
From Terra Invicta Official Wiki

Nations on Earth serve as battlegrounds for the aliens' designs on Earth and are sites of both political and military conflict. Human factions, using councilors and armies, will compete to control nations in order to make use of their resources to fulfil their objectives.

Most nations in Terra Invicta correspond to a single real-world Earth country, although in several cases adjacent groups of small nations are aggregated into a single nation so they have more relevance to the scale of the game, and any inter-nation issues between within these generally take place below the scale of the simulation. Factions function as something like covert investors in nations, and with enough focus they can take control over the nation's economy and foreign policy.

National Stats

Nation Stats view

The prosperity and stability of Earth's nations, already tenuous in many places, has been thrown into doubt in light of the alien arrival. Different events throughout the game may alter the qualities of a nation significantly. These circumstances are tracked and made visible to the player, who can take various actions to modify them.


A nation's Government score measures the amount of democracy in a country, which represents things like civil liberties, popular selection of leaders, press freedoms, and rule of law via an independent judiciary. This impacts many things, including national stability and cohesion, research production, corruption, economic growth and the effectiveness of the military in controlling unrest.

Government increases by 0.005 per 2 Investment Point(s) in the Knowledge priority. It changes by -0.001 per 2 Investment Point(s) in the Unity priority.

The Government score impacts the Cohesion score. Lower Government score increases the Cohesion score resting point, while higher Government score draws Cohesion score to the mean value of 5, and simultaneously increases research production. Higher Government score also lower Spoils priority requirement to keep the national elites happy in order to avoid resetting of CPs by coup d'etat and boosts economic growth. Lower Government score increases the effectiveness of the military priority and armies at reducing unrest.

Goverment score ranges from 0 to 10:

Government Score range
Totalitarian 0-2
Authoritarian 2-4
Anarcy 4-6
Flawed Democracy 6-8
Full Democracy 8-10


The Unrest score represents represents violent resistance to the political, economic or cultural status quo in this nation. High unrest hampers the economy and may result in a coup or revolution, which will transfer or clear many or all of the nation's Control Points at once. Unrest is fed by low Cohesion and low quality of life (per-capita GDP). Military spending and armies can reduce it, especially in non-democratic nations.

Unrest is decreased by investing in the Military priority.

Its resting point is increased by having low cohesion, low Per-Capita GDP, or unification with another nation. Unrest can be increased by councillor Increase unrest and reduced by stabilize nation assignments. It is also reduced by military priority and armies, both of which work better in nations with lower government score.

Unrest changes relatively quickly if it is not at its resting point. It's generally better to reduce unrest resting point before reducing its value with councillors and military priority, otherwise it will grow back naturally and quickly.

Naturally occurring coups can happen on high levels of unrest. Those can be countered through spoils and military investments. The spoils priority may be ignored if the level of unrest in a country is sufficiently low, even if the indicator appears red.

Unrest score ranges from 0 to 10. Every 0.1 point of Unrest above 2 will decrease Investment Points by 1%, capping at 80% at 10 unrest. In also increase Coup d'Etat chances.

Unrest Score range Negative effects
Peaceful 0-1.5 No
Subversion 1.5-3 Yes
Strife 3-4.5
Insurgency 4.5-6
Guerilla War 6-7.5
Insurrection 7.5-9
Civil War 9-10


A nation's GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is a measure of its annual economic output in U.S. dollars adjusted by its purchasing power parity. The nation's GDP determines how many Control Points a nation has, how many Investment Points it produces, and how difficult certain missions are.

GDP (Bn) Control Points
0-90 1
90-600 2
600-2500 3
2500-10000 4
10000-22000 5
22000+ 6

GDP is not directly influenced by economy priority, which affects PPP instead. It must be noted that a significant economic growth in a nation may also carry negative consequences to the planet's climate stability. Unification combines both nation's GDPs.

Per Capita GDP

A Per Capita nation's GDP its its Gross Domestic Product divided by its population. It represents the economic conditions for the average citizen of this nation. Nations with low per-capita GDP will face higher unrest while the people's needs are not met.

Putting investment points into the Economy priority can increase GDP. Conflict, population loss, and climate change are among the things that can cause it to decrease.


