
From NEBULOUS: Fleet Command Official Wiki

This page is currently being overhauled, some details may not be accurate.

Refer to for an up to date list of component stats.

The fleet editor

For best efficiency and redundancy, all ship components should be placed far away from components that fulfill the same function. Smaller components can be installed in slots supporting larger components.


Mount components are installed on the exterior of the ship's hull and grant the ship some ability. Almost all mounts are faction-exclusive.

Shelter Alliance mounts

The following mounts are only available to the Alliance Roundel.png Shelter Alliance. All their weapons are mounted on turrets.

Mount Category Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Ability
CR10 Antenna Communications 2x1x2 100 15 4 250 5 The most powerful antenna array on a warship will serve as the active communications path, even if the integrated array is still functional.
CR70 Antenna Communications 2x1x2 250 30 7 600 15 The most powerful antenna array on a warship will serve as the active communications path, even if the integrated array is still functional.
E15 'Masquerade' Signature Booster EWar 3x1x3 100 15 5 600 20 +25% Identification Difficulty
+200% Radar Signature
E55 'Spotlight' Illuminator EWar 2x1x2 75 15 2 750 15 Illuminator - range:12000 m; beam width: 5 deg; radiated power: 1000 kW; gain: 60 dB
+10% Radar Signature
E55 'Floodlight' Illuminator EWar 2x1x2 75 15 2 1500 15 Illuminator - range:10000 m; beam width: 40 deg; radiated power: 3250 kW; gain: 40 dB
+10% Radar Signature
E70 'Interruption' Jammer EWar 3x1x3 100 15 5 600 55 Jammer - type: COMM; burst duration (emitters): 180 s; overheat damage chance: 5%; range: 4000 m; radiated power: 750 kW; gain: 1 dB
E71 'Hangup' Jammer EWar 2x1x2 75 15 2 500 45 Jammer - type: COMM; burst duration (emitters): 120 s; overheat damage chance: 5%; range: 20000 m; radiated power: 300 kW; gain: 25 dB; beam width: 20 deg
E71 'Blanket' Jammer EWar 2x1x2 75 15 2 1000 50 Jammer - type: RADAR; burst duration (emitters): 90 s; overheat damage chance: 10%; range: 10000 m; radiated power: 1 kW; gain: 20 dB; beam width: 40 deg
+10% Radar Signature
ES22 'Pinard' Electronic Support Module Sensors 3x1x3 50 15 3 200 30 Radar
RF101 'Bullseye' Radar Sensors 2x1x2 70 10 2 300 40 Radar

Missile weapons

Shelter Alliance missile weapons have a catastrophic event probability of 5%.

Weapon Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Missile Size Capacity (cells)
CLS-3 Launcher 3x4x3 175 15 20 200 20 3 4
VLS-1-23 Launcher 2x2x2 75 15 3 50 5 1 4
VLS-1-46 Launcher 3x2x3 125 15 10 50 5 1 4
VLS-2 Launcher 3x4x3 100 15 5 200 10 2 4
VLS-3 Launcher 3x4x3 175 15 20 200 20 3 4

Point defense weapons

Weapon Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Integrated FC Optical Backup Ammo Accuracy Turret
Mk20 'Defender' PDT 2x1x2 100 15 3 3 175 20 Yes No ballistic/chemical
3m@1km traverse/elevation rate: 100 deg/s
elevation limits: +89 deg, -5 deg
Mk25 'Rebound' PDT 2x1x2 100 15 3 3 20 15 No Yes ballistic/chemical/timed
35m@1km traverse/elevation rate: 80 deg/s
elevation limits: +89 deg, -5 deg
Mk29 'Stonewall' PDT 3x1x3 150 15 7 5 40 40 No Yes ballistic/chemical/timed
35m@1km traverse/elevation rate: 30 deg/s
elevation limits: +89 deg, -5 deg
Mk90 'Aurora' PDT 2x1x2 100 15 3 0 1250 55 Yes No laser [email protected]
traverse/elevation rate: 100 deg/s
elevation limits: +85 deg, -5 deg
Mk95 'Sarissa' PDT 3x1x3 150 15 7 4 1250 65 Yes Yes ballistic/magnetic
traverse/elevation rate: 30 deg/s
elevation limits: +65 deg, -5 deg

Projectile weapons

All projectile weapons have an optical backup.

