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Posture controls

Posture controls determine how a ship will operate and maneuver and which sensor and defensive systems are enabled.

Short display Setting Effects
THRTL Throttle Control Sets both the max speed and thruster power for the ship.
WARNING: Prolonged use of the FLANK speed will cause damage to engines; reserve for emergency use.
MNVR Maneuvering Posture Determines the directness of the route to the next waypoint. Excessive flight settings will make random course changes to attempt to avoid incoming fire.
FORM Formation Positioning Determines how all ships in the current formation take position relative to the guide. True positioning will keep the same true bearings regardless of the direction the guide is facing. Relating positioning will reposition escorts when the guide turns. Setting this applies to all ships in the same formation. In Loose mode the guide will not slow down to let lagging escorts catch up.
BSHRT Battle-Short Overrides equipment safeties to allow them to operate indefinitely.
WARNING: Modules operating in battle override mode will receive periodic damage when operating outside their safe limits.
RADAR Radar Emissions Control Controls the radiating state of the ship's sensor suite. All sensors operate under the same uniform condition. Disabling sensors will cause the ship to become reliant on the sensors of other ships in the fleet, but will reduce its overall signature making it more difficult to detect.
COMM Communications Emissions Control Controls the radiating stats of the ship's communications suite. Disabling transmission will reduce signature, making this ship harder to detect. It will still be able to receive the common sensor picture from friendly ships, but cannot contribute to it.
ESUPT Electronic Support Modules Controls the activity of passive electronic support modules. Does not reduce signature, but can be toggled to reduce clutter once a sensor track has been acquired on a signal.
WCON Weapons Control Controls the ability to release weapons. Set to HOLD to be able to issue this ship targeting orders without actually firing. Weapons will bear on the target but only fire when set to TIGHT or FREE. When set to FREE ships will automatically return fire with non-missile weapons on targets that are firing at them.
PDTRT Point Defenses - Turrets
PDSML Point Defenses - Missiles
DECOY Point Defenses - Decoys
PDZNE Point Defense Zone