Development represents how much monthly Funding, Research, Boost, Mission Control and Investment Points a nation will provide to factions owning Control Points.

Monthly Investment Points

These represent the nation's economic surplus that can be distributed by factions with Control Points in the Priorities tab. The value is set by the nation's GDP and reduced by the number of armies it fields and by high levels of unrest.

  • Unrest decreases Monthly Investment Points by 1% for every 0.1 point of Unrest, capping at -80% at 10 unrest.
  • Navies decrease Monthly Investment Points by 0.5 per navy.
  • Armies stationed in the nation decrease Monthly Investment Points by 0.5 per army.
  • Armies stationed in another nation decrease Monthly Investment Points by 1 per army.


A nation's Military Technology value represents the capability of the nation's armed forces. Each tenth of a point in Miltech represents a 10% improvement in combat capability.

Mitech is increased by Investment Point(s) in the Miltech priority. Unification between two nations balances the Miltech score between the two nations. Miltech applies to both army strength, which changes together with national Miltech level, and regional defence power.

Miltech score ranges from 2 to 8. The Miltech age also determines the visual appearance of armies.

Miltech age Score range
Industrial Age
Army Tech2.png
Atomic Age
Army Tech3.png
Information Age
Army Tech4.png
Robotics Age
Army Tech5.png
Invasion Age
Army Tech6.png
Fusion Age
Army Tech7.png

Initially the Miltech score is capped at level 5, which can be increased by 0.5 with each of the following technologies:

  • Tech info icon.png Cybernetics
  • Tech info icon.png Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Tech material icon.png Next-Generation Aerospace
  • Tech material icon.png Diamondoids
  • Tech military icon.png Terrestrial Military Science
  • Tech military icon.png Networked Global Defense
  • Tech military icon.png Coilguns
  • Tech military icon.png Trans-Interface Warfare
  • Tech military icon.png Future Tech: Military Science


A nation's naval score is calculated by the number of navies it has attached to its armies multiplied by the nation's military technology score.

There are three possible navy states:

  • No Navies: No army has any navy attached.
  • Freedom of the Seas: At least one army has a navy attached and there are no enemies with a higher naval score.
  • Blockaded: At least one army has a navy attached and there are enemies with a higher naval score.

Strategic Nuclear Barrages

The number of strategic nuclear barrages that may be launched from this nation. Each barrage will devastate a single region and cause massive envirnmental damage globally. Nuclear strikes are directd by the faction in control of the executive control point.

Nuclear weapons can target any region belonging to current war enemies, or owned regions with enemy forces present. Note that advanced defenses will prevent any attack.


A nation's Education value is scored based on the average years of schooling of a citizen in this nation. Nations with higher education scores produce more research and are more resistant to extreme propaganda but gain less cohesion from the Unity priority.

Education increases by 0.005 per 2 investment Point(s) in the Knowledge priority.

Education score ranges from 0 to 10:

ICO education.png Education Score range
Limited 0-5
Developing 5-8
Advanced 8-10


A nation's Cohesion represents the level of unity or conflict among the people of the nation. This includes cultural, ideological, ethnic and religious similarities and differences. High values describe a unified society that brooks little deviation or dissent. Middle values represent a diverse society that has both internal conflict and a healthy, creative counterculture. Middle-low values represent a high degree of political polarization, and the lowest values mean the nation's people are fragmented or even tribal.

Cohestion changes by 0.01 towards the value of 5 per to Investment Point(s) in the Knowledge priority.

Cohestion score ranges from 0 to 10:

ICO culture.png Cohesion Score range Effects
Fragmented 0-1 Unrest increases
Fractured 1-2
Sectarian 2-3
Polarized 3-4
Competitive 4-5 Research increases
Diverse 5-6
Integrated 6-7
Homogenous 7-8 Unrest decreases
Ability to resist occupation increases
Dominated 8-9
Hegemonic 9-10
Monolithic 10

Cohesion is lowered by:

  • Medium government score
  • High inequality score
  • Population
  • Regions
  • Loss of armies
  • Difference between public opinion and the faction controlling the control points

Cohesion is centered by:

  • High goverment score
  • Knowledge priority

Cohesion is raised by:

  • Low government score
  • Wars
  • Unity priority
  • Rivalries with nations with a 1 control point difference at most

Public Opinion

The is the public opinion in the nation towards the aliens. Support for a particular ideology grants an influence income to the corresponding faction, and the faction receives bonuses when attempting to gain and maintain control of the nation.