Weapon Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Role Ammo Accuracy Recycle Time (s) Autoloader Capacity Reload time (s) Turret
Mk61 Cannon 3x1x3 150 15 3 4 50 10 Dual-Purpose ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
1 1 5.5 traverse rate: 35 deg/s
elevation rate: 35 deg/s
elevation limits: +70 deg, -5 deg
Mk62 Cannon 3x1x3 150 15 6 8 50 20 Dual-Purpose ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
1 1 4 traverse rate: 35 deg/s
elevation rate: 35 deg/s
elevation limits: +70 deg, -5 deg
Mk64 Cannon 3x1x3 225 20 3 15 125 30 Dual-Purpose ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
[email protected]
0 1 10 traverse rate: 12.5 deg/s
elevation rate: 18 deg/s
elevation limits: +40 deg, -5 deg
Mk65 Cannon 6x3x6 325 30 12 25 180 40 Offensive ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
[email protected]
0.5 3 13 traverse rate: 7.5 deg/s
elevation rate: 15 deg/s
elevation limits: +40 deg, -5 deg
Mk66 Cannon 6x3x6 350 30 25 25 200 45 Offensive ballistic/chemical
0.5 2 20 traverse rate: 7.5 deg/s
elevation rate: 15 deg/s
elevation limits: +40 deg, -5 deg
Mk68 Cannon 8x5x8 450 30 40 40 225 75 Offensive ballistic/chemical
0.5 3 20 traverse rate: 7.5 deg/s
elevation rate: 15 deg/s
elevation limits: +40 deg, -5 deg
Mk81 Railgun 6x3x6 300 30 20 15 1500 50 Offensive ballistic/magnetic
1 1 30 traverse rate: 3 deg/s
elevation rate: 5 deg/s
elevation limits: +25 deg, -5 deg
+1000% Radar Signature for 18 seconds after firing

Spinal weapons

Spinal weapons have dimensions of 4x12x4. The only ship capable of mounting them is the Keystone Destroyer Class. Both of them are offensive weapons that have an optical backup.

Weapon Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Reload Time (s) Properties
Mk550 Mass Driver 450 40 100 15 2000 75 15 accuracy: 11m@5km, 13m@10km, 45m@20km, compatible ammo types: ballistic/magnetic - 300mm; recycle time (energy): 5 s; autoloader capacity: 1
+1200% Radar Signature for 18 seconds after firing
Mk600 Beam Cannon 450 40 100 15 3000 75 30 range: 6000 m; armor penetration: 180 cm/s; component damage: 300 hp/s; burst duration: 7.5 s
Battle Short Available: 80% Overheat Damage Chance

Outlying Systems Protectorate mounts

The following mounts are only available to the OSP Roundel.png Outlying Systems Protectorate. Their weapons use both turrets and casemates.

Mount Category Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Ability
CR10 Antenna Communications 2x1x2 100 15 4 250 5 The most powerful antenna array on a warship will serve as the active communications path, even if the integrated array is still functional.
E20 'Lighthouse' Illuminator EWar 2x1x2 75 15 2 600 15 Illuminator - range:10000 m; beam width: 5 deg; radiated power: 900 kW; gain: 50 dB
+10% Radar Signature
J15 'Bellbird' Jammer EWar 3x1x3 150 15 2 850 50 Jammer - type: RADAR; burst duration (emitters): 45 s; overheat damage chance: 15%; range: 10000 m; radiated power: 1.25 kW; gain: 20 dB
J360 'Lyrebird' Jammer EWar 3x1x3 100 15 10 500 100 Jammer - type: RADAR; burst duration (emitters): 180 s; overheat damage chance: 5%; range: 4000 m; radiated power: 10 kW; gain: 2 dB
L50 'Blackjack' Laser Dazzler EWar 2x1x2 75 15 2 750 40 Jammer - type: EO; burst duration (emitters): 90 s; overheat damage chance: 10%; range: 8000 m; radiated power: 1 kW; gain: 20 dB
Weapon - role: dual-purpose; turret traverse rate: 80 deg/s; turret elevation rate: 80 deg/s; elevation limits: +89deg, -5 deg
RF44 'Pinpoint' Radar Sensors 2x1x2 70 10 2 250 10 Radar
R400 'Bloodhound' LRT Radar Sensors 2x5x2 200 15 0 3000 40 Radar
R550 Early Warning Radar Sensors 2x1x2 150 15 10 4500 65 Radar

