Possibly the Final Experiment

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 09:42, 7 July 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)
FC3 Surface.png
Name Possibly the Final Experiment
Categories Story
Formicarium challenge
Environment Formicarium
Player species Gene-thief ant
Player units Gene-thief ant worker
Black ant soldier
Wood ant shooter (either)
Leafcutter ant major (either)
Surface Yes
Features AI colonies

An unprepared colony will not survive the next challenge. Make sure you are well stocked on resources.


  • Eliminate the enemy queen.


  • Base value: 8 territory, 650 food, 18 Royal Jelly
  • Difficulty bonus: 1400%/ 1425%/ 1450%/ 1480%/ 1520%
  • Completion bonus: + 200%
  • NG+ bonus: + 40% x NG+


Your gene-thief ant colony must defeat the counterpart colony.

You can only have 150 brood tiles before attempting the challenge.

Non-player colony

The formicariums are connected by a glass tube. Safe zone is the area between your surface nest entrance and the halfway point.

The counterpart colony has 22 gene-thief ant workers, 74 slave-maker ant soldiers, 57 trap-jaw ant soldiers, 66 army ant mediae and 40 army ant majors. The queen has Second wind and Royal guard on hard, extreme and impossible. Workers have Aggressive brood and Defensive.

The counterpart colony assembles its soldiers near the surface nest entrance and waits. It only advances when you move any ants out of the safe zone. It always follows your most recently placed pheromone marker. It retreats after it has taken enough casualties or when the male scientist is forcing you out of the nest.

If you invade the enemy nest, the enemy colony gather its soldiers near the underground nest entrance until the invaders are eliminated.

If you don't have any soldiers and stay inside, the counterpart colony immediately invades your nest.

Notable enemies

Other enemies are on the same side and are hostile to the ants.

The male scientist interferes directly in this mission. The enemy colony can also get caught in his attack. Seeds are dropped in the enemy formicarium 60 seconds after each activation of queen abilities.

If your ants are fighting in the enemy formicarium, the male scientist uses his index finger to damage any creatures in the area. He stops when you invade the enemy nest.

If you keep most of your soldiers inside, he knocks on the glass to stun and randomly damage any active creatures. Green rove beetles, blue rove beetles and tiny whip spiders are dropped in your formicarium to force you out They are inedibleand increase in number after each release.

If you are fighting outside of your formicarium, he occasionally drops leaf-mimic praying mantises in your formicarium or mole crickets in your nest to even the playing field. They are edible.


Icons Name Requirements
Possibly The Final Experiment 1.pngPossibly The Final Experiment 2.pngPossibly The Final Experiment 3.pngPossibly The Final Experiment 4.pngPossibly The Final Experiment 5.png Possibly the Final Experiment Beat the level on designated difficulty.
Fool's Checkmate.png Fool's checkmate Place a single pheromone marker then beat the level. You aren't allowed to move ants between pheromone groups.


  • You can play as the counterpart colony in the other hypothetical side of the main story in The Other Foot. Beating it on any difficulty lets you play as the counterpart colony in custom games.
  • If your colony is blue, the counterpart colony will be red.
  • Fool's mate is a type of checkmate, in which the fewest possible moves have been made from the starting position.