The Public Campaign councilor mission will shift opinion in favor of a faction. Committing atrocities will shift it away from a faction.


A nations Inequality score is a measure of how wealth and income is distributed in the nation. High values mean the nation doesn't have much of a middle class. Inequality grows by a little as a product of normal economic activity (the Economy Priority) or by a lot because of corruption (the Spoils Priority). Resource regions in a nation can contribute to inequality as well. High inequality reduces Cohesion as the nation divides into haves and have-nots.

Inequality changed by -0.005 per 1 Investment Points(s) in the Welface priority.

Inequality score ranges from 0 to 7:

ICO inequality.png Inequality Score range
Very Low 0-2
Low 2-3
Moderate 3-4
High 4-5
Very High 5-6
Extreme 6-7


The settings in the Priorities tab control the distribution of Investmen Points, which represent surplus economic capital generated by the nation.

The owner of each control point may direct a share of investment Points into any number of priorities, either by selecting a present in the dropdown menu or setting them directly by clicking a spot in the grid.

Investment points are distributed by setting weights (0,1,2 or 3) for each priority, and the amount of investment going to a particular priority depends on the total number of weights set for a particular control point.

Investment Points gradually fill buckets for each priority; once filled, the nation receives the effects of that priority, and in most cases it may be filled again.

Some priorities will be highlighted red if they are considered critical to the nation.

Priority Effects IPs Requirements Description
Economy ICO arrow green.png Per Capita GDP
ICO arrow red.png Inequality
ICO arrow red.png Greenhouse Gases
Effects increased by high government score
Effects increased by medium cohesion score
1 The Economy priority represents investments in industry and growth.
Welfare ICO arrow green down.png Inequality
ICO arrow green down.png Greenhouse Gases
1 The Welfare priority represents redistribution of wealth and repairing harm done to the envirnoment.
Knowledge ICO arrow green.png Knowledge
ICO arrow green.png Government
Centers Cohesion score
2 The Knowledge priority covers investments in education and the free flow of information.
Unity ICO arrow green.png Popular Opinion
ICO arrow green.png Cohesion
ICO arrow red down.png Government
Effects increased by low education score
2 The Unity priority represents a national effort to unify the people against a common foe, at the cost of some civil protections for dissenters.
Military ICO arrow green.png Miltech
ICO arrow green down.png Unrest
Effects increased by low unrest score
3 The Military priority represents investments in internal security and military technology.
Spoils ICO arrow green.png Faction Money
ICO arrow red.png Inequality
ICO arrow red.png Greenhouse Gases
ICO arrow red down.png Government
1 Spoils represents the direct extraction of wealth from an economy, accomplised by avoiding the true costs of obtaining it. This covers such behaviors as crime and corruption, regulatory capture and tax avoidance, economic rents unmitigated pollution and exploitation of labor.
Funding ICO arrow green.png Faction Money 1 The Funding priority directs national resources into legitimate government and private efforts to support space programs and other goals for the owners of its control points. While not as profitable as the Spoils priority, it does no harm to the nation.
Nuclear Weapons ICO arrow green.png Strategic Nuclear Barrages
Requires 80 IPs for the first time
25 This priority will add one nuclear barrage to the nation's stockpile.
Spaceflight Program ICO arrow green.png Boost
ICO arrow green.png Unlocks the Boost priority
ICO arrow green.png Unlocks the Mission Control priority
50 Can only be done once This one-time priority, for nations that do not have a domestic spaceflight program at the campaign's start, will unlock the Boost and Mission Control priorities once completed.
Boost ICO arrow green.png Boost
Effects increased by certain Orgs
Effects increased by stations in Low Earth Orbit
Effects increased by equator regions
2 Nation finished the Spaceflight Program priority The Boost priority covers the construction of launch facilities for rockets and other surface-to-orbit craft, increasing the nation's total boost. The amount of boost created increases with proximity to the equator, and new facilities will tend to go in regions that are closer to the equator or already have launch facilities.
Mission Control ICO arrow green.png Mission Control 25 Not Colony Region
Nation or a federation member finished the Spaceflight Program priority
Limited to 6 Mission Control per region (8 for core economic regions)
Completing the Missiong Control priority grants one Mission Control to the nation. New Facilities will tend to go in regions that already have Mission Control facilities.
Build Army ICO arrow green.png Army 60 5 Mn Population
25 Mn Population per army
1 region per army
The Build Army priority will create a new Army in the nation. New Armies will be assigned to higher-numbered Control Points before lower-numbered ones.
Build Navy ICO arrow green.png Navy 100 4 Control Points or 40000 Per Capita GDP The Build Navy priority will add a Navy to an Army, allowing it to cross oceans. New Navies will be assigned to Armies at higher-numbered Control Points first.
Space Defenses ICO arrow green.png Space Defenses 50 Required technology