Missile weapons

Weapon Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Missile Size Capacity (cells) Catastrophic Event probability (%)
RL18 Launcher 3x1x3 100 15 8 50 15 1 18 5
RL36 Launcher 6x3x6 175 15 13 75 15 1 36 5
VLS-1-23 Launcher 2x2x2 75 15 3 50 5 1 4 5
VLS-1-46 Launcher 3x2x3 125 15 10 50 5 1 4 5
Container Stack Launcher 6x1x6 200 15 3 50 5 3 2 5
Container Bank Launcher 20x5x10 500 15 50 200 5 3 0 15

Point defense weapons

Weapon Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Integrated FC Optical Backup Ammo Accuracy Turret
P11 'Pavise' PDT 2x1x2 100 15 3 3 150 15 Yes No ballistic/chemical
5m@1km traverse/elevation rate: 100 deg/s
elevation limits: +89 deg, -5 deg
P20 'Bastion' PDT 2x1x2 150 15 7 5 40 15 No Yes ballistic/chemical/timed
52m@1km traverse/elevation rate: 30 deg/s
elevation limits: +89 deg, -5 deg
P60 'Grazer' PDT 2x1x2 100 15 3 0 750 35 Yes No laser [email protected]
traverse/elevation rate: 100 deg/s
elevation limits: +89 deg, -5 deg

Projectile weapons

All projectile weapons have an optical backup.

Weapon Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Role Ammo Accuracy Recycle Time (s) Autoloader Capacity Reload time (s) Turret / Casemate
C30 Cannon 2x5x2 350 40 15 10 100 15 Offensive ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
1 16 30 traverse rate: 20 deg/s
elevation rate: 0 deg/s
elevation limits: +45 deg, -45 deg
C53 Cannon 2x4x2 350 40 3 15 100 15 Offensive ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
[email protected]
2 15 70 traverse rate: 10 deg/s
elevation rate: 10 deg/s
elevation limits: +35 deg, -35 deg
C60 Cannon 3x5x3 350 40 20 25 200 20 Offensive ballistic/chemical
4 4 60 traverse rate: 5 deg/s
elevation rate: 0 deg/s
elevation limits: +5 deg, -5 deg
C65 Cannon 6x10x6 500 40 35 25 300 40 Offensive ballistic/chemical
4 8 90 traverse rate: 5 deg/s
elevation rate: 0 deg/s
elevation limits: +25 deg, -25 deg
T20 Cannon 3x1x3 150 15 3 4 30 15 Dual-Purpose ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
1 4 15 traverse rate: 35 deg/s
elevation rate: 35 deg/s
elevation limits: +80 deg, -5 deg
T30 Cannon 6x3x6 200 15 50 10 120 30 Dual-Purpose ballistic/chemical
[email protected]
1 16 30 traverse rate: 20 deg/s
elevation rate: 20 deg/s
elevation limits: +75 deg, -5 deg

Energy weapons

All energy weapons have an optical backup.

Weapon Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Ammo Accuracy Recycle Time (s) Autoloader Capacity Reload time (s) Turret / Casemate
C81 Plasma Cannon 4x6x4 750 50 80 25 1200 30 ballistic/magnetic
400mm amploule
4 4 40 traverse rate: 5 deg/s
elevation rate: 0 deg/s
elevation limits: +25 deg, -25 deg
T81 Plasma Cannon 6x3x6 300 15 80 15 1500 45 ballistic/magnetic
400mm amploule
4 4 40 traverse rate: 5 deg/s
elevation rate: 5 deg/s
elevation limits: +60 deg, -5 deg


Compartment components are installed on the interior of the ship's hull. Most of them do not require any power.

