Trap-jaw Ant

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 03:39, 26 June 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)
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Common name Trap-jaw ant
Scientific name Odontomachus baurii
Environment Rainforest
Castes Queen
Traits Heal
Playable colony No

Trap-jaw ants (Odontomachus baurii) are playable in extra levels and custom games.


Trap-jaw ants use basic attack by biting.

Soldiers can launch themselves away to heal at low health.


You can play with trap-jaw ant soldiers in:

You can also encounter non-player trap-jaw ants in:

Notable stats

Trap-jaw ant queen
Common stats
  • Health: 600
  • Score: 700
  • Healing speed: 1
Damage modifications
  • Physical resistance: 50%
  • Venom resistance: 50%
  • Maximum taken damage: 25
  • Immune to stun/ confusion/ fleeing
  • Immune to pickup/ knockback (strong)
  • Immune to execution

Trap-jaw ant worker
Common stats
  • Cost: 20/ 2
  • Health: 25/ 35/ 45
  • Movement speed: 300/ 340/ 380
  • Score: 5/ 8/ 12
  • Harvest amount: 15/ 15/ 15
  • Healing speed: 0.1/ 0.1/ 0.1
  • Vision radius: 400/ 400/ 400
Damage modifications
  • None
  • None
Basic attack
  • Damage (physical): 0.6/ 0.8/ 1
  • Attack speed: 1/ 1/ 1

Trapjaw.png Trap-jaw ant soldier
Common stats
  • Cost: 90/ 6
  • Health: 65/ 75/ 90
  • Movement speed: 320/ 320/ 320
  • Score: 14/ 20/ 24
  • Harvest amount: 15/ 15/ 15   
  • Healing speed: 0.1/ 0.1/ 0.1
  • Vision radius: 400/ 400/ 400
Damage modifications
  • None
  • None
Basic attack
  • Damage (physical): 6/ 8/ 11
  • Attack speed: 1/ 1/ 1
  • Trigger: User has below 70% HP.
  • Damage (physical): 1/ 1/ 1
  • Cooldown: 8/ 8/ 8
  • Total health: 24.5/ 28/ 37.1
  • Duration: 1.5/ 1.5/ 1.5


  • In real life, trap-jaw ants apply their bite force against the ground to jump, not against opposing creatures. They have the second fastest bite speed in the world, only after dracula ants (Mystrium camillae).
  • In real life, trap-jaw ants can sting. The developers don't implement this in the game to focus on their jumping gimmick.
  • Trap-jaw ants have been confirmed to be unplayable as complete colonies because they don't form trails while hunting. Trap-jaw ant queen and workers are resized soldiers and are available only in Adventure as enemies.
  • Beating The Other Foot on any difficulty lets you play as the counterpart colony in custom games.