Slave-maker Ant

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 03:37, 26 June 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)
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Common name Blood-red ant
Scientific name Formica sanguinea
Environment Woodland
Castes Stealer
Traits None
Playable colony No

Slave-maker ants (Formica sanguinea) are playable in extra levels and custom games.


Slave-maker ant soldiers use basic attack by biting.

Slave-maker ant stealers can take larvae but can't attack.


You can play with slave-maker ant soldiers in:

You can also encounter non-player slave-maker ants in:

Notable stats>

Slave-maker ant stealer
Common stats
  • Health: 20
  • Movement speed: 300
  • Score: 10
Damage modifications
  • None
  • None

Slave-maker ant soldier
Common stats
  • Cost: 65/ 5
  • Health: 50/ 80/ 120
  • Movement speed: 280/ 300/ 320
  • Score: 15/ 18/ 22
  • Harvest amount: 15/ 15/ 15 
  • Healing speed: 0.1/ 0.15/ 0.2
  • Vision radius: 400/ 400/ 400
Damage modifications
  • None
  • None
Basic attack
  • Damage (physical): 3/ 4.4/ 7
  • Attack speed: 1/ 1.2/ 1.4


  • Formica sanguinea are facultative slave-makers, which means they can feed themselves without the help of enslaved workers.
  • Slave-maker ants have been confirmed to be unplayable as complete colonies because the developers would have to dedicate their time to complete the brood-stealing mechanics. Slave-maker ant stealers are available only in Subjugation and only as enemies.
  • Beating The Other Foot on any difficulty lets you play as the counterpart colony in custom games.