Direct Investment

Direct Investment allows a faction to purchase Investment Points in a certain priority with Money and Influence. The cost increases with the nation's GDP. If the nation was conquered in war its new owner will not have to pay Influence. Only 200 Investment Points may be purchased each year in any nation.


Each nation requires a certain percentage of Investment Points to be put into the Spoils priority. Failing to provide enough Investment Points into Spoils, shown by the priority becoming red, increases the chance of a coup d'etat. The percentage required is reduced by high scores of Government, Education and Cohesion.

Nations with completed Build Army priority

Nation Armies Navies
Flag United States.png United States of America 6 6
Flag China.png China 4 2
Flag Russia.png Russia 3 1
Flag India.png India 3 0
Flag France.png France 1 1
Flag United Kingdom.png United Kingdom 1 1
Flag Egypt.png Egypt 1 0
Flag Iran.png Iran 1 0
Flag Israel.png Israel 1 0
Flag North Korea.png North Korea 1 0
Flag Pakistan.png Pakistan 1 0
Flag South Korea.png South Korea 1 0
Flag Turkey.png Turkey 1 0

Nations with completed Spaceflight Program priority

The following nations at start have completed at least one Spaceflight Program priority:

Nation Mision Control Facilities (Mision Control) Launch Complexes (Boost)
Flag United States.png United States of America Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (3)
Goddard Space Flight Center (1)
Kennedy Space Center (1)
JPL Spaceflight Operations (1)
Launch Complex 39 (20)
Vandemburg Air Force Base (5)
Wallops Flight Facility (2)
Flag China.png China Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center (2) Xichang Launch Center (7.5)
Jiuquan Launch Center (3)
Taiyuan Launch Center (3)
Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site (1.2)
Flag Russia.png Russia Roscosmos Mission Control Center (3) Plesetsk Cosmodrome (7.5)
Vastochny Cosmodrome (0.8)
Yasny Cosmodrome (0.5)
Flag India.png India Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (2) Satish Dhawan Space Centre (1.2)
Flag France.png France Toulouse Space Centre (1) Centre Spatial Guyanais (13.5)
Flag Japan.png Japan Tsukuba Space Center (1) Tanegashime Space Center (5)
Flag Germany.png Germany Columbus Control Centre (1)
Flag Netherlands.png Benelux European Space Research and Technology Centre (1)
Flag Kazakhstan.png Kazakhstan Baikonur Cosmodrome (30)
Flag Israel.png Israel Tel Aviv Launch Facility (0.1)
Flag Iran.png Iran Semnan Spaceport (0.1)
Flag New Zealand.png New Zealand Mahia Launch Complex (0)
Flag North Korea.png North Korea Tangchang-dong Space Launch Center (0)
Flag South Korea.png South Korea Naro Space Center (0)

Nations with completed Nuclear Weapons priority

The following nations at start have completed at least one Nuclear Weapons priority:

Nation ICO nukes.png Strategic Nuclear Barrages
Flag Russia.png Russia 30
Flag United States.png United States of America 28
Flag China.png China 3
Flag France.png France 3
Flag United Kingdom.png United Kingdom 3
Flag Pakistan.png Pakistan 2
Flag India.png India 2
Flag Israel.png Israel 1
Flag North Korea.png North Korea 1
Flag South Africa.png South Africa 0


Regions are geographic areas that make up a nation.

