The Other Foot

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The Other Foot Surface.png
Name The Other Foot
Categories Extra
Formicarium challenge
Environment Formicarium
Player species Gene-thief ant
Player units Gene-thief ant worker
Slave-maker ant soldier
Trap-jaw ant soldier
Army ant media
Army ant major
Surface Yes
Features AI colonies
Timed attacks

Did you think your colony was the only one the scientists have been giving a hard time? How would things look from the perspective of the counterpart Formica ereptor colony, the one that has been providing feeder ants for the primary colony to fight against in the formicarium challenges?


  • Get 40 workers to the tube.
  • Get 20 workers to the tube.
  • Keep the tube supplied with workers.
  • Survive the incoming attacks.
  • Get 30 workers to the tube.
  • Keep the tube supplied with workers.
  • Survive the incoming attacks.
  • Eliminate the enemy queen.


  • Playable counterpart colony in custom games


Your gene-thief ant colony must complete various objectives that the male scientist demands. Each objective must be done in order.

The first phase only starts when you dig to the surface. The third and thefifth phase only start when all enemies are dead. Seeds are dropped frequently in your formicarium between attacking waves.

You only have access to gene-thief ant workers at the start of the mission. You gain access to army ant mediae, slave-maker ant soldiers, trap-jaw ant soldiers and army ant majors in this particular order throughout the mission. The queen has both Royal guard and Second wind. Workers have Aggressive brood and Defensive only on impossible.

Non-player colony

The formicariums are connected by a glass tube at the start of the fifth phase. Safe zone is the area between your surface nest entrance and the halfway point.

The primary colony has access to gene-thief ant workers, black ant soldiers, mortar wood ant shooters and stun leafcutter ant majors. The queen has Royal decree on extreme and impossible. Mortar shooters have Corrosive and stun majors have Sharp only on impossible.

The primary colony assembles its soldiers near the surface nest entrance and wait. It only advances when you move any ants out of the safe zone. It always follows your most recently placed pheromone marker. It retreats back to the nest entrance after it has taken enough casualties or when you move your ants into the safe zone.

Notable enemies

Other enemies are on the same side.

You must send workers through a feeding tube during the first and the third phase. You can take as much time as you need at the start. The male scientist then demands a sustained flow of workers for 120 seconds. The progress bar on the screen indicates the number of contributing workers. It retracts gradually over time. You lose when the progress bar is entirely depleted.

The male scientist drops enemies in the formicarium to interfere with the process. They don't invade your nest.

You must survive consecutive attacking waves during the second and the fourth phase.

  • You unlock army ant mediae.
  • Phase 1 - Wave 4: Larval devil's coach horse beetles
  • Phase 1 - Wave 5: Adult devil's coach horse beetles
  • You unlock slave-maker ant soldiers.
  • Phase 2 - Wave 1: Black ants
  • Phase 2 - Wave 2: Wood ants
  • Phase 2 - Wave 3: Devil's coach horse beetles
  • You unlock trap-jaw ant soldiers.
  • Phase 3 - Wave 1: Large whip spiders
  • Phase 3 - Wave 3: Beach tiger beetles
  • Phase 3 - Wave 4: Beach wolf spiders
  • Phase 4 - Wave 1: Gene-thief ants
  • Phase 4 - Wave 3: Trap-jaw ants
  • Phase 4 - Wave 6: Leafcutter ants
  • Phase 4 - Wave 7: Adult green rove beetles and adult blue rove beetles
  • Phase 4 - Wave 9: Army ants
  • You unlock army ant majors.
  • Phase 4 - Wave 11: Small and large whip spiders
  • Phase 4 - Wave 12: Spiny devil bush crickets
  • Phase 4 - Wave 13: Huge whip spider

The scientist interferes directly during the fifth phase. If the primary colony is fighting in your formicarium, the man uses his index finger to crush them. He gives seeds every 30 seconds to the colony which is taking control of the halfway point.


  • The Other Foot is the only extra level that has been confirmed to be suggested by fans.
