number of migrating peasants depending on the average Mood. Migration is decreased by unemployment, terror, and the size of the city. New peasants bring some Gold.png in their inventory. Unhappy peasants can leave the city, join the forest bandits or become vagabonds.

If a city in a neighboring province is attacked it will increase migration by 30%. The culture of the new migrants will match that of the attacked city.


Bishop conducting a sermon

Relations with the Church of Mother Sophia will begin once the city reaches a population of at least 40. Shortly afterwards the Matriarch will sent a bishop to the city. Lords have a number of special actions with the bishop. If a Temple is constructed the bishop will conduct the sermon. The bishop can provoke a religious uprising if he quarrels with any of the lords. If the bishop dies from anything except natural causes or duels an inquisition army will head to attack the city.

The bishop's opinion affects the Matriarch's opinion. In addition the Matriach's opinion is increased if there are many fanatics in the city and decreased if less than 30% of the city's population is fanatic. If relations with the Matriarch fall below -25 the bishop will leave, the Holy Caravan will no longer arrive and you will no longer receive warnings about disasters.

The bishop has Tanaya culture and the Ascetic trait.


Each population category can trigger their own kind of rebellion. When a rebellion takes place all rebels will form an army and try to accomplish their hostile objectives.

  • Prisoners can rebel if their average mood over a day falls below 25. Their army will try to burn down the settlement and kill all lords.
  • Warriors can rebel if their mood over a day falls below 25. Their army will attack the Hall to loot it, after which they leave and become forest bandits.
  • Religious fanatics can rebel if the average mood of peasants over a day falls below 25. Before the rebellion they will give you the chance to avoid it by sacrificing a lord. Otherwise they will form an army and burn the Library and kill anyone who is insufficiently devout. If the bishop has a mortal enemy among the city's lords he can also trigger a religious fanatic uprising. All religious fanatic characters will join the rebellion, including lords.
  • The heir or former heir can rebel if their loyalty drops to 0 and they are not on friendly terms with the king. Lords who are friends with the rebel or king will join their friend, the rest will be neutral. The army will be divided evenly between the participating lords. If the heir is victorious they will become the new king but supporters of the previous king will not be pleased.