The tab also includes information about the Boost and Mission Control resources that are based in each region.

The claims column lists other nations that may annex a territory.

Events, combat, councillor activity location and the presence of launch facilities or other installations all occur in a particular region rather than nationwide.

Regions may have the following characteristics:

  • Capital Region: Missions targeting the nation as a whole or its control points will take place here. Conquering the capital of a nation in wartime will trigger regime change and annexation of any claimed territory by its enemies.
  • Colony Region: Colony regions carry a lesser status within their nation, typically due to past imperial behavior by that nation. They contribute less to the national GDP and cannot support armies. Colonial status is lost if the region becomes an independent nation or joins a nation with a similar GDP. A colony region cannot support any mission control.
  • Core Economic Region: Core economic regions grant a bonus to the Economy policy. A core economic region can support a maximum of 8 mission control.
  • Resource Region: Resource regions grant a bonus to the nation's Economy priority, but also cause greater increases in inequality and environmental damage.
  • Rugged: Rugged regions take twice as long for an army to travel through, and offer significant combat bonuses for defending armies.
  • Ecologically Protected Region: These regions, typically in high latitudes in the northern hemisphrere, will not suffer economic loss due to global envirnmental damage.
  • Ecologically Vulnerable Region: Vulnerable regions suffer twice as much economic harm from global envirnmental damage as normal regions.
  • Alien Activity: Some form of alien activity has been detected in this region.
  • Fallout: This area has been struck by nuclear barrages. Regions damaged in this way suffer a permanent loss in population growth due to radiation and contaminated food and water supply.


Some nations have claims on regions that aren't theirs. These are the regions they may acquire through warfare or secession movements. Several social science projects can unlock new claims during the campaign.

Completing certain research projects projects will increase the number of claims.

Control Points

Control Points represent key nodes of political and economic power in a nation. The number of control points is set by the size of the nation's economy. The faction that owns a control point has loyal followers in positions of authority. Control points grant their faction a portion of the nation's critical resources, control over the nation's armies, and the ability to direct economic priorities.

Certain powerful policies, such as joining and leaving federations and merging nations, require Consolidated control of the executive, which means the executive faction either gained control of the nation through war or revolution, or must have held continuous control of the executive point for 180 days.

Once a faction has accumulated a sufficient amount of control in multiple nations, additional control points cost influence per month to maintain, and Crackdown and Purge missions against the faction's control points will receive a bonus. The cost increases with the more control points a faction owns, and the size of the economy of each nation the faction owns control in. Control points that have sustained a Crackdown do not cost any influence to maintain.

Every nation has between 1 and 6 control points, depending on their GDP. The GDP also determines how much influence it costs to hold control of a control point.

Control points come in a variety of types. Their type depends on the national government and other conditions, and provides a related bonus for the faction controlling it.

  • Executive: Enables the Set Policy mission as well as modifying foreign relations. Requires control of another control point first unless it's the only one.
  • Legislature: Bonus to Purge missions in the same nation if the Executive control point is controlled by another faction. Bonus to Purge defense in the same nation if the Executive point is controlled by the same faction.
  • Party: Bonus to Purge missions in the same nation against all control points except the Executive one.
  • Security Apparatus Bonus to Assassinate, Crackdown, Detain Councilor and Extract Councilor missions in the same nation.
  • Bureaucracy: Bonus to Control Nation missions in the same nation.
  • Identity Blocks: Bonus to Increase unrest missions in the same nation.
  • Mass Media: Bonus to Public Campaign missions in the same nation.
  • National Industries: Bonus to Hostile Takeover missions in the same nation.
  • Oligarchs: Bonus to Coup d'Etat missions in the same nation.
  • Regional Authorities: Bonus to Stabilize Nation missions in the same nation.
  • Aristocracy: Bonus to Money gained from the Unity priority in the same nation.
  • Financial Sector: Bonus to Money gained from the Funding priority in the same nation.
  • Religion: Bonus to Public Opinion gained from the Spoils priority in the same nation.
  • Corporations: Orgs based in the same nation cost less money.
  • Trade Unions: Orgs based in the same nation cost less influence.
  • Defense Sector: Owned armies in the same nation repair faster.

Besides CP specific bonuses each faction will also receive a fraction of funding, research, boost, mission control and spoils money produced by the nation. That fraction is equal to a proportion of controlled CPs versus all CPs of a nation.

If there are armies controlled by the nation, getting control of CP may also grant you direct control of said armies. CPs with armies attached to them are shown with yellow star in a green hexagon symbol next to them. If there is more than one army attached to a control point then the number of attached armies is shown over the symbol.

To gain control over a neutral CP one must perform a successful Control Nation mission with one of their councillors. Under normal circumstances, in nations with over 1 CP, executive CP can only be controlled if you already have a point in a nation and it is the last CP to be taken. If every nation has all of their CPs controlled by factions, Control Nation mission becomes unavailable. In that case you would need to perform a successful purge mission on an enemy controlled CP. To increase purge chances, it is recommended to conduct crackdown on these CPs first. Another alternative to Control Nation is Coup d'Etat. It can either be performed with your councillor or happen naturally. Successful Coup d'Etat missions will turn all the CP from that nation to your faction, while Coup d'Etat happening on its own will reset all of CPs in the country to neutral; this allows every faction to conduct Control Nation missions. Coup d'Etat is a lot more likely to be successfully performed or occur in nations with high unrest, so boosting chances often needs Increase Unrest missions beforehand.


Policies are actions the executive faction of a nation can take to dramatically alter the course of the nation. A councillor can use the Set Policy mission to enact policies. Certain policies require the target nation to accept them, the success rate depending on how similar the two nations are. Such policies are always acceptted if the same faction has executive control of both nations. Possible policies are:

Policy Effects Requirements
Declare War Go to war against the rival nation and all its allies with armies or nuclear weapons. Own allies can choose to join the war.
  • Any army
  • Target is a rival
  • Not breakaway nation
Seek Peace End a war against the targeted nation and all its allies.
  • War leader
  • Target is at war with this nation
  • Target nation accepts (can be skipped by controlling its executive control point)
Grant Independence Targeted nation or region becomes independent. Gain control of all its control points.
  • Parent nation of a breakaway nation or another nation has claims on regions controll by this one
  • Consolidated control of the executive control point
Cede Territory Targeted nation gains control of all claimed territories controlled. If there is a rivalry it is ended.
  • Another nation has claims to at least one controlled region
  • If there is only one claimed region it must not have the Capital Region classification
  • Consolidated control of the executive control point
Disband Army Disband one of the nation's armies.
  • Any army
Disband Warheads Remove 5 Strategic Nuclear Barrages from the nation. If the last one is removed also cancel all progress on the nuclear weapons priority.
  • Any strategic nuclear barrage
Declare Independence Removes the breakaway nation state. Go to war against the parent nation. Own allies can choose to join the war.
  • Breakaway nation
  • Target is the parent nation
Leave Federation Leaves the targeted federation.
  • Member of a federation
  • Consolidated control of the executive control point
Federation Create a Federation with the targeted nation, or join their if they're already in one.
  • Allied with the targeted nation for some time
  • Claims to one of the federation's regions or federation has a clain to one of the nation's regions
  • Not a rival or at war with any of the federation's members
  • Not breakaway nation
  • Not already in a federation
  • Consolidated control of the executive control point
  • Target nation accepts (can be skipped by controlling its executive control point)
Unification Both nations unite into a single nation. May cause regions of the joining nation to secede if cohesion is low.
  • Claims to the target nation's capital region
  • Member of the same federation or original nation for some time
  • Consolidated control of the executive control point
  • Consolidated control of the executive control point of the targeted nation
  • Control of all control points in the targeted nation

A symbol of a hand casting a ballot, found in the top right corner of overview screen, prompts a tooltip in which the available national policies are listed. Here one can also find cooldown periods for countries, with whom diplomatic actions may become available after the timer expires.


Federations are groupings of closely aligned nations that are pledged to provide mutual defence and share space program funding and boost. They are led by the predetermined member with the most significant international ambitions.

At the game start date there are two federations:

  • Flag European Union.png European Union: France (lead), Germany, Italy, Spain, Benelux, Alpine States, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Czech Republic, Northern Balkan States, Baltic States, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece
  • Flag Eurasian Union.png Eurasian Union: Russia (lead), Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan

When a federation or unification is created it will have the name and flag of its initial nation. However certain nations will create federations or unifications with unique names and flags.

New Federation / Nation Founding nation
Flag African Union.png African Union Flag Ethiopia.png Ethiopia
Flag Guatemala.png Central American Confederation Flag Guatemala.png Guatemala
Flag Kazakhstan.png Central Asian Union Flag Kazakhstan.png Kazakhstan
Flag Czech Republic.png Czechoslovakia Flag Czech Republic.png Czech Republic
Flag East African Federation.png East African Federation Flag Tanzania.png Tanzania
Flag Eurasian Union.png Eurasian Union Flag Russia.png Russia
Flag European Union.png European Union Flag France.png France
Flag Germany.png Germany Flag Germany.png Germany
Flag Colombia.png Gran Colombia Flag Colombia.png Colombia
Flag UnitedBantuNation.png Great Bantu Free State Flag Angola.png Angola
Flag Indonesia.png Indonesia Flag Indonesia.png Indonesia
Flag Nigeria.png Nigerian Confederation Flag Nigeria.png Nigeria
Flag UnitedNordicStates.png Nordic Federation Flag Sweden.png Sweden
Flag Japan.png Pacific Defense League Flag Japan.png Japan
Flag PanAsian Cooperative.png Pan-Asian Combine Flag China.png China
New Federation / Nation Founding nation
Flag North Korea.png People's Republic of Korea Flag North Korea.png North Korea
Flag Peru.png Peruvian Confederation Flag Peru.png Peru
Flag Taiwan.png Republic of China Flag Taiwan.png Taiwan
Flag South Korea.png Republic of Korea Flag South Korea.png South Korea
Flag Republic Of The Southern Cross.png Republic of the Southern Cross Flag Australia.png Australia
Flag Slavic Commonwealth.png Slavic Commonwealth Flag Poland.png Poland
Flag South American Union.png South American Union Flag Bolivia.png Bolivia
Flag Southeast Asian Alliance.png Southeast Asian Alliance Flag Thailand.png Thailand
Flag Tamazgha.png Tamazgha Flag Algeria.png Algeria
Flag Turkestan.png Turkestan Flag Turkey.png Turkey
Flag United Arab League.png United Arab League Flag Egypt.png Egypt
Flag United Kingdom.png United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom.png United Kingdom
Flag Malaysia.png United Malay Nation Flag Malaysia.png Malaysia
Flag United States of NorthAmerica.png United States of North America Flag United States.png United States of America
Flag Yugoslavia.png Yugoslavia Flag Serbia.png Southern Balkan States

Foreign Relations

Relations view

The Relations tab describes the relations between different nations.

  • Allies are nations that will support this nation when attacked, and may hold a policy vote to join a war started by this nation. Allies may host one another's armies as well.
  • Rivals are nations with which this nation may go to war.

Changes in relations between nations are accomplished by policy votes, which may be initiated by a councilor or by the nation itself. Actions that improve relations also trigger a cooldown between the nations for improving relations again.

There are a few restrictions on who can ally and become rivals. Two nonadjacent nations with only one or two control points may not form alliances or rivalries unless one also has a navy. Nations allied with breakaway nations cannot ally with the breakaway's parent nation, and vice versa.

Improving relations requires the consent of the targeted nation. This can be skipped by controlling the executive control points in both nations.

Hovering over the alliance option will also show the detailed requirements for federation and unification.

Breakaway Nations

Nations that secend from another nations become breakaway nations. Breakaway nations are always Rivals with their parent nations and cannot declare wars, join wars or join federations. Allies of breakaway nations are also always Rivals with the parent nation. This state can be ended by either the breakaway nation using the Declare Independence policy or the parent nation using the Grant Independence policy.

When the game starts there is only one breakaway nation - Taiwan.