Compartment Category Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Reinforced Cost (pts) Effects
Battle Dressing Station Crew 3x1x3 125 10 10 8 No 20 -30% Crew Vulnerability
Berthing Crew 1x1x1 50 15 0.5 0 No 0 +3 Crew per slot size
Plant Control Center Engineering 3x1x3 100 10 7 15 No 25 +20% Powerplant Efficiency
Analysis Annex Intelligence 3x1x3 100 10 10 10 No 20 +30% Intelligence Effort
-30% Intelligence Accuracy
Intelligence Center Intelligence 6x1x8 200 15 25 45 No 90 Analyzes All Tracks
Intelligence Effort: 4
Intelligence Accuracy: 25%
Bulk Magazine Storage 1x1x1 100 25 1 0 No 0 +15 m Storage Capacity per slot size
10% Catastrophic Event Probability
Reinforced Magazine Storage 1x1x1 150 40 2 0 Yes 0 +10 m Storage Capacity per slot size
4% Catastrophic Event Probability
-10 kW Power
Gun Plotting Center Weapon Support 3x1x3 100 10 7 30 No 30 -30% Spread
-50 kW Power
Strike Planning Center Weapon Support 6x1x8 100 10 10 20 No 70 +60% Missile Programming Speed


Command compartments are used to relay orders throughout the ship and analyze local tracks. A ship without operational command compartments cannot receive any orders.

Compartment Category Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Reinforced Commands Enabled Intelligence Effort Intelligence Accuracy (%) Cost (pts)
Auxiliary Steering Command 3x1x3 300 20 10 5 Yes MOVE 0 0 10
Basic CIC Command 4x1x6 200 25 15 20 No ALL 1 30 10
Reinforced CIC Command 4x1x6 200 40 35 20 Yes ALL 1 30 25
Citadel CIC Command 6x1x8 400 50 70 40 Yes ALL 4 25 75

Damage control

Damage control compartments are used to repair damage during combat.

Compartment Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Crew Required Power (kW) Reinforced Repair Speed (HP/sec) Team Move Speed Repair Teams Restores Provided Cost (pts)
Rapid DC Locker 3x1x3 70 15 1.5 5 0 No 1.2 4 1 (flying) 0 10
Small DC Locker 3x1x3 100 15 1.5 10 0 No 0.8 2 2 1 30
Large DC Locker 3x1x6 150 15 3 15 0 No 0.8 2 3 2 45
Reinforced DC Locker 3x1x6 200 35 1.5 10 0 Yes 0.8 2 2 1 45
Damage Control Central 3x1x3 200 35 7 10 50 No +10% +50% 0 0 20
Small Workshop 3x1x3 150 35 7 10 50 No +30% 0 0 0 20


Module components are installed on the interior of the ship's hull.

Module Category Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Power (kW) Cost (pts) Effects
Supplementary Radio Amplifiers Communications 2x2x2 40 10 4 -100 20 +25% Transmit Power
Launcher Deluge System Damage Control 2x2x2 70 10 30 -100 15 -50% Catastrophic Event Probability (Cell Launcher)
Magazine Sprinklers Damage Control 2x2x2 70 10 30 -100 15 -50% Catastrophic Event Probability (Magazine)
Redundant Reactor Failsafes Engineering 2x2x2 75 10 5 -100 25 -33% Catastrophic Event Probability (Reactor)
Reinforced Thruster Nozzles Engineering 2x2x2 50 10 4 0 10 -20% Flank Damage Probability
Small Reactor Booster Engineering 2x2x2 40 10 4 0 10 +10% Powerplant Efficiency
+5% Rada Signature
Signature Scrambler EWar 2x2x2 50 10 4 -450 35 +100% Identification Difficulty
1-% Sensitivity
FR3300 Micro Reactor Powerplant 3x3x3 200 30 25 +2250 10 5% Catastrophic Event Probability
FR4800 Reactor Powerplant 5x5x5 300 40 40 +4200 10 5% Catastrophic Event Probability
Adaptive Radar Receiver Sensors 2x2x2 40 10 4 -200 30 +25% Sensitivity
-0.7 dB Noise Filtering
+5% Positional Error
+2.5% Velocity Error
ES32 'Scryer' Missile ID System Sensors 2x2x2 150 15 5 -300 10 Analyzes Local Threats
Subject Class: Missile
Intelligence Effort: 10
Intelligence Accuracy: 0%
RM50 'Parallax' Radar Sensors 2x2x2 300 40 7.5 -3600 45 Radar; max range: 9.5 km; radiated power: 4100 kW; gain: 50 dB; aperture size: 30 m2; sensitivity: -38.5 dBm; positional error: 30 m; velocity error: 0.1 m/s
Jamming LOBs; jamming LOBs accuracy: 0.75 deg
Sweep; burn-through power mult.: 12; burn-through damage change: 20%
Lock; min. lock SNR: 3; lock error mult.: 0.15
RS35 'Frontline' Radar Sensors 2x2x2 200 30 5 -2000 10 Radar; max range: 8 km; radiated power: 3500 kW; gain: 40 dB; aperture size: 25 m2; sensitivity: -36 dBm; positional error: 30 m; velocity error: 0.1 m/s
Jamming LOBs; jamming LOBs accuracy: 1.5 deg
Sweep; burn-through power mult.: 8; burn-through damage change: 20%
RS41 'Spyglass' Radar Sensors 2x2x2 200 30 5 -4000 25 Radar; max range: 11.5 km; radiated power: 4500 kW; gain: 60 dB; aperture size: 40 m2; sensitivity: -38.5 dBm; positional error: 60 m; velocity error: 0.5 m/s
Jamming LOBs; jamming LOBs accuracy: 3.5 deg
Strobe Correlator Sensors 2x2x2 40 10 4 -150 25 -30% Jamming LOB Accuracy
Track Correlator Sensors 2x2x2 40 10 4 -150 25 -20% Positional Error
-20% Velocity Error


