
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 03:49, 6 November 2023 by Aeredor (talk | contribs) (New example of punctuation mattering with Alchemist's Hut)

Generates recipe tables. Use this wherever you need to show how to use Goods or Buildings.


Create a concise, sortable table using game data to show in-game recipes. The table mimics the layout of the in-game recipe browser, with the building, efficiency of the recipe, number of ingredients, and the product.


At least one of these is required. Depending on which parameters you provide, the table may ignore other parameters. If the names provided are not spelled correctly (including punctuation), matching their in-game names, the recipe will return an error.

Parameter Type Description
product string The name of the product associated with the recipe. Can be used in conjunction with building to display exactly one recipe.
building string The name of the building where the recipe is produced. Can be used in conjunction with product to display exactly one recipe.
ingredient string The name of an ingredient in a recipe. If you provide this parameter, the template does not filter the results further, but ignores the other parameters and returns a long table of all recipes where the ingredient could be used.


When a product, building, or ingredient is not spelled correctly or is not a valid name, the template returns an error message to help you locate the spelling or name mistake.


Broken: {{Recipe|building=Alchemists' Hut}}

Lua error in Module:RecipeData at line 274: No building found. Please check spelling and any punctuation like an apostrophe: Alchemists' Hut.

Fixed: {{Recipe|building=Alchemist's Hut}}

Recipes in the Alchemist's Hut.
BuildingIngredient #1 optionsIngredient #2 optionsIngredient #3 optionsProduct
Alchemist's HutAlchemist's Hut
3Herbs Herbs
3Pigment Pigment
3Resin Resin
3Mushrooms Mushrooms
3Roots Roots
3Drizzle Water Drizzle Water
4Clearance Water Clearance Water
5Storm Water Storm Water
2Crystalized Dew Crystalized Dew
2Copper Bars Copper Bars
10 Tea Tea
Alchemist's HutAlchemist's Hut
3Berries Berries
3Mushrooms Mushrooms
3Reed Reed
3Pottery Pottery
3Barrels Barrels
3Waterskins Waterskins
10 Wine Wine
Alchemist's HutAlchemist's Hut
2Herbs Herbs
2Insects Insects
2Resin Resin
2Vegetables Vegetables
3Stone Stone
3Clay Clay
8Storm Water Storm Water
12Clearance Water Clearance Water
16Drizzle Water Drizzle Water
2 Crystalized Dew Crystalized Dew

There may be cases where the name you should use to look up a good or building is not the right name. Please post these to this template's discussion page.


Basic Usage for Products and Buildings

A standard use of the template to show exactly one recipe for a product, in one building:

{{Recipe|Crystalized Dew|Brickyard}}


Recipe for Crystalized Dew in the Brickyard.
BuildingIngredient #1 optionsIngredient #2 optionsIngredient #3 optionsProduct

3Herbs Herbs
3Insects Insects
3Resin Resin
3Vegetables Vegetables
4Stone Stone
4Clay Clay
10Storm Water Storm Water
14Clearance Water Clearance Water
18Drizzle Water Drizzle Water
2 Crystalized Dew Crystalized Dew

Here are several ways to call the template for products and buildings.

Argument Examples Expected outcome
no parameters {{Recipe}} an error
product and building {{Recipe|Crystalized Dew|Brickyard}}
{{Recipe|product=Crystalized Dew|building=Brickyard}}
A table with exactly one row.
product only {{Recipe|Pie}}
A table with several rows, one for each building in which Pie can be produced.
building only {{Recipe||Scribe}} (note the double pipe)
A table with several rows, one for each product that can be produced in the Scribe.


Unlike when specifying the product and/or building, when you specify the ingredient, you explicitly must name the parameter (with ingredient=...). When you do so, the template ignores the other parameters you may have provided. This can be confusing if, for example, you are looking for all of the recipes in the Brick Oven that use Herbs—this is not possible at this time. This may be fixed in the future if there are sufficient needs for further filtering.

The results of specifying the ingredient can be a long table. But on a resource's page, this information is expected to be valuable.

{{Recipe|building=Lumber Mill|ingredient=Wine}}

Both result in:

Recipes that require Wine.
BuildingIngredient #1 optionsIngredient #2 optionsIngredient #3 optionsProduct
4Wine Wine
4Training Gear Training Gear
4Incense Incense
4Scrolls Scrolls
4Ale Ale
4Tea Tea
2 Pack of Luxury Goods Pack of Luxury Goods
4Wine Wine
4Training Gear Training Gear
4Incense Incense
4Scrolls Scrolls
4Ale Ale
4Tea Tea
2 Pack of Luxury Goods Pack of Luxury Goods

5Wine Wine
5Training Gear Training Gear
5Incense Incense
5Scrolls Scrolls
5Ale Ale
5Tea Tea
2 Pack of Luxury Goods Pack of Luxury Goods
2Leather Leather
2Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
6Wood Wood
1Pigment Pigment
1Wine Wine
8 Scrolls Scrolls
Flawless Rain MillFlawless Rain Mill
2Leather Leather
2Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
6Wood Wood
1Pigment Pigment
1Wine Wine
8 Scrolls Scrolls

4Leather Leather
4Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
10Wood Wood
3Pigment Pigment
3Wine Wine
8 Scrolls Scrolls
Lumber MillLumber Mill

4Leather Leather
4Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
10Wood Wood
3Pigment Pigment
3Wine Wine
8 Scrolls Scrolls
Rain MillRain Mill

4Leather Leather
4Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
10Wood Wood
3Pigment Pigment
3Wine Wine
8 Scrolls Scrolls

Further Examples and Errors

The following are generated by calling the template as shown in the parameter examples table above.

1. product and building:

{{Recipe|Crystalized Dew|Brickyard}}


Recipe for Crystalized Dew in the Brickyard.
BuildingIngredient #1 optionsIngredient #2 optionsIngredient #3 optionsProduct

3Herbs Herbs
3Insects Insects
3Resin Resin
3Vegetables Vegetables
4Stone Stone
4Clay Clay
10Storm Water Storm Water
14Clearance Water Clearance Water
18Drizzle Water Drizzle Water
2 Crystalized Dew Crystalized Dew

2. product only



Recipes for Pie.
BuildingIngredient #1 optionsIngredient #2 optionsIngredient #3 optionsProduct
Brick OvenBrick Oven
6Flour Flour
3Herbs Herbs
3Meat Meat
3Insects Insects
3Eggs Eggs
3Berries Berries
10 Pie Pie
6Flour Flour
4Herbs Herbs
4Meat Meat
4Insects Insects
4Eggs Eggs
4Berries Berries
10 Pie Pie
6Flour Flour
4Herbs Herbs
4Meat Meat
4Insects Insects
4Eggs Eggs
4Berries Berries
10 Pie Pie

3. building only



Recipes in the Scribe.
BuildingIngredient #1 optionsIngredient #2 optionsIngredient #3 optionsProduct

10Wood Wood
3Planks Planks
4Copper Bars Copper Bars
4Crystalized Dew Crystalized Dew
2 Tools Tools
5Grain Grain
5Roots Roots
3Pottery Pottery
2Barrels Barrels
3Waterskins Waterskins
10 Ale Ale
2Leather Leather
2Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
6Wood Wood
1Pigment Pigment
1Wine Wine
8 Scrolls Scrolls

The following are error states generated by calling the template incorrectly.

4. with no parameters



The Recipe template requires that you specify at least one of the following: product, building, or ingredient.

5. using only one pipe and not specifying that the provided name is the building



Lua error in Module:RecipeData at line 143: No product found. Please check spelling and any punctuation like an apostrophe: Scribe.

6. asking for products or buildings with no recipes



Lua error in Module:RecipeData at line 274: No building found. Please check spelling and any punctuation like an apostrophe: Market.