
From NEBULOUS: Fleet Command Official Wiki
Revision as of 14:52, 23 June 2024 by Jraamus (talk | contribs) (→‎Formation: fixed formatting of rel/true/loose)
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Ships don't move like real-spaceships, they move more like submarines/ships, with max speeds as well as space applying friction to ships slowing and stopping them if they lose engine power.


  • Thrust: Fraction of engine power used. Options are: 1/3, 2/3, Full, and Flank.
  • Acceleration: This mostly is affected by the drives, however the mass of the ship based on installed components slightly affects acceleration.
  • Flank Speed: Boosts top speed by 50% (does not affect turn speed or turn acceleration). When flanking, every active thruster checks for flank damage once per second, and takes 5 damage if the check fails. Forward acceleration is additionally increased by 50%
  • Heading/Roll: Holds the ship pointing in a certain direction or oriented "up" a certain way
  • Drives as main modifier
  • Dodging & Evasive: EVADE setting makes your ships move randomly to dodge shots, but makes them take longer to get to their destination. Skilled players can manually set up complex waypoints or use the orbit command to dodge shots, which is often more effective than the standard EVADE setting.

When a target is lost and there are no remaining roll drivers, the ship will issue itself a temporary ROL order to prevent re-masking weapons.

Thrust multipliers for linear thrust in non-forward directions
ANS Ships Lateral Reverse OSP Ships Lateral Reverse
Sprinter 90% 95% Ferryman 75% 80%
Raines 80% 90% Draugr 75% 80%
Keystone 80% 90% Flathead 75% 80%
Vauxhall 80% 95% Ocello 80% 80%
Axford 75% 85% Marauder 30% 80%
Solomon 75% 85% Moorline 30% 80%

Ships have their thrust power scaled to a certain amount for lateral and reverse movement, with lateral thrust (side to side / up down) usually being the worst. Main forward thrusters are always at 1.00 scale

Tracks are annotated by two lines: one fixed length line that indicates the heading of the track (if the track is a warship), and one variable length line with a circle on the end that indicates the track's velocity. The velocity line represents the track's predicted location after 10 seconds.

Linear Acceleration

Ships have to accelerate to max speed, and having higher thrust makes that happen faster. [todo: enter similar equation as below with drag]


Ships have an angular thrust for turning and rolling. It is possible to calculate the time to turn a ship's nose 180°.

Hull Inertia Factor [math]\displaystyle{ F_y }[/math]
Sprinter 1.59
Raines 2.16
Keystone 4.09
Vauxhall 8.32
Axford 8.72
Solomon 17.2
  • [math]\displaystyle{ P \equiv \text{Angular Thrust (as seen in-game)} }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ M \equiv \text{Ship Mass (as seen in-game)} }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ F \equiv \text{Ship Inertia Factor (see chart)} }[/math]

Because of damping, ships will accelerate only to a certain maximum speed given by (in radians per second), [math]\displaystyle{ \omega_\text{max} = \frac{1000P}{MF} }[/math]

The time in seconds, [math]\displaystyle{ t }[/math], to turn 180° is: [math]\displaystyle{ \large{{t \approx \frac{\pi}{\omega_\text{max}} + 10}} }[/math]

([math]\displaystyle{ \omega_\text{max} }[/math] is usually smaller than the listed max turn rate, [math]\displaystyle{ R }[/math], except for buffed light ships and possibly when rolling. To compare the two, take [math]\displaystyle{ R }[/math], multiply by [math]\displaystyle{ \pi }[/math], and divide by 180. If the result is [math]\displaystyle{ \lt \omega_\text{max} }[/math], then replace [math]\displaystyle{ \omega_\text{max} }[/math] in the equation above by the result.)


Abbreviation Name Default Keybind Description
ORB Orbit Position O Orbit around a point
POS Move to Position M Move to a point
CRS Drive Course SHIFT + M Move continuously in one direction
HDG Hold Heading H Point towards a direction
CHD Clear Hold Heading Not Bound Clears heading command
ROL Roll Ship Shift + H Roll to a specific rotation
CRL Clear Roll Ship Not Bound Clears roll command
CLR Clear HDG/ROL Not Bound Clears both heading and roll commands
FRM Form With Ship Shift + F Join formation with another ship
ALD Assume Lead Ctrl + F Become leader of current formation
ALL STOP Hold Position Shift + Space Clears move command


Formations allow for ships to be grouped together and commanded as one unit. Ships in a formation will attempt to maintain a certain position relative to the guide/lead ship, and will match speed and heading with the lead ship. If the formation becomes too separated while manoeuvring, ships will slow down to allow other ships to catch up.

Formations have 3 modes:

  • Rel: Maintains relative positions around the lead ship according to its heading, allowing the formation to rotate with the lead ship.
  • Tru: Maintains a fixed position around the lead ship, and does not adjust the formation if the lead rotates. Ships will still rotate to match the lead's heading
  • Loose: Similar to Tru, but the formation will not slow down for the slower ships and will be allowed to outrun each-other.

Holding shift and giving orders issues the order to the entire formation. This includes changing settings on the status panel. If you select a ship in the formation that is not the lead ship, and give it a movement order, the ship will exit the formation to complete its order.