Propulsion modules enable ship movement and provide additional power to the ship. All propulsion modules have a catastrophic event probability of 5% and require 10 crew to operate.

Module Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Provided Power (kW) Reinforced Top Speed (%) Turn Rate (%) Thrust (%) Flank Damage Probability (%) Radar Signature (%) Cost (pts)
FM200 Drive 5x3x5 250 40 30 500 No 0 0 0 0 0 10
FM200R Drive 5x3x5 600 60 35 500 Yes 0 0 0 0 0 20
FM230 'Whiplash' Drive 5x3x5 250 40 35 650 No +20 -15 -20 Angular +25 0 20
FM240 'Dragonfly' Drive 5x3x5 250 40 35 500 No -7.5 +40 +30 Angular 0 0 20
FM280 'Raider' Drive 5x3x5 250 40 35 300 No 0 0 +40 Linear -30 +20 20
FM30X 'Prowler' Drive 5x3x5 200 25 35 350 No -15 0 -10 Angular
-25 Linear
0 -25 25
FM500 Drive 10x8x10 1000 70 80 1000 No 0 0 0 0 0 15
FM500R Drive 10x8x10 1500 80 80 1000 Yes 0 0 0 0 0 30
FM530 'Whiplash' Drive 10x8x10 1000 80 80 1500 No +15 -20 -20 Angular +35 0 30
FM540 'Dragonfly' Drive 10x8x10 1000 70 80 1000 No -10 +45 +40 Angular 0 0 30
FM580 'Raider' Drive 10x8x10 1000 70 80 500 No 0 0 +40 Linear -30 +25 30

Weapon support

Weapon support modules improve the performance of weapons at the cost of ship power.

Module Dimensions Hitpoints Damage Threshold Mass (Tonnes) Required Power (kW) Cost (pts) Modifiers
Actively Cooled Amplifiers 2x2x2 40 10 4 175 25 +25% Burst Duration (Emitters)
-20% Cooldown Time (Emitters)
-10% Overheat Damage Chance (Emitters)
Ammunition Elevators 2x2x2 100 15 30 150 20 -15% Reload Time
-15% Launcher Reload Time
Focused Particle Accelerator 3x3x3 150 40 45 800 25 +25% Damage Multiplier (Beam)
-5% Burst Duration (Beam)
Missile Parallel Interface 2x2x2 100 15 5 150 40 +35% Missile Programming Speed
Missile Programming Bus 2x2x2 80 15 5 200 30 +1 Missile Programming Channels
Missile Programming Bus Array 3x3x3 100 15 5 350 50 +2 Missile Programming Channels
Mount Gyros 2x2x2 40 10 4 120 20 -7.5% Spread
+25% Traverse Rate
+20% Elevation Rate
+15% Casemate Traverse Rate
+15% Casemate Elevation Rate
Rapid-Cycle Cradle 3x3x3 100 15 30 150 20 -25% Recycle Time
-25% Recycle Time (Energy)
Energy Regulator 3x3x3 100 15 30 650 30 -20% Reload Time (Energy)
-20% Cooldown Time (Energy)
-20% Cooldown Time (Beam)
Small Energy Regulator 2x2x2 75 10 20 400 20 -12% Reload Time (Energy)
-12% Cooldown Time (Energy)
-12% Cooldown Time (Beam)