Console Commands

From Terra Invicta Official Wiki
Revision as of 15:01, 9 October 2022 by Kami-sama (talk | contribs)

The game's console can be enabled by editing the following file in the game's folder with a text editor: TerraInvicta_Data\StreamingAssets\Templates\TIGlobalConfig.json

In the second half there is the following line: "debug_ConsoleActive": false,. Set it to true and save the file. Note that certain game updates might overwrite the file, requiring another edit.

The console can be opened with the ~ key. Commands are not case-sensitive but the parameters are.

Command Effect Parameters Example
help Lists all commands help
addscouncilresources Adds all faction resources to the player faction amount addcouncilresources 100
addspaceresources Adds all space resources to the player faction amount addspaceresources 100
addresource Adds a certain resource to a faction resource,amount,faction internal name addresource Money,100,SubmitCouncil
giveresource Adds a certain resource to a faction resource,amount,faction internal name giveresource Money,100,SubmitCouncil
completeobjective Completes the written objective for the player faction objective internal name completeobjective ResearchExotics
givealltechs Completes all global research and gives the faction all council engineering projects
Warning: campaign will require using the completeobjective command to proceed unless already at final objective
faction internal name givealltechs ResistCouncil
givecp Gives an unonwned control point in the chosen nation to a faction nation name,faction internal name givecp Afghanistan,ResistCouncil
killstate Kills the selected army, councilor, fleet or habitat killstate
nuke Launches a strategic nuclear barrage in the selected nation nuke
propaganda Completes a Public Opinion mission on every nation for a faction faction internal name,strength (optional) propaganda ResistCouncil,10
prospect Prospscts a celestial body celestial body prospect Ganymede
revealsites Prospects all celestial bodies revealsites
regimechange Triggers a regime change for the player faction in the selected nation regimechange
sight Reveals all current alien phenomena sites sight
watchfactions Reveals all factions' objectives and council engineering projects watchfactions
alieninfo Writes all resources and the next purchase of the aliens alieninfo
dumpfleetgoal Writes the mission of the selected fleet dumpfleetgoal
musicinfo Writes music info musicinfo
setmusicvolume Sets the music volume amount setmusicvolume 2

Factions have the following internal names:

Faction Internal name
Humanity First DestroyCouncil
Project Exodus EscapeCouncil
The Academy CooperateCouncil
The Initiative ExploitCouncil
The Protectorate AppeaseCouncil
The Resistance ResistCouncil
The Servants SubmitCouncil
Aliens AlienCouncil