Smoldering City

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 12:09, 16 August 2023 by Aurelain (talk | contribs) (Deleted the incomplete list of deeds, as it has moved to the main article (Deeds))

Smoldering City

The world is plagued by the Blightstorm - a vile cycle of destruction ravaging everything in its path. The only safehaven is the Smoldering City, where the mysterious Scorched Queen reins. As a Viceroy of the crown, your goal is to help rebuild the Smoldering City.


The Scorched Queen has decided that the Smoldering City requires 7 new great work projects: the Obsidian Archives, the Monastery of the Vigilant Flame, the Pioneers' Gate, the First Dawn Headquarters, the Dim Square, the Brass Forge, and the Vanguard Spire.

From the Upgrades tab of the Smoldering City, you can spend Citadel Resources - such as Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles, Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts, and Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery - to construct and upgrade these great works. Each great work improves your Settlements' chances for survival in a particular way, and certain upgrade levels will unlock new game features.

Each level of these great works grants:

  • Obsidian Archives - Queen's Patience: -2% to the speed at which the Queen's Impatience grows per upgrade level (max. -34%)
  • Monastery of the Vigilant Flame - Everlasting Flames: +2% to burning duration for all fuels burned in the Hearth per upgrade level (max. +18%)
  • Pioneers' Gate - Villager Speed Increase: +2% increase to Villager walking speed per upgrade level (max. +20%)
  • First Dawn Headquarters - Unforeseen Riches: +1% boost to the chance of obtaining bonus production yields per upgrade level (max. +10%)
  • Dim Square - Quicker Trader Arrival: +3% bonus to trader arrival speed per upgrade level (max. +27%)
  • Brass Forge - Production Speed Increase: +2% boost to global production speed per upgrade level (max. +18%)
  • Vanguard Spire - Gathering Technique: +1 available charge to all resource deposits per upgrade level (max. +9)

Other rewards include:

  • Obsidian Archives - increases the Citadel Resource rewards for completing a Settlement, and unlocks many new game features such as Consumption Control, Rainpunk Engines, rival Viceroys, Royal Expeditions, Timed Orders, Training Expeditions
  • Monastery of the Vigilant Flame - increases your Cornerstone pool and reroll chances
  • Pioneers' Gate - increases your Embarkation points, and extends the vision of your Settlements and your Embarkation range
  • First Dawn Headquarters - adds new Embarkation choices and increases your Embarkation points
  • Dim Square - allows and increases the number of Trade Routes, and improves the cost and availability of Perks/Blueprints from Traders
  • Brass Forge - allows Hearth upgrades, and increases worker and building capacities
  • Vanguard Spire - adds race-specific Housing to your Essential Buildings and improves your Caravan choices and Newcomers
Name Required Level Cost Bonus
Obsidian Archive 1 level 1 10 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Obsidian Archive 2 level 2 10 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 1 10 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Pioneers' Gate 1 level 3 10 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Obsidian Archive 3 18 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 2 12 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
First Dawn Headquarters 1 12 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Dim Square 1 level 4 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Brass Forge 1 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Obsidian Archive 4 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
First Dawn Headquarters 2 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Brass Forge 2 level 5 30 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
6 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Pioneers' Gate 2 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Obsidian Archive 5 30 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 3 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
3 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Vanguard Spire 1 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
3 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Dim Square 2 level 6 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Pioneers' Gate 3 24 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Obsidian Archive 6 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 4 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
First Dawn Headquarters 3 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Vanguard Spire 2 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
6 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Dim Square 3 level 7 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
6 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Brass Forge 3 48 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
6 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Pioneers' Gate 4 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
6 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Obsidian Archive 7 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Vanguard Spire 3 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
6 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Brass Forge 4 level 8 48 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Pioneers' Gate 5 48 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Obsidian Archive 8 48 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 5 36 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
First Dawn Headquarters 4 48 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Vanguard Spire 4 48 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Dim Square 4 level 9 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Pioneers' Gate 6 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Obsidian Archive 9 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
First Dawn Headquarters 5 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Vanguard Spire 5 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Dim Square 5 level 10 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Pioneers' Gate 7 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Obsidian Archive 10 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 6 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
First Dawn Headquarters 6 60 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Dim Square 6 level 11 72 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Brass Forge 5 72 FOod
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Obsidian Archive 11 72 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 7 72 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Vanguard Spire 6 72 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Brass Forge 6 level 12 84 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Pioneers' Gate 8 84 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Obsidian Archive 12 84 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 8 84 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
12 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
12 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
First Dawn Headquarters 7 84 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Dim Square 7 level 13 96 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Pioneers' Gate 9 96 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Obsidian Archive 13 96 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
18 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
18 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
First Dawn Headquarters 8 96 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Vanguard Spire 7 96 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
24 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Dim Square 8 level 14 108 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
24 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Brass Forge 7 108 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
24 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Pioneers' Gate 10 108 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
24 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Obsidian Archive 14 108 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Vanguard Spire 8 108 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
24 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Dim Square 9 level 15 120 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
Brass Forge 8 120 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
30 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Obsidian Archive 15 120 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
30 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
First Dawn Headquarters 9 120 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
24 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
24 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Obsidian Archive 16 level 16 130 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
30 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
30 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Monastery of the Vigilant Flame 9 132 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
30 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
First Dawn Headquarters 10 132 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
30 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Vanguard Spire 9 130 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
30 Icon MetaResource Artifact.png Artifacts
Brass Forge 9 level 17 144 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
40 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery
Obsidian Archive 17 130 Icon MetaResource FoodStockpiles.png Food Stockpiles
40 Icon MetaResource Machinery.png Machinery


Main article: Deeds

Deeds are tasks from the Smoldering City what will grant either 50 Experience Points or a permanent bonus when completed. Some of them require playing on a certain minimal difficulty. Some of them will grant an Achievement.