The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

User:76561199218134152/Manor Lords Official Wiki v2

From Manor Lords Official Wiki
Welcome to the Official Manor Lords Wiki,
the best wiki for all things Manor Lords.

This wiki, with its 93 articles (3,616 total pages), 116 files, and 10,090 edits, is maintained by a dedicated team of editors and translators.

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About the Game

Manor Lords is a medieval strategy game released on April 26, 2024 and created by solo developer Greg Styczeń and published by Hooded Horse. Manor Lords is a medieval strategy game featuring in-depth city building, large-scale tactical battles, and complex economic and social simulations.

Rule your lands as a medieval lord—the seasons pass, the weather changes, and cities rise and fall. Become a medieval manor lord, attract new families, and build new buildings for them, all while trying to stop Baron Hildebolt from gaining too much power. Unlock new development points to further your settlements. Begin producing ale, start taxing your villagers and the church, conquer other regions, start new villages, and so much more.

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Quisque maximus turpis quis velit sollicitudin, nec accumsan ante placerat. Proin quis turpis accumsan, elementum est sodales, dapibus odio. Maecenas lobortis dui in cursus egestas. Nulla malesuada mauris et ante maximus, in elementum lorem varius. Fusce scelerisque ligula ac mi congue, in tincidunt nisi feugiat. Morbi elementum, dolor id iaculis iaculis, massa velit euismod ex, a scelerisque odio mi ac velit. Morbi congue varius tortor, vitae accumsan massa rhoncus sit amet.

Did you know...
  • that roads can be built on top of each other?
  • that the fall is when crops are harvested on the fields?
  • that the fall is when crops are harvested on the fields?
  • that roads can be built on top of each other?
  • that sheep breeding is capped at one lamb per every ten days?


Manor Lords News
Current version: 0.7.975
June 11, 2024
Version 0.7.975 is released, bringing many bugfixes and minor changes.
May 31, 2024
Version 0.7.972 is released, resulting in many major changes to the trading system and balancing aspects of the game.
April 26, 2024
Manor Lords is released to the public in early access.

While the wiki is currently not open to all for contributions, you can help edit the wiki when we begin accepting new editors again. When this occurs, it will be announced in the Official Manor Lords Discord Server's channel dedicated to the wiki. But in the meantime, take some time to familiarize yourself with editing with these resources.