The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.


From Manor Lords Official Wiki
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Les Censives offrent des espaces de vie et sont l'un des principaux bâtiments de Manor Lords. Les Censives utilisent un système flexible et nécessitent 2 Bois par bâtiment. Une Censive peut avoir une extension. Plusieurs extensions existent qui produisent de la nourriture ou des ressources. Certains extensions, comme la Pommeraie ou la Forge, nécessitent que le joueur utilise un point de développement avant d'être construits. Les censives sont centrales pour gagner des points de Développement.


Les Censives sont la seules sources permanentes d'habitation dans le jeu, avec la Censive standard qui n'a qu'un emplacement. Chaque emplacement ne peut qu'accueillir qu'une seule famille, comprise de plusieurs individus. Elles nécessitent 2 Bois à placer et ont un placement libre. Cela permet plusieurs Censives d'êtres placées simultanément de différentes formes.

Chaque Censive requiert des ressources qui peuvent être achetées sur le Marché par un résident de la Censive, remplissant le besoin en nourriture ou carburant de chaque habitation.

Les Censives de niveau 2 peuvent contenir de l'armement pour les miliciens dans l'habitation, ainsi 2 de chaque armes et armures peuvent être stockés en même temps dans la maison.

Les Censives font partie du système de points de Développement, car elles sont requises pour l'obtention d'un point. Chaque niveau de village nécessite un certain nombre de Censives de niveau 1, 2 et 3.


En satisfaisant les différents besoins pour le niveau suivant, les Censives peuvent être améliorées au niveau 3 maximum, en payant avec des ressources et/ou de la Richesse Locale. Un plus haut niveau contribue au progrès du joueur pour l'amélioration de son village et globalement augmente le gain apporté par la Censive.

All burgage plots that are not large enough to fit two homes but can fit one can be upgraded to include one more living space. This upgrade requires two timber to construct.



Level Cost Amenities Market supply
2 4 timber Water access
Through a well, only one needed per region to satisfy requirement.
Church level
Fuel stall supply
Food stall supply
At least two different types of food supplied in the marketplace.
Clothing stall supply
Enough supply of any of the following: yarn, linen, leather.
3 25 Regional Wealth
4 timber
8 planks
4 rooftiles
Water access
Tavern supply
Needs a consistent supply of ale.
Church level
Fuel stall supply
Food stall supply
At least three different types of food supplied in the marketplace.
Clothing stall supply
Enough supply of the following: yarn, linen, or leather; and shoes, clothes, or cloaks.

Level 1

All plots placed down initially start off as level one burgage plots. These plots can be upgraded to have certain backyard extensions for Regional Wealth. Level one burgage plots can hold 15 items in its generic storage and 25 items in its pantry, but cannot store any armaments. Base burgage plots have one living space, but like all plots that meet the required size, can be upgraded to add an additional living space.

A level three home with the bakery extension.

Level 2

Upon upgrading to the second level, the home will undergo a construction phase. Following the completion of construction, the building will become noticeably taller and better kept. Level two plots can now hold 45 things in its generic storage and 75 foodstuffs in its pantry. Upgrading to the second level also unlocks the rest of the backyard extension options. Level two plots also begin generating one Regional Wealth per month.

Level 3

Level three homes are even larger and taller than level two homes, with it being able now to hold 150 items in the generic storage and pantry. These homes are now able to generate two Regional Wealth monthly and can support an extra living space.


If a burgage plot has enough space backwards, it can support a backyard extension, which will add extra functionality to the building. Backyard extensions that require burgage plot level two will convert all inhabitants to artisans, locking them from being assigned other jobs. If they have multiple production options only one can be chosen. Level one backyard extensions can be replaced, but level two and three ones cannot.

Backyard extension Required level Cost Produces Required development branch
Vegetable Garden 1 15 Regional Wealth Vegetables (yields depend on plot size)
Chicken Coop 1 25 Regional Wealth Eggs
Goat Shed 1 25 Regional Wealth Hides
Apple Orchard 1 50 Regional Wealth Apples (September only, yield is reduced for the first 3 years) Orchardry
Bowyer's Workshop 2 4 planks Warbows from planks
Joiner's Workshop 2 4 planks Wooden parts from planks
Small shields from planks
Large shields from planks
Brewery Extension 2 5 planks
5 Regional Wealth
Ale from malt
Cobbler's Workshop 2 5 planks
5 Regional Wealth
Shoes from leather
Tailor's Workshop 2 5 planks
5 Regional Wealth
Clothes from linen and dyes
Cloaks from yarn and dyes
Gambesons from linen
Blacksmith's Workshop 2 5 planks
5 Regional Wealth
Tools from iron Slabs
Sidearms from iron slabs
Spears from iron slabs and planks
Polearms from iron slabs and planks
Bakery Extension 2 5 planks
5 Regional Wealth
Bread from flour (twice as efficient as the communal oven) Bakeries
Armorer's Workshop 2 4 planks
10 Regional Wealth
Helmets from iron slabs
Mail armor from iron slabs (requires Advanced Armormaking)
Player armor from iron slabs (requires Master Armormaking)
Basic Armoring