Tug of War

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Tug Of War Surface.png
Name Tug of War
Categories Extra
Player species Gene-thief ant
Player units Black ant soldier
Wood ant soldier
Wood ant shooter (rapid-fire)
Leafcutter ant media
Leafcutter ant major (taunt)
Slave-maker ant soldier
Trap-jaw ant soldier
Army ant media
Army ant major
Surface Yes
Features Non-player colonies
Free spawning
Automatic battling
Music Queen of the Hill Theme
Remix Yes

This mission is an auto-battling game mode.


  • Eliminate the enemy colony.


Your gene-thief ant colony must fight another gen-thief ant colony in an arena.

Eggs are automatically spawned for free on available brood tiles. The inbetween time starts at 25 seconds and increases by 1 second after each spawn.

You receive food every 30 seconds until storage is full. Food income is calculated based on the following formula.

Food income = 35 + 0.01 x combat score

Food income increases when your colony is taking control of the halfway point.

Food income (bonus) = (35 + 0.01 x combat score) x 1.1 + 2

Your ants are automatically put in the first pheromone group after the respective brood tiles are built. Pheromone markers are fixed in the enemy nest. You can only toggle attacking.

You have 37 level 3 food storage tiles at the start of the mission. You can delete them for food. You can only build brood tiles and highway tiles.

You have access to black ant soldiers, wood ant soldiers, rapid-fire wood ant shooters, leafcutter ant mediae, taunt leafcutter ant majors, slave-maker ant soldiers, trap-jaw ant soldiers, army ant mediae and army ant majors. You don't have access to workers.

The mission uses custom-game-mode stats.

Non-player colony

The enemy colony has access to the same units and uses the same mechanics as your colony.

Food income is calculated based on the following formula. The value of difficulty multiplier is 0.8/ 0.95/ 1/ 1.2/ 1.5.

Food income = (35 + 0.01 x combat score) x multiplier

Food income increases when the enemy colony is taking control of the halfway point.

Food income (bonus) = (35 + 0.01 x combat score) x multiplier x 1.1 + 2

The enemy colony randomly chooses a unit composition and the correponding nest design to build each game.

  • Choice 1: Wood ant soldiers, wood ant shooters
  • Choice 2: Army ant mediae, army ant majors
  • Choice 3: Black ant soldiers, wood ant soldiers, wood ant shooters, trap-jaw ant soldiers
  • Choice 4: Black ant soldiers, wood ant soldiers, leafcutter ant majors
  • Choice 5: Black ant soldiers, wood ant shooters, leafcutter ant mediae
  • Choice 6: Black ant soldiers, leafcutter ant mediae, leafcutter ant majors, trap-jaw ant soldiers, army ant majors
  • Choice 7 (uncommon nest design): Black ant soldiers, leafcutter ant majors, army ant majors
  • Choice 8 (uncommon nest design): Black ant soldiers, trap-jaw ant soldiers, army ant majors
  • Choice 9: Wood ant shooters, leafcutter ant majors, trap-jaw ant soldiers, army ant mediae
  • Choice 10: Wood ant shooters, trap-jaw ant soldiers, army ant mediae


  • Empires of the Undergrowth was planned as a tug-of-war mobile game. This wasn't well received among kickstarters, which helped turn it into a real-time-strategy PC game.
  • The enemy colony never uses slave-maker ant soldiers.
