First Colonial War of 2238

From Falling Frontier Official Wiki

Important: Information is subject to change during development.


The First Colonial War started after the discovery of Ti-82 on Pluto. This newly discovered material allowed the construction of incredibly strong ships and stations which allowed colonization of previously inaccessible and hazardous areas within the solar system. It also allowed ships to withstand the extreme forces exerted by the newly developed Europa Jump Drive enabling Faster Than Light travel. Ti-82 was only found on the outer planets, and in their hubris Earth's government implemented sanctions against the the outer planet colonies in an attempt to control the flow of Ti-82.


With the outer colonies suffering from political instability, rising problems with oppression, and general inequality caused by Earth's trade sanctions, conflict was all but inevitable. Europa, Titan, Tethys, and Pluto negotiated an alliance to resist Earth's influence resulting in the formation of the Colonial Expeditionary Pact (CEP). Realizing their grip on power within the solar system was starting to slip, Earth founded the Inner System Defense Treaty (ISDT) and convinced the colonies Luna, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Ceres to join on a basis of mutual defense.


After a brutal and bloody 46 year long conflict the Colonial Expeditionary Pact achieved independence from the inner worlds, causing Earth lose its grasp on the Sol system.