Quote - Formicarium

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki

This page shows the dialogues of the scientists in the formicarium.

First formicarium

Story begins:

  • Scientist 1: Ah, I see the queen has taken well to her new home.
  • Scientist 2: It’s fascinating, she has already started to spawn. Incredible really that we found such a healthy specimen.
  • Scientist 1: How long until we can expect to see inter-species polymorphism?
  • Scientist 2: We should be patient, and allow the colony to grow first. I have placed food nearby. Then we will introduce the Formica fusca, and observe their reaction.
  • Scientist 1: Excellent. Keep me updated on their progress.

You don't dig:

  • Scientist 2: Come on now my little ants, you need space to grow. Dig, dig, dig!

You don't gather the hidden food:

  • Scientist 2: Hmmmmm...
  • Scientist 1: Is something wrong?
  • Scientist 2: I have provided them with food just a few centimetres south of the queen, but they don’t seem to be interested.
  • Scientist 1: If they are too distressed to collect food, then we will have to replace the colony and start again.
  • Scientist 2: Such a terrible waste...

You dig out a tile for the first time:

  • Scientist 2: They are beginning to expand their territory!
  • Scientist 1: Excellent news.

You build a gene-thief ant worker brood tile for the first time:

  • Scientist 2: The queen has begun to lay new eggs.
  • Scientist 1: Perfect. We will soon have a thriving colony.

You build a black ant soldier brood tile for the 1st time :

  • Scientist 2: The ereptor workers have raised their first Formica fusca ant.
  • Scientist 1: Finally, we have the opportunity to observe multiple species within the same colony.

You beat The First Experiment for the first time:

  • Scientist 1: Let’s see how the colony grows over the next few days.
  • Scientist 2: Now that they have experienced battle, I expect to see a significant rise in the number of soldiers.

You build a wood ant shooter brood tile for the first time:

  • Scientist 2: The ereptor workers have raised their first Formica rufa ant!
  • Scientist 1: Incredible! I wasn’t sure it was even possible!

You beat The Second Expereiment for the first time:

  • Scientist 1: Continue to watch over the formicarium. Additional experiments will be on hold for the time being.
  • Scientist 2: I understand, no more tests.

Rehousing begins:

  • Scientist 1: The counterpart colony has been delivered. We need to commence preparation for the final experiment. After that we can dispose of the specimens and close the project. You should begin transplanting our ereptors into the modular formicarium, and be careful with the queen.
  • Scientist 2: Yes, yes, I know how to use a trowel.

Second formicarium

Rehousing finishes:

  • Scientist 2: Close the project? Bah!... Did you hear that? Final experiment my foot! I’m in charge of the colony, and I will decide when we’ve finished testing.
  • Scientist 2: There! All set in your new home. Grow quickly, my little ants. We have lots of works to do...

You build a leafcutter ant major brood tile for the first time:

  • Scientist 2: Oh, the ereptor workers have raised their first Atta cephalotes ant.
  • Scientist 1: Very good. I look forward to seeing how they integrate into the ereptor hierarchy.

You beat Possibly the Final Experiment for the first time:

  • Scientist 2: Hah! Jelly to the incinerator?! The jelly is for my ants... and no one is going to take it away from you.

Rehousing begins:

  • Scientist 2: Short sighted, simple, churlish fools! They don’t understand, none of them understand. The experiment must proceed!
  • Scientist 2: There isn’t much time... quickly my ereptors, into the terrarium, you’ll be safe here.

Third formicarium

Rehousing finishes:

  • Scientist 1: Is it done?
  • Scientist 2: Yes, yes, look... Gone!
  • Scientist 1: I see... Well good. It’s about time. Anyway, I’m going to need you to make yourself available this afternoon. Apparently a large quantity of unrefined jelly has gone missing from the overflow vessel and supply wants to speak with the whole group about proper check out procedures. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?
  • Scientist 2: What? No! What would I want with unrefined jelly?
  • Scientist 1: Well... Quite.
  • Scientist 2: What would I want indeed?

You build a fire ant soldier brood tile for the first time:

  • Scientist 2: Solenopsis invicta... Interesting presentation, fully functional stinger too! Marvelous!
  • Scientist 1: What's marvelous?
  • Scientist 2: Oh... My sandwich! Yes. It came with an unusually generous dab of fiery pepper sauce.
  • Scientist 1: How many times have I told you? No food in the lab!
  • Scientist 2: Yes, OK, fine, I'm going.

You beat The Final Experiment for the first time:

  • Scientist 1: What was he up to? There’s nothing untoward here... Why did he lock the door?

Time have passed:

  • Scientist 2: Aha! I told you I'd be back...
  • Scientist 2: My poor ants! What has happened to you? Don't worry, I'm here now. One final experiment and this will all be over. We'll need to get your strength up. Eat this for now, I'll be back soon with more supplies. Sit tight!
  • Scientist 2: Need something to stand on... Ah!

You build a Matabele ant medic brood tile for the first time:

  • Scientist 1: What's this? Notes on continued experiments... Solenopsis invicta, Megaponera analis! He wanted to integrate Matabele DNA into one of the ereptor colonies? Completely reckless!

Common events

You haven't beaten Possibly the Final Experiment

You choose extra territory:

  • Scientist 2: Come on now my little ants, you need space to grow. Dig, dig, dig...
  • Scientist 1: I’m sorry, what was that?
  • Scientist 2: I wasn’t talking to you!

You choose extra food:

  • Scientist 1: Is it feeding time already?
  • Scientist 2: Yes. Our queen is insatiable.

You choose extra Royal Jelly:

  • Scientist 2: How is the colony progressing?
  • Scientist 1: The queen is exhibiting interesting new behaviors. I believe the colony is beginning to adapt.

You have beaten Possibly the Final Experiment but haven't rehoused

You choose extra territory:

  • Scientist 2: Look at you, dig and grow, dig and grow!
  • Scientist 1: I’m becoming concerned about your obsession with these ants.
  • Scientist 2: Oh er, well I was...
  • Scientist 1: Please just get rid of them.
  • Scientist 2: Yes, yes,...

You choose extra food:

  • Scientist 1: Why are you feeding the ereptors?
  • Scientist 2: I... I was just...
  • Scientist 1: I expect them to be gone by morning.
  • Scientist 2: Yes, of course.

You choose extra Royal Jellys:

  • Scientist 2: The way they continue to adapt. It’s almost as if they have a goal, a purpose...
  • Scientist 1: Are going to deal with the ants or not?
  • Scientist 2: Yes, yes, I’m doing it. Just wiping down the surfaces first, yes, making sure everything is nice and clean.

You have rehoused twice but haven't beaten The Final Experiment

You choose extra territory:

  • Scientist 1: Why is there a pile of substrate in the middle of the workspace?
  • Scientist 2: It's the ventilation, terrible down here, the stuff builds up in the corners. I'd put in complaint.
  • Scientist 1: If you're up to something, I will find out.
  • Scientist 2: Up to something? All I do is try to make the place a little bit tidier. I clean the desks and suddenly I'm up to something. Oh, that's very nice, very rich, up to something.
  • Scientist 2: I'm not up to anything, my ereptors on the other hand...

You choose extra food:

  • Scientist 2: Eat hearty, grow strong, the work will continue soon.
  • Scientist 1: Hello?
  • Scientist 2: Shhh! Shhh!...
  • Scientist 1: Oh it's you. Is something wrong?
  • Scientist 2: No.

You choose extra Royal Jelly:

  • Scientist 2: I knew it, I knew it. With the exposure and stimulation, the mutation possibilities are boundless! The potential for amalgamation... Which is of course an epistatic effect, owing to increased cytoplasmic viscidity in the...
  • Scientist 1: What are you doing?
  • Scientist 2: Preparing the report.
  • Scientist 1: Can you not do it quietly? Perhaps try using the keyboard?
  • Scientist 2: The keyboard, how quaint.

You have beaten The Final Experiment but haven't continued the story

You choose extra territory:

  • Delivery person: Delivery!
  • Scientist 1: I haven't put in any request...
  • Delivery person: Looks like a... supercapacitor.
  • Scientist 1: You're probably after the microelectronics. Next floor up.

You choose extra food:

  • Delivery person: Hello! Going to need a signature on this! Dangerous chemicals!
  • Scientist 1: What would I want with... chlorosulfonic acid?
  • Delivery person: How should I know? I just need a signature.

You choose extra Royal Jelly: (version 1)

  • Delivery person: Propane delivery!
  • Scientist 1: I haven't order any propane. There must have been a mix-up.

You choose extra Royal Jelly: (version 2)

  • Delivery person: Delivery!
  • Scientist 1: Not this again! Laser galvanometers? Could you let inventory know we never order these?
  • Delivery person: Not my job I'm afraid.

Time has passed in the third formicarium

You choose extra territory

  • Scientist 1: Dirt on the floor again? Perhaps there really is a ventilation problem...

You choose extra food

  • Scientist 1: Ugh! Crumbs everywhere! Who's been bringing food into the lab?

You choose extra Royal Jelly

  • Scientist 1: Why are there footprints on my chair?

Enemies are dropped in your formicarium

These voice lines belong to the male scientist and can be heard when enemies are released in your formicarium. Because of what happened in the main story, they can't be heard in the swamp formicarium. There is no voice lines for swamp and savannah enemies.

  • Gene-thief ants: A few ereptors can't hurt...
  • Black ants: Maybe we'll just add a few Formica fusca.
  • Wood ants and hermit crabs: Our colony does need to exercise.
  • Larval rove beetles: Delicious beetle larvae.
  • Mole crickets: Burrowing, burrowing, tunneling, tunneling, chomping, chomping.
  • Harvestmen: The chances of anything coming out of those jars were a million to one, they said.
  • Leafcutter ants: The Attas come to forage... but they are not welcome here.
  • Army ants: The army is on the march! Send them back.
  • Whip spiders: Incy-whippy spiders, running to the queen. They all want to bite her, it's really quite obscene!
  • Huge whip spiders: My my, that's a big whip spider.


  • The voice line for dropping mole crickets in the formicarium can only be heard in The Other Foot. There is currently no option to drop them in the formicarium in the main story.
  • The voice line for dropping harvestmen in the formicarium is a reference to Wars of the Worlds.
  • The delivery person is voiced by Nika Nikolic.