Game Modes

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Revision as of 08:45, 7 April 2024 by Aether (talk | contribs) (→‎Horde)
The three game modes

Sons of Valhalla features three game modes: Campaign, Raya's Escape and Horde. Each game mode has its own mechanics and goals.


The map layout of most campaign lands

The campaign is made up of multiple lands. Each land is composed of a few cities always separated by an outpost. The enemy will always start in control of the entire map aside from Thorald's city but enemy cities still need to build themselves at the beginning.

Gold.png Gold and upgrades for Thorald will be carried between the lands. Upgrades to units and other resources will not.


  1. Right before Thorald's city there is a crate you can open to gain a rune and some gold
  2. The first outpost is a Farm protected by the miniboss Scarecrow
  3. After the first outpost there is an altar you can release
  4. At the middle of the map you need to conquer the second city
  5. The second outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Fire Devil
  6. At the end of the map you need to breach the third city and then enter Valgard's hall
  7. Inside Valgard's hall you will face Valgard in a boss fight

Bishop Elmold

The Shaman's hut.png Shaman's Hut city building is unlocked at the beginning of the land.

  1. Right after Thorald's city there is a barrel and a crate you can open to gain some resources
  2. Past the gate of the first outpost is a bear ally you can free by attacking the chains
  3. The first outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Fur Trader
  4. Next you will need to conquer the second city
  5. The second outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Priest Master
  6. After the second outpost there is an altar you can release
  7. Next you will need to conquer the third city
  8. The third outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Graveyard Keeper
  9. At the end of the map you need to breach the fourth city and then enter Bishop Elmold's church
  10. Inside Bishop Elmold's church you will face Bishop Elmold in a boss fight


The Berserk.png Berserk unit is unlocked at the beginning of the land.

  1. Right after Thorald's city there is a barrel and a crate you can open to gain some resources and a chest you can open to gain a rune
  2. The first outpost is a Cave protected by the miniboss Tribal Leader
  3. Next you will need to conquer the second city
  4. After the second city there is an altar you can release and a chest next to it
  5. The second outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Slave Trader
  6. Next you will need to conquer the third city
  7. The third outpost is a Butcher protected by the miniboss Butcher
  8. At the end of the map you need to breach the fourth city and then enter Bloodhound's fortress
  9. Inside Bloodhound's fortress you will face Bloodhound in a boss fight

Sir William

The Shieldmaiden.png Shieldmaiden unit is unlocked at the beginning of the land.

  1. Right after Thorald's city there is a crate you can open to gain some silver and gold
  2. The first outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Little Man
  3. Next you will need to conquer the second city
  4. After the second city there is an altar you can release
  5. The second outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Quarry Giant
  6. Next you will need to conquer the third city
  7. The third outpost is a Forest Camp protected by the miniboss Trainer
  8. At the end of the map you need to breach the fourth city and then enter Sir William's arena
  9. Inside Sir William's arena you will face Sir William in a boss fight

King's Castle


This section and everything that comes afterwards has been left deliberately empty. Info will be added at a later date. For now, play the game and find out :)

Raya's Escape

In Raya's Escape you play as Raya, who uses stealth mechanics. Difficulty can be selected but it has no effect in Raya's Escape.

  • Raya must stay in the shadows so she won't be discovered.
  • Her ranged weapons are Water Pouch and Clay Pot. Both will draw guards towards the impact point. Water Pouch will also extinguish fires and torches so guards can't spot Raya.
  • Some guards are sleeping and will not notice Raya if she is sneaking. To sneak, use the dodge button.
  • The interaction button will make Raya to stick to the wall so guards passing by won't notice her.
  • Some doors are locked and requires Raya to find the key. There are two keys: a copper key and a silver key.
  • If Raya is killed the game will reload from her last equipment restock.
  • The solution to the ropes puzzle is 1-2-3-3.


In horde mode Thorald and his city must withstand an endless number of enemies that come in waves. This mode does not have difficulty settings. It has the following gameplay differences from campaign lands:

  • Thorald cannot resurrect if he is killed.
  • The map is empty aside from Thoral's city.
  • Unit limit is increased to 100.
  • All rune slots are unlocked.
  • All units and buildings are unlocked.
  • Buildings produce units and upgrades instantly.
  • Every 45 seconds a wave of enemies will attack.
  • Defeating each wave will let you choose one of 3 random runes.
  • Game is saved after defeating each wave instead of when restocking equipment.
  • Every 5 waves the enemies will be joined by a miniboss which will give Gold.png Gold when defeated.
  • After wave 10 siege weapons will be included in waves.
  • After wave 20 Epic runes will begin to appear.
  • After wave 25 Legendary runes will begin to appear.