From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Icons/doc
local p = {} local util = require( 'Module:Util' ) --[[ Icon data is now stored on the sub page /data to seperate functional code for the dataset users will often need to update. This reduces the risk of breaking the code by entering data in the wrong place and makes it easier to manage the code itself by not having to pass through the large dataset at the top. This module was taken from Nukapedia. All credits go to said wiki. ]] require( 'Module:Icons/data' ) local iconSize = { --[[ All sizes are controlled on the height to ensure a string of icons maintain a consistent line height ]] ["small"] = "x10px", ["medium"] = "x14px", ["normal"] = "x14px", ["big"] = "x20px", } --[[ 28/Oct/2021 Added class control table to array as to handle light/dark themes. This was originally put into the frontend template, when class handling should be back end. Adding the ['class'] = 'light' or ['class'] = 'dark' parameter to a icon's dataset on /data will enable it to access a class if needed. ]] --[[ 08/Nov/2021 Remove the class definition as to be able to just pass straight through local class = { ['light'] = 'lighticon', ['dark'] = 'darkicon', ['general'] = 'generalicon' } ]] function _generate(iconList, iconSetting, iconLinks, tipOverride, iconClass, iconSize) if util.exists(iconSetting) then iconSetting = util.trim(iconSetting) if util.exists(iconSize[iconSetting]) then iconSetting = iconSize[iconSetting] end else iconSetting = iconSize["medium"] end -- This is for calls from other Lua modules as the above will result in nil if util.exists(iconSetting) == false then if util.exists(iconSize) then iconSetting = iconSize else iconSetting = 'x14px' end end if util.exists(iconLinks) then iconLinks = mw.text.split(iconLinks, ",") end if util.exists(tipOverride) then tipOverride = mw.text.split(tipOverride, ",") end if util.exists(iconClass)then iconClass = "|class=" .. tostring(iconClass); else iconClass = "" end local result = "" for k, v in ipairs(iconList) do newIcon = iconData[util.trim(v)] if util.exists(newIcon) then currentIcon = newIcon.icon if util.exists(tipOverride, k) then currentTip = tipOverride[k] else if util.exists(iconLinks, k) then currentTip = iconLinks[k] else currentTip = newIcon.tip end end else currentIcon = "Icon question.png" currentTip = "Unrecognized icon name" result = result .. "[[Category:Modules with invalid parameters]]" end --Create wikitext icon dataLine = '[[File:' .. currentIcon .. '|' .. iconSetting if util.exists(iconLinks, k) then dataLine = dataLine .. '|link=' .. iconLinks[k] else dataLine = dataLine .. '|link=' end if currentTip ~= nil then dataLine = dataLine .. '|' .. currentTip end dataLine = dataLine .. iconClass .. ']]' createTip = mw.html.create('span') createTip:addClass( 'va-icon' ) :attr('title', currentTip) :wikitext(dataLine) result = result .. tostring(createTip) if k < table.getn(iconList) then result = result .. " " end end return result end -- Calls from other modules function p.innerIcon(iconList, iconSetting, iconLinks, tipOverride, iconClass, iconSize) iconList = mw.text.split(iconList, ',') return _generate(iconList, iconSetting, iconLinks, tipOverride, iconClass, iconSize) end function p.Icons(frame) --[[All icons are now lower case to reduce script errors from incorrectly entering the icon code in a different case to the list]] local iconList = mw.text.split(string.lower(frame.args[1]), ",") local iconSetting = frame.args[2] local iconLinks = frame.args[3] local tipOverride = frame.args[4] local iconClass = frame.args[5] local iconSize = { --[[ All sizes are controlled on the height to ensure a string of icons maintain a consistent line height ]] ["small"] = "x10px", ["medium"] = "x14px", ["normal"] = "x14px", ["big"] = "x20px" } return _generate(iconList, iconSetting, iconLinks, tipOverride, iconClass, iconSize) end function p.platforms(frame) --[[All icons are now lower case to reduce script errors from incorrectly entering the icon code in a different case to the list]] local icons = mw.text.split(string.lower(frame.args[1]), ",") local result = "" for k, v in ipairs(icons) do currentIcon = iconData[util.trim(v)] if util.exists(currentIcon, 'platform') == true then createSM = mw.html.create('span') createSM:css('display', 'none') :wikitext('[[Has platform::' .. currentIcon.tip .. ']]') :allDone() createPlatform = mw.html.create('span') createPlatform:addClass('va-icon') :attr('title', currentIcon.tip) :wikitext('[[File:' .. currentIcon.icon .. '|alt=' .. currentIcon.tip .. '|x14px|link=]]') :allDone() --[[ Uncommenting tostring(createSM) below will enable Semantic Mediawiki data tracking]] result = result .. tostring(createSM) .. tostring(createPlatform) if k < table.getn(icons) then result = result .. " " end end end if result == '' then result = '<sup>[Platforms needed]</sup>[[Category:Platforms needed]]' end return result end function p.documentation() keys = {} for k in pairs(iconData) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) result = '{| class="va-table va-table-full"\n|-\n !prefix!!Icon!!prefix!!Icon!!prefix!!Icon\n|-\n' set = 1 for k,v in ipairs(keys) do i = iconData[v] result = result .. "||'''" .. v .. "'''" if util.exists(i) == true and i.class ~= nil then newFile = mw.html.create(span) --:addClass(class[i.class]) :wikitext('[[File:' .. iconData[v].icon .. '|25px]]') else newFile = mw.html.create(span) :wikitext('[[File:' .. iconData[v].icon .. '|25px]]') end result = result .. '||' .. tostring(newFile) if set == 3 then result = result .. '\n|-\n' end if set < 3 then set = set + 1 else set = 1 end end result = result .. '\n|}' return result end function p.Test(frame) --Please empty when done debugging so other users know it is free